Friday, October 4, 2024

Anti-Trump Schizophrenia

In recent days my news feed has been full of what I see as hopelessly desperate pro- "Democratic Party" virulently -bordering on profound Schizophrenic madness - "anti-Trumpsters" so totally out of their minds in hate filled comments.

What annoys me the most are those comments by fellow "Jews" many of whom are JINOs -some from the anti-Zionist camp are beyond the availability of lexical description. All of whom are highly apparent sufferers of profound TDS whose hatred of Donald J Trump is such that they have turned on "US" Israelis as though "WE" Israelis Jews are responsible for their affliction and madness!

Many begin with utterly rude comments as though we too are not Americans who grew up in America. Comments like this recent one regarding: (his) "my" beautiful country."

So here for the record, as someone who over the past nearly fifty years has watched from afar UNTAINTED by an American News media corrupted by a KGB Inspired DEZINFORMATSIYA campaign how MY BEAUTIFUL and BELOVED Home country has been consumed from within.

Here is my reply, to all those self-hating Jews, many of whom are as I mentioned anti-Zionists and full of hate for “US” in Israel because we represent to them an obstacle to their embracement by the Liberal, colored haired, ID by Pronouns, ostriches of Kumbayaism- in short KAPOs.

I have news for you, American is NOT just YOUR country!

As a very patriotic American "Heart of Dixie" Southern Born “Driving Miss Daisy (100%) reform secular JEW. America IS also MY country.

As a VERY proud FLAG WAVING -National Anthem singer-who DOES know the words and WHERE and by Whom they were written! I tell you to stop your myopic view -inspired by the Dezinformatsiya campaign of "Orangeman Bad" and see what the fxxk is REALLY happening!!!

Unlike YOU I SEE the truth and I CHECK the documented facts! AND I do NOT go by news relayed by “Big name” “News celebrities” who failed history in Junior high school!

Idiots who rely on their “teleprompts” and “script writers” who themselves failed to do the very basic “Due Diligence” of the once vaunted trade of journalism! Oh, so many times biased I see the names of the sources and realize immediately their words are filled with hate.

Stories I see repeated again and again based on “Stringers”, local journalists and photo journalists who have been proven to be card carrying members of designated FTOs -“terrorists”!

Allow me to state that Donald J Trump has done and has said some really STUPID remarks.

For me watching the truth-as a VERY INTELLIGENT person WHO VOTED! Trump is NOT the whole issue of WHY one should abstain from voting for the Kumbaya "Democratic Party".

As I have repeatedly mentioned in my posts the "Democratic Party" is overrun with totally IGNORANT ignoramuses who DO NOT have the SLIGHTEST INKLING of the WHOLE world!

They are overwhelmed from within by backers of hatred in America!!

The "Democratic Party" is a "Political Movement"-successfully infiltrated from within as outlined in the KGB Active Measures Plan- (READ ABOUT IT AND LEARN)

The "Democratic Party" as a "Political Movement"– like the American educational system- has been infiltrated since the middle 1960’s anti-Viet Nam movement as part of the KGB Active Measures Plan!

This “Plan” has allowed the communist to infiltrate and inspire the Black Lives Matter and Antifa radicals to riot and destroy American cities and businesses owned many times by hard working lower middle-class Americans -"citizens of color".

The "Democratic Party", during the Obama administration, did ZERO ZIP to curtail the “snowball effect” of terrible inter racial rioting that began with the killing of eighteen-year-old Michael Brown by police in Ferguson Missouri in 2014.

Rioting that caused nationwide rampant intercity violence and destruction of cities already rotting from mismanagement! Rioting that the radicals of the anti-Israel / Zionist pro-Palestinian movement readily infiltrated spreading their diseased false narrative, with their calls for “resistance” and worldwide “Intifada” and the introduction of the “Hashtag” #Blacklivesmatter over the heavy-handed paramilitary police tactics!

When you just look at the sensationalist photos from Ferguson, the comparisons made by Falestinian Activists and their advocates to the rioting in the past against Israel were inevitable.

Through the manipulation of the "visual comparison" and the purposed wording of the narrative in the art of dezinformatsiya to subliminally draw the reader to the "comparative conclusion". Naive “least knowledgeable” readers were not aware that the widespread militarization on display in Ferguson had absolutely nothing to do with Israel as the Falestians and their advocates wanted like you to think.

For just as the Falestinian photojournalists who are used by all the major news companies vie to sale their works to editors. The photojournalists and news media in the USA show police suited in combat gear equipped with tear gas in military-style poses appearing to use disproportionate force against crowds of hapless civilian protesters.

Rania Khalek, who is a devoted promoter of any and all anti-Israel campaigns, and a perfect example of the bigotry and anti-Jewish / blatant anti-Israel that is so pervasive in the BDS movement. Took the lead in “espousing the linkage” between Ferguson and “Falestine” in an article; “Israel-trained police “occupy” Missouri after killing of black youth.”

The nonintervention by the "Democratic Party" against mass illegal immigration, has allowed drug cartels to send their people into American cities and lets us NOT forget the infiltration of Islamic terrorists!

The past Democratic Administrations curtailment - read "Defunding" of funds to police departments has allowed a wildfire of illicit drug trade, that is causing the deaths of thousands!

Let us not forget the violent rampant anti-Semitism, that has allowed to flourish in America unabated by law officials -local and Federal. They are allowed, and on some occasions encouraged, highly disgraceful unpatriotic acts not to mention the burning of the "Flag" of freedom!

We have recently witnessed the undermining of youth in America by communism together with rampant Islamic extremism. This “infiltration” has been blatantly displayed on the streets of American, not to mention on US college Campuses, by the complicity of university officials and “law enforcement” officials that have allowed US Government recognized Foreign Terrorist (FTOs) to brazenly show their symbols and flags!

So just as in my Blog entry from 2014 “From Falestine with love to Ferguson” I asked-

So, my question here is;

"What is Homeland Security and President Obama doing to outlaw the ISM and their Pro-Falestinian agitators?"

Clearly there is incitement to commit acts of treason and threaten lives?

Clearly nothing in the Democratic Party and their candidates has changed. But yeah let’s all have a schizophrenic anti-Trump melt down and blame the ordinary secular Jews of Isreal for the mess.


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