Monday, August 18, 2014

Arafat, the PLO and the UN

The change in the attitude of the United Nations towards Israel did not come about recently. It came in the aftermath of Yasser Arafat’s Speech to the UN General Assembly on the 13th of November 1974. From then on it has been virtually all downhill. Let us first review the history of the man, the organization and then the speech.

Yasser Arafat (Arabic: أبو عمار‎ , 'Abū `Ammār)

Mohammed Abdel Rahman (his first name) Abdel Raouf Arafat al-Qudwa (Arafat's full name) was born in Cairo, Egypt on the 24 August 1929. His father was Abdel Raouf al-Qudwa al-Husseini, who was from Gaza, Yasser's paternal grandmother, was Egyptian. His mother, Zahwa Abul Saud, was from a Jerusalem-based family. He was a member of the Al-Qudwa tribe of the al-Husseini clan to which the al-Qudwas belonged.

Arafat's biographer, the British historian Alan Hart, relayed the story that Arafat was heavily beaten by his father for going to the Jewish quarter in Cairo and attending religious services. When his father asked Arafat why he would not stop going, he responded by saying; "I wanted to study Jewish mentality."
In 1944, Arafat enrolled in the University of King Fuad I and graduated in 1950. Arafat later claimed to have sought a better understanding of how to counter the Jews and Zionism by engaging in discussions with Jews and reading publications by Theodor Herzl and other prominent Zionists.

During the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, Arafat left the University and sought to enter Palestine to join Arab forces fighting against Israeli troops but instead of joining the ranks of the "Palestinian fedayeen." Arafat fought alongside the Muslim Brotherhood, although he later denied joining the organization.

In early 1949, the war was winding down in Israel's favor, and Arafat returned to Cairo to university. Arafat studied civil engineering and served as president of the General Union of Palestinian Students (GUPS) from 1952 to 1956. During the 1956 Suez War he was called to duty to fight with Egyptian forces but was not involved in the fighting. With the disasterous defeat of Egypt and the introduction of the UNEF -United Nations  Emergency Force to the Gaza Strip. Arafat who had been a member of the  "fedayeen" forces was expelled.

Arafat originally attempted to obtain a visa to Canada and later Saudi Arabia, but was unsuccessful in both attempts. In 1957, when Kuwait was still a British protectorate, he applied for a visa based on his work in civil engineering and was approved.
As Arafat began to develop friendships with Palestinian refugees, some of whom like Abu Iyad whom he had met while attending Cairo University and Abu Jihad in Gaza, both of whom were official members of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. Khalil al-Wazir ("Abu Jihad"), had arrived in 1959 Kuwait worked as a teacher and Salah Khalaf ("Abu Iyad") arrived in Kuwait in late 1960 became Arafat's top aides in Al Fatah.

Ion Mihai Pacepa, the highest-ranking Communist official to defect from the former Soviet bloc in a 2004 FrontPage Magazine interview had said:

"The PLO was dreamt up by the KGB, which had a penchant for "liberation" organizations. There was the National Liberation Army of Bolivia, created by the KGB in 1964 with help from Ernesto "Che" Guevara ... the KGB also created the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, which carried out numerous bombing attacks... 

In an interview by the Wall Street Journal, Pacepa explained how the KGB had replaced the truth of Arafat's origins of their "Mole"- with a fictional background narrative for him:

"He was an Egyptian bourgeois turned into a devoted Marxist by KGB foreign intelligence. The KGB had trained him at its Balashikha special-operations school east of Moscow and in the mid-1960s decided to groom him as the future PLO leader. First, the KGB destroyed the official records of Arafat's birth in Cairo, and replaced them with fictitious documents saying that he had been born in Jerusalem and was therefore a Palestinian by birth."

