Saturday, February 2, 2019

The Vilification of Israel

President Mahmoud Abbas recently gave a ludicris lengthy history lecture reaching back to year 1635, in front of  hundreds of  Palestinian Central Council members saying that "Oliver Cromwell had first proposed shipping European Jews to the Holy Land", before tracing the beginning of Zionism to what he called the 19th-century journalist and activist Theodor Herzl’s efforts to “wipe out Palestinians from Palestine.
  “This is a colonial enterprise that has nothing to do with Jewishness,” Mr. Abbas said. “The Jews were used as a tool under the concept of the promised land — call it whatever you want. Everything has been made up.” President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority from Palestinian Authority Chief Calls Oslo Accords ‘Dead’ and Rails at U.S By David M. Halbfinger Jan. 14, 2018 
Gen. Alexander Sakharovsky, the head of Soviet foreign intelligence, had been struck by Ho Chi Minh’s success with left-wing sympathizers in the United States and Europe. Sakharovsky saw just how enthusiastically young college student activists on American campuses were following the North Vietnamese revolutionary "dezinformatsiya line" in re-framing the Vietnam war from a Communist assault on the south to a struggle for national liberation.
Sakharovsky saw in the American evening news broadcasts, just how  “Progressive” college activists on American campuses had risen up and enthusiastically began following the line of North Vietnamese operatives.

Ion Mihai Pacepa, former acting chief of Communist Romania’s espionage " defined dezinformatsiya in his book Red Horizons" (1987);
"Disinformation and Historical negationism includes falsifying information, obscuring the truth, and lying in order to manipulate public opinion about the historical event discussed in the revised history. The negationist historian applies the techniques of deception to achieve either a political or an ideological goal, or both. The field of history distinguishes among history books based upon credible, verifiable sources, and were peer-reviewed before publication; and deceptive history books, based upon incredible sources, and which were not submitted for peer review.  The distinction among types of history-book rests upon the research techniques used in writing a history. Verifiability, accuracy, and openness to criticism are central tenets of historical scholarship. When these techniques are sidestepped, the presented historical information might be deliberately deceptive, a "revised history"." 
Through the use of "dezinformatsiya" the North Vietnamese had succeeded  in re-framing the Vietnam War from a Communist conquest of the South into a struggle for national liberation.
During Yasser Arafat's visit to Hanoi in 1970,Arafat eagerly met with Ho’s chief strategist, Võ Nguyên Giáp, a General in the Vietnam People's Army and a politician. Giáp, made it clear to Arafat and Khalil Ibrahim al-Wazir - "Abu Jihad" that in order to succeed, they too needed to redefine the terms of the Palestinian struggle inorder to mobilize left-wing sympathizers in Europe and the United States to their cause.“Stop talking about annihilating Israel and instead turn your terror war into a struggle for human rights. Then you will have the American people eating out of your hand.”
Giap’s counsel was simple but profound: the PLO needed to adopt the KGB  dezinformatsiya ploy in a way that would conceal its real goals of the annihilation of the State of Israel. The dezinformatsiya campaign permitted strategic deception, yet gave the appearance of moderation.
During this period Arafat was also being tutored by Muhammad Yazid, who had been minister of information in two Algerian wartime governments (1958-1962):
“Wipe out the argument that Israel is a small state whose existence is threatened by the Arab states, or the reduction of the Palestinian problem to a question of refugees; instead, present the Palestinian struggle as a struggle for liberation like the others. Wipe out the impression …that in the struggle between the Palestinians and the Zionists, the Zionist is the underdog. Now it is the Arab who is oppressed and victimized in his existence because he is not only facing the Zionists but also world imperialism.”
The new approach has become wildly successful, especially with the moderate Left, which had generally supported the somewhat socialist state of Israel. The Arab propaganda machine really revved up the vilification of Israel after the UN "Zionist = Racism" speech as par of  Arafat's "Negation of Israel Plan". In his speech Arafat laid the ground work for the inversion of the world's perception of the Middle East: transforming tiny Israel from its natural role of "David" against the massive Arab population and lands, to one of "Goliath" against the "stateless," "oppressed," and "occupied" Palestinians by the KGB system of "dezinformatsiya".
The consequential UN recognition of Israel as a “Racist State” was made possible by the growing number of ex-colonial countries; 57 nation members of the,” Organization of Islamic Cooperation”and the 22 nation members of the, “Arab League.”

At the 2001UN conference in the ex-British colony of South Africa Durban Conference on Racism. The South Africa communist sympathizers and the Palestinians nefariously added the potent element of racism to the anti-colonialist label of Zionism.
In the US the full horror of it's past Civil War and racist history had been coming to the surface after the election of the first African American to the White House.

With the fatal shooting of Michael Brown by police officer Darren Wilson on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri. The sin and guilt in the larger white society of the racisim was amplified after Ferguson and the once close Jewish American relationship began to disppear because of the animoity towards American Jewish support for Israel. In this tense time it has not been difficult for anti-Israel Leftists- anti-Zionistic Students -specifically the anti-Zionistic Jews and Afro-American enemies to blame Israel for the woes of the Afro-Americans by linking assistance for US Police forces as  to make anti-Zionism almost a religion on the Left, especially on college campuses.

