Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Psychological warfare and cognative dissonance!

As I have written on my Facebook page, I am totally exasperated by the enormity of utter ignorance of the liberal elite and of those in academia who fail to do "Due Diligence" and to learn the truth of the enemies you are facing.
In my distant past we once called these "blank slate" fools FNG's and to survive you steered far away from them.

Years ago I learned that one must learn the society the culture and the historical background of those who stand as your enemy.

As such when I come upon items like this short video out take of the US Senate hearings where U.S. Senator for Missouri, Josh Hawley, exposes the utter absurdity of Arab American Maya Berry who is the Co-Chair of the so-called “Hate Crimes Task Force.”

For all my acquaintances on Facebook and specifically those Jews in the USA who just "Hate Donald Trump" and are intending to vote for Kamala Harris and the Democrats.
I ask you in ALL CANDOR to watch this video of the US Senate hearings (TO THE END)!!

As you pro Kamala Harris at "any cost" Democrats watch the video note this "Tweet" in "X" by Gary Goldstein @GaryGol88424403

"Did any one of the 34 Jewish Democrats in Congress say anything remotely as powerful as Senator Hawley? I haven't heard a peep in 11 months."

I ask of ALL those who watch and LISTEN to the end to enlighten me, I await you comments, what you are doing within the framework of the "Democratic Party" to oust these blatant not "anti-Semites" haters of the Jewish people who are members of Academia who are abject distorters of facts!!

Maya Berry the Co-Chair of the so-called “Hate Crimes Task Force.” states that the demonstrations on US College campuses where about "National Organic Human rights movement.
How the educators on American campuses are "educating the youth of America" with the UTTERLY FALSE and mendacious "Palestinian Narrative" of woe!!
These "Educators" are instilling the wide spread support (read instigation of anti-Israel Hatred) the "targeting of Human Rights of the Palestinians".

During the Senate hearing Maya Berry is asked to explain a banner that states "Long Live the Intifada", which in the root naive meaning of the word means to; "shake off", as if dust from a cloth.
It's a term Arabic speakers used during the uprising against Sadam Hussein to describe; "any kind of social uprising aimed at shaking off an oppressive system."

What she fails to note like many of the "intellectual elite" is the sinister meaning that evolved in the post Oslo Accord peace failure when the "Shebab"- the members of the younger generation of Palestinians, who rose up against the overly corrupt Palestinian Leadership under Yasser Arafat and his cronies in the "Palestinian Authority".

Arafat and his cronies of his Palestinian Authority security quickly diverted the focus of the hatred of the "Sheba" to Israel. Arafat accomplished his goal by means of arrests and torture of anti-Fatah (PLO) activists.

In his speeches to them, in Arabic, and with the overly brutal use of his cronies of Fatah security. Arafat "convinced" the "Shebab" to focus their hate and anger towards the Jews.
In his speech’s he states time and time again of the Islamic concept of hudna, the extended ceasefire to deceive the gullible "Peace Now" "Two State" enthusiasts left wing Jews.
Arafat spoke of his "plan" to achieve "final victory" over the "Hated Zionists" who had to be annihilated.
Because of the success of his "Hudna", which he achieved with the help of the Oslo Accords that granted him and his Fatah the right to return to the "West Bank" and Gaza.
He found he needed to create massive support within his "Palestinian controlled Areas" so he sat out to convert the "Shebab" youth.
He changed the focus of the hatred of "no hope for the future", stagnation, unemployment and widespread corruption by instituting the #Pay4Slay program of payments for encouraging and incentivizing terrorism and the use of suicide bombers.

Therefore the "understood" meaning of the term Intifada (Arabic: انتفاضة) became a "watchword" not only for a rebellion or uprising, or a resistance movement but as Arafat stated the total annihilation of the Jewish State.

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