The exact date for the establishment of Fatah is unknown however the group's existence was attested to in the pages of a Palestinian nationalist magazine, Filastununa Nida al-Hayat (Our Palestine, The Call of Life), which was written and edited by Abu Jihad in 1959.
The full name of "Fatah" - Harakat al-Tahrir al-Watani al-Filastini translates into "The Palestinian National Liberation Movement" or FaTaH the reverse acronym of the Arabic name and in early Islamic times to refer to "conquest."

In 1964 the first PLO Council, consisting of 422 Palestinian representatives handpicked by the KGB, approved the Palestinian National Charter -- a document that had been drafted in Moscow. The Palestinian National Covenant and the Palestinian Constitution were also born in Moscow, with the help of Ahmed Shuqairy, a KGB influence agent who became the first PLO chairman...
Fatah differed from other Palestinian Arab political and guerrilla organizations in that it dedicated itself to the liberation of "Falestine" by an armed struggle carried out by the "Arabs of the Mandated Area" themselves.

Due to his ideology, Arafat generally refused to accept donations to his organization from major Arab governments, in order to act independently of them. He did not want to alienate them, and sought their undivided support by avoiding alliances with groups loyal to other ideologies. He worked hard in Kuwait, however, to establish the groundwork for Fatah's future financial support by enlisting contributions from the many wealthy Palestinians working there and other Gulf States, such as Qatar (where he met Mahmoud Abbas in 1961). These businessmen and oil workers contributed generously to the Fatah organization.

In 1962, Arafat and his closest companions migrated to Syria and at that time Fatah had approximately three hundred members by this time, but none were actual fighters. Fatah began to recruit members by offering them higher incomes to enable his armed attacks against Israel. Many members of the Palestine Liberation Army (PLA), the regular military force of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), which was created by the Arab League in 1964 defected to Fatah for the higher wages.

With the overwhelming defeat of Arab forces in the Six Day War  Israel humiliated two of the Soviet Union’s most important allies in the Arab world of that time, Egypt and Syria. It was at this point that Mahmoud Abbas who had been indocrinated into the KGB while a student at the Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow, where he earned a Candidate of Sciences degree (the Soviet equivalent of a PhD) told his controllers to induct "Abu Ammar" as an agent.
The Kremlin was convinced by Abbas that Arafat could help repair the Soviet prestige.

Ion Mihai Pacepa, former acting chief of Communist Romania’s espionage once recollected:
"I became directly involved with Arafat in the late 1960s, in the days when he was being financed and manipulated by the KGB. In the 1967 Six-Day War, Israel humiliated two of the Soviet Union's Arab client states, Egypt and Syria. A couple of months later, the head of Soviet foreign intelligence, Gen. Alexander Sakharovsky, landed in Bucharest. According to him, the Kremlin had charged the KGB to "repair the prestige" of "our Arab friends" by helping them organize terrorist operations that would humiliate Israel. The main KGB asset in this joint venture was a "devoted Marxist-Leninist"--Yasser Arafat, co-founder of Fatah, the Palestinian military force.
Gen. Sakharovsky asked us in Romanian intelligence to help the KGB bringing Arafat and some of his fedayeen fighters secretly to the Soviet Union via Romania, in order for them to be indoctrinated and trained. During that same year, the Soviets maneuvered to have Arafat named chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organizaiton, with public help from Egypt's ruler, Gamal Abdel Nasser.
When I first met Arafat, I was stunned by the ideological similarity between him and his KGB mentor. Arafat's broken record was that American "imperial Zionism" was the "rabid dog of the world," and there was only one way to deal with a rabid dog: "Kill it!""

Mohammed Abd al-Rahman Abd al-Raouf Arafat al-Qudwa al-Husseini, nom de guerre "Abu Ammar,” was therefore built into a Palestinian leader by the KGB.
The Arab leaders were "persuaded" to agree that a 'Palestinian' solution to their dilemma was indispensable. Because of this new line of thinking Yasser Arafat was invited to join the PLO in December 1967 when Ahmad Shukeiri resigned his post as PLO Chairman and Yahya Hammuda took his place.

