Friday, December 25, 2020

The "Whitewashing" of Chanukah

There are those Jews in name only among us who are spiteful, hate filled and utterly irresponsible who do their best to show THEIR "Not me" I am NOT a Zionist Jew.
These are the ones who instead of talking about us as one people, want to divide us instead. They rush to divide us along the colour of our skin or where our grandparents were born. They want to pit secular Jews against Orthodox Jews, just like they pit the "White" European Ashkenazi Jews against the "Darker" "Jews of Arab lands" Mizrachi Jew against each other as if we are not of the same family of DNA, which in reality what we really are. 
Face it, the fact is Jews are Jews - and it doesn't matter if you born in Israel or Iraq or New York or London or a small village in the middle of Ethiopia. 

Yet, despite the many cultural differences, our greatest strength lies first and foremost in our Judaism. It also lies within in our shared history, our shared nationhood, our stories and our birthright. 

During the "Christmas season" across the world there are many "beloved" celebrities, newscasters, members of the "Mass media" and government representatives who trip over themselves to "make a showing" by wishing their "accepted assimilated Jews" a happy secular "Hanukkah", TOTALLY oblivious to the true historical story the real Hanukkah is based on. 

Oh how gleefully happy these politicians and celebrities' are to "trot out" their "token court Jews"!! Be it their husband or wives of assimilated marriages, these "Mischlings" of history.

They glorify themselves in the age old story of Hellenization; the movement to neutralize and remove the religion of Judaism to allow assimilation in order to be "accepted"  among their peers! Their "white washing", of "Chanukah" version IS the age old story of denial of Zionism and Judaism. 

For them, their narrative negates the significance of Zion (Israel) while extolling the blatant and perverse demonization of a Land they claim has no relation to them. And because of this perverse negation, many of them have joined forces with the sick vile hate filled anti-Semites anti-Israel crowd believing that acceptance as one of the haters will one day save them just like those Jews who served as Kapos in the Ghettos and death camps! 

For them to admit that they are Jews and to realize that as Jews we all have always been "outsiders" is too much to bear. 
Just like the "enlightened" and well to do assimilated Jews of Western Europe in the 19th and pre Nazi era 20th century distained their "old world" Orthodox Zionistic cousins of the "Pale of Settlement.
For them to admit they to are connected to the the indigenous people of Eretz Yisrael may call into question the truth of their residence as strangers in different lands.  

For more than two millennium mass persecutions and death where wrought upon us Jews as the "outsiders" who refused to acknowledge "His" existence-their "savior" -Yahsuah the Messiah Jesus, who as an indigenous Jew was a Judean. A "Jew" born in Bethlehem, Zion-Eretz Yisrael. 

For centuries THIS part of the story was suppressed or left unspoken to the masses. For to admit that their "Savior" was first and foremost a Jew called a rabbi by his followers would go against their joyful willingness to butcher the "Jews" for more than two millennium. Just like the denial of the Jewish right to exist as a free people in "OUR" homeland and our forced expulsion.  

For to acknowledge "OUR right" to exist as a free people in "OUR" indigenous homeland would be an acknowledgment to admit that Jesus was first and foremost a Jew born in Bethlehem. 

Now, there is the "burden" of the tale of the Tragedy Tourists of Nachba fame. 

The fable of the so called Palestinians who since the late 1960's have hijacked the sympathy of the world and it's spotlight of misery to be focused only on them. These manipulators of the media with their mendacious lies and "falestinian dezinformatsiya",  gained control over the UN and have used the world media to milk the nations of the world for billions of EURO's and Dollars  supposedly for their people whilst in reality their leaders and their cronies have reaped the benefits without any monitoring as to WHERE the monies disappeared.

Therefore, is it no wonder the Tragedy Tourists of Nachba fame and their duped minions are so busy trying to "steal" Jesus as a  "Palestinian" so as to continue the denial of the truth that they are the true usurpers of OUR Jewish homeland.
All the while the JINO's of the world will continue their dance of appeasement.