An ADL press release states; "National Counter-Terrorism Seminar (NCTS) enables Israel’s counterterrorism experts to share their knowledge and lessons learned, to help American law enforcement better protect America, and prevent us from having to learn the same lessons the hard way,”
According to Ebony magazine; "These operations reflect failure to distinguish between the apparent duty of police to protect civilians and military responses to war. This fusion has had life-costing implications for Americans, specifically black, Muslim and Arab people."

Arafat, who had been advised by his KGB controllers to add more fraudulent analogies to the repression of  the “Occupied” Arabs by Israel as a racist country,
readily embraced yet another especially odious, malicious and ruinous equivocation for the Liberal leftist students to adopt. The idea of Jews who began to built towns and residential areas in the "Disputed Territories" of Judaea and Shomron- aka the "West Bank" as “settlers and colonialists”.

Israel was now presented as not only denying Palestinians their rights as "occupiers", but as doing so out of an essential racism . The false analogy with South African apartheid was pushed and similar remedies were proposed: de-legitimization, boycotts, divestment, etc.
The concept of “settler colonialism” associated with the Apartheid idea was contorted and perverted by the Palestinians, the post 1967 Six Day War  in a unique vehemence against Israel.

The idea to equivocate Israel as a settler-colonial idea deserves attention for three reasons:
  • its comparatively a recent adoption by Palestinians and their advocates; 
  • its broader currency in the academy; 
  • and its obvious and ironic falsity.
The idea of Jews as “settler-colonialists” can be factually and historically easily disproved. A wealth of  new genetic evidence demonstrates that Jews are indeed the indigenous population of the "Southern Levant". There is ample historical documentation -actual texts and archaeological proof that places the Jewish people there for over 2,000 years ago. By means of archeology there is indisputable evidence of continual residence of Jews in the region.
The evidence is so copious and so incontrovertible, even to historians of antiquity and writers of religious texts, some of whom were Judeophobes, that disconnecting Jews from the Southern Levant is inconceivable to deny the proof that Jews are the indigenous population.

Palestinian Mufti, Haj Amin al-Husseini, who had been an admirer of Hitler since the 1930’s, had started adopting traditional European anti-Semitic themes in his youth. It wouldn’t be unfair to say that many Palestinians and other Arabs took to this European virulent anti-Jewish hatred like ducks to water.
The fictional illusion, from the antisemitic Arabic version of the Czarist "Best Seller" the infamous "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", of the massive power of international  Zionism. Serves as an explanation for the otherwise ‘inexplicable’ humbling of the Arabs at the hands of the numerically inferior "Dhimmi" Jews in 1948 and 1967.

A spike in antisemitism occured after the infamous "Holocaust denial conference" or a "meeting of Holocaust deniers" December 11, 2006, in Tehran, Iran. The conference was described as "an attempt to cloak anti-Semitism in scholarly language."
Ex-Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, was the instigator of the The International Conference to Review the Global Vision of the Holocaust described the Holocaust as a "myth" invented to justify the occupation of Palestinian land. He had expressed his view to conference participants that "Israel must be  wiped out from the map" and "But just as the USSR disappeared, soon the Zionist regime will disappear."
Among those who attended the most prominent among those attending were:
  • David Dukes a prominent American racist, white supremacist, white nationalist politician, white separatist, antisemitic conspiracy theorist, Holocaust denier, convicted felon, and former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.   
  • Moshe Aryeh Friedman who participated in the International Conference stating, "I am not a denier of the Holocaust, but I think it is legitimate to cast doubt on some statistics.",
  • Robert Faurisson-a British-born French academic who became best known for Holocaust denial. 
  • Gerald Fredrick Töben- a German-born Australian citizen who was director and founder of the Adelaide Institute, a Holocaust denial group in Australia.
  • Richard Krege, 
  • Michèle Renouf  is an Australian-born British political activist. She is known for her defence of Holocaust deniers and she has described Judaism as a "repugnant and hateful religion."
  • Ahmed Rami is a Moroccan-Swedish writer and Holocaust denier
  • and Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss of Neturei Karta 
As noted recently by the rise of antisemitism -fanatical anti-Jewish jealousy,  world wide hatred and resentment of Jews is much easier to develop and sustain than liking for "Palestinians".

Regretfully, anti-Zionism may not be antisemitism to some, especially those Jews who reject the notion of the modern State of Israel. As we have seen in recent street demonstrations many of those demonstrating are anti-Zionistic Jews who are brainwashed and duped backers of the dezinformatsiya campaign. They are members of anti-Israel groups like "Ladies in Pink" or the "Students Voice for Palestine" and their naive reponse is that “any criticism of Israel is branded as anti-Semitism”, and that therefore they are being ‘muzzled’, prevented from expressing their legitimate political views.

There are even those critics of Israel who have gone so far to usurp the term antisemitism which was coined expressly to denote hatred of Jews. 
As a result of all that I have mentioned here, one can find that vile hatred and despisal of Jews is inextricably bound up with the anti-Zionism of the Palestinians, the Arab nations, and especially the Iranians.
To many hate-filled antisemites, white aryan racists immersed in their Neo-Nazi philosophy version of antisemitism they have compared the Jewish people to vermit or a virus to make it more acceptable to erradicate us.