The turning point for Arafat and the PLO was the battle of Karameh in Jordan. Although the Arab death toll was much higher and the fact that the battle was decided in Israel's favor, Fatah considered themselves victorious because it was the first time that Palestinian fighters stood their ground and did not flee before the Israeli army.

The events of the battle were covered in detail by Time magazine and Arafat's face appeared on the cover of the 13 December 1968 issue.  The coverage brought Arafat fame and fortune as he came to be regarded as a national hero who dared to confront Israel. With his new found importance the Arab world increased financial donations significantly and with it weaponry and equipment improved. The PLO numbers swelled as many young Arabs, including thousands of non-Palestinians, joined the ranks of Fatah. 

When the Palestinian National Council convened in Cairo on 3 February 1969, Yahya Hammuda stepped down from his chairmanship of the PLO and the KGB managed to catapult him up as chairman of the PLO executive committee. Egyptian ruler Gamal Abdel Nasser, who was also a Soviet puppet, publicly proposed the appointment. But Yasser Arafat was elected chairman on the 4th February 1969.

Soon after that, the KGB tasked Arafat to declare war on American “imperial-Zionism” during the first summit of the Black International, an organization that was also financed by the KGB. Arafat claimed to have coined the word “imperial-Zionism,” but in fact Moscow had invented this battle cry many years earlier, combining the traditionally Russian anti-Semitism with the new Marxist anti-Americanism.

The Advice: How to win the minds of the liberals in the West

In 1970, Arafat visited Hanoi were he was particularly struck by Ho Chi Minh’s success in mobilizing left-wing sympathizers in Europe and the United States. American student activists on college and university campuses throughout America, enthusiastically followed the line of North Vietnamese operatives. They had succeeded in re-framing the Vietnam war from a Communist assault on the south to a struggle for national liberation.

Ho’s chief strategist, Võ Nguyên Giáp, a General in the Vietnam People's Army and a politician, made it clear to Arafat and his lieutenants that in order to succeed, they too needed to redefine the terms of their struggle. Giap’s counsel was simple but profound: the PLO needed to work in a way that concealed its real goals, permitted strategic deception, and gave the appearance of moderation. Arafat sent his adjutant, Khalil Ibrahim al-Wazir - Abu Jihad (later the leader of the PLO’s military operations), to North Vietnam to study the strategy and tactics of guerrilla warfare. Arafat was struck by Ho Chi Minh’s success with left-wing sympathizers in the United States and Europe. “Progressive” activists on American campuses, enthusiastically following the line of North Vietnamese operatives, had succeeded in re-framing the Vietnam War from a Communist conquest of the South into a struggle for national liberation. An insight into this North Vietnamese PR campaign, which provided the key to the Communist victory and a lesson for PLO operatives, was offered by Ho’s chief strategist, General Giap:
“Stop talking about annihilating Israel and instead turn your terror war into a struggle for human rights. Then you will have the American people eating out of your hand.”
And here in this passage below we see the main objective of the “Falestinians” that they have worked on since Arafat had met with Muhammad Yazid, who had been minister of information in two Algerian wartime governments (1958-1962). Yazid advised Arafat in 1970:
“Wipe out the argument that Israel is a small state whose existence is threatened by the Arab states, or the reduction of the Palestinian problem to a question of refugees; instead, present the Palestinian struggle as a struggle for liberation like the others. Wipe out the impression ‎‎…that in the struggle between the Palestinians and the Zionists, the Zionist is the underdog. Now it is the Arab who is oppressed and victimized in his existence because he is not only facing the Zionists but also world imperialism.”

Arafat became Commander-in-Chief of the Palestinian Revolutionary Forces two years later, and in 1973, became the head of the PLO's political department. Since then the “Falestinians” have worked tirelessly to change the narrative and mold it into their view of distorted historical fact and truth.

On November 29th of 1947 the UN passed the UN resolution 181 to Partition the Mandated Area by a vote of 33 votes in favor, 13 against, 10 abstentions and one absent. The vote allowed the cowardly British to put their tail between their legs and run off. The British, along with their French cohorts had become bankrupted from the costs of World War II. With the rise of Arab nationalism after the Second World War, they had finally loss their ability to “control the peasants” and had begun to flee their former colonies in the Middle East. Arafat describes the outcome of the United Nations November 1947 vote in his speech as;

“As a result of the collusion between the Mandatory Power and the Zionist movement and with the support of some countries, this General Assembly early in its history approved a recommendation to partition our Palestinian homeland. This took place in an atmosphere poisoned with questionable actions and strong pressure. The General Assembly partitioned what it had no right to divide — an indivisible homeland. When we rejected that decision, our position corresponded to that of the natural mother who refused to permit King Solomon to cut her son in two when the unnatural mother claimed the child for herself and agreed to his dismemberment. Furthermore, even though the partition resolution granted the colonialist settlers 54 per cent of the land of Palestine, their dissatisfaction with the decision prompted them to wage a war of terror (!!!?) against the civilian Arab population. They occupied 81 per cent of the total area of Palestine, uprooting a million Arabs. Thus, they occupied 524 Arab towns and villages, of which they destroyed 385, completely obliterating them in the process. Having done so, they built their own settlements and colonies on the ruins of our farms and our groves. The roots of the Palestine question lie here. Its causes do not stem from any conflict between two religions or two nationalisms. Neither is it a border conflict between neighboring States. It is the cause of people deprived of its homeland, dispersed and uprooted, and living mostly in exile and in refugee camps."

Here, Arafat as part of the new "dezinformatsiya" campaign, neglects to tell the whole historical truth. He does not even relate to the fact that Churchill had cut off 72% of the British Mandated Area to buy off [Prince] Abdullah and the chief tribal groups such as the Bani Sakhr, Abadi, Shobaki and Manaseer for a "Hashemite solution in 1921”

That this action by the British was done in contradiction to Article 5 of the League Of Nations Mandate that states: 
“The Mandatory shall be responsible for seeing that no Palestine territory shall be ceded or leased to, or in any way placed under the control of the Government of any foreign Power.”

He also fails to mention that 80% of the population of "Jordan" is therefore “Palestinian” and that Transjordan was closed to all Jewish migration and settlement, a clear betrayal of the British promise in the Balfour Declaration of 1917 and a patent contravention of its Mandatory obligations. 

The number of Arab refugees who left Israel in 1948 is estimated (by impartial sources) to be less than 630,000, while the number of Jewish refugees from Arab lands was estimated to be 950,000. 

He also lays the cornerstone to the new equivilation of the Jews as "colonialist settlers".

In November of 1947 the British who had loss control over the vital oil fields in Iraq finally in essence said to hell with you all and wanted out.
The members of the UN; who were” Somewhat" feeling guilty for listening to the Arabs - who over eagerly had joined the Nazis in exterminating the Jews, voted to partition the Mandated Area.

Arafat continues:

“An old world order is crumbling before our eyes, as imperialism, colonialism, neo-colonialism and racism, the chief form of which is Zionism, ineluctably perish.

The question of Palestine belongs in this perspective of emergence and struggle. Palestine is crucial amongst those just causes fought for unstintingly by masses laboring under imperialism and aggression.”

By his equating "Zionism with Racism and imperialism" the new approach became wildly successful, especially with the moderate Left, which had generally supported the somewhat socialist state of Israel

At the 2001 UN Durban Conference on Racism, this approach was refined, focused and amplified. Now Israel was presented as not only denying Palestinians their rights, but as doing so out of an essential racism. The false analogy with South African apartheid was pushed and similar remedies were proposed: de-legitimization, boycotts, divestment, etc.

In 1947 several members of the UN at Lake Success New York believed that by finally heeding the calls of the displaced Jewish survivors of the Holocaust they would be absolved of their complicity in Hitler’s program of extermination. 
So at long last they divided the Mandated Area thereby “washing their hands” for their gross complicity and guilt. 

These countries believed that by assisting the surviving Jews of Europe by allowing them to establish a State they would find forgiveness. These European UN members snickered as they knew full well that the “Jewish State” would be “stillborn” and readily conquered and destroyed by the superior manpower and firepower of the armies of seven sovereign Arab nations.

The Jews of the Yishuv, with their limited resources and lack of arms under threat of annihilation a mere three years after the trauma of the Holocaust, extended their hand in friendship and peace to their neighbors. 

The Arabs of the Mandated Areas divided by internal bickering were urged by their brethren in the Arab League to “stand aside” and to evacuate the area so their “victorious” forces could conquer the area.

Arafat continues:
“As a result of the collusion between the Mandatory Power and the Zionist movement and with the support of some countries, this General Assembly early in its history approved a recommendation to partition our Palestinian homeland. This took place in an atmosphere poisoned with questionable actions and strong pressure. The General Assembly partitioned what it had no right to divide — an indivisible homeland. …we rejected that decision,”
As we all know the Arabs suffered a resounding and ‘inexplicable’ humbling defeat at the hands of the ill equipped numerically inferior Jewish Army. 

Since then the Arabs have used the term “Nachba” or “Catastrophe” to what they describe as the massive power of international Zionism that defeated them.
Arab pride was squashed by the fact that Jews who for two millennium were known as easy prey for all who abused them and never fought back suddenly proved to be brave and resilient fighters. The Arab defeat at the hands of the Jews was too much to bear on the Arab psyche.  

Suddenly in the flames of the Holocaust the Jews of old were reborn, Maccabees of the new age. Yes, there were cases of Jews as fighters but suddenly as a nation we were once again as during the time of David and Solomon brave soldiers defending our homeland.
The image of the brave Little David fighting the giant Goliath followed us until we once again performed a miracle against all odds in 1967. 

But with our victory those who had heeded the empty words of their brothers were kept sealed in dirty, cramped refugee camps. Denied of absorption in Arab lands and imprisoner in "Refugee Camps", the UNWRA teachers teach the children that they are "Palestinians" and that they will "return" to the "homes" in "Palestine". They do not teach them the historical truth nor of "coexistence" and Peace.

Arafat continued:
“They occupied 81 per cent of the total area of Palestine, uprooting a million Arabs. Thus, they occupied 524 Arab towns and villages, of which they destroyed 385, completely obliterating them in the process. Having done so, they built their own settlements and colonies on the ruins of our farms and our groves. The roots of the Palestine question lie here. Its causes do not stem from any conflict between two religions or two nationalisms.”

The members of the UN who voted against partition, who were embarrassed at the massive defeat suffered by the Arabs, demanded and received a special agency, UNWRA, just for their Arab brothers with no set limitation for resettlement so that the Arabs would not have to absorb them into their 22 countries.

And there they are until now. They still reside in squalid refugee camps, sites for perpetuation of hate and revenge. With no hopes for an improvement in life they are taught to seek vengeance and martyrdom. Hatred written into the curriculum of the UNWRA schools not of those who told their parents and grandparents to flee but at the Jews of the hated usurper the “Zionist entity.” In the speech Arafat eloquently spoke of the dispossessed Arabs of the Mandated area in his speech to the UN in 1974 but he blithely fails to mention the unjust expulsion of over 900,000 Jews from Arab lands who were not offered the assistance of a special refugee agency nor any compensation for their loss.

So when Arafat was invited by President: Mr. Abdelaziz Bouteflika of Algeria to address the General Assembly he stated:


“The question of Palestine is being re-examined by the United Nations, and we consider that step to be a victory for the world Organization as much as a victory for the cause of our people. It indicates anew that the United Nations of today is not the United Nations of the past, just as today's world is not yesterday's world. Today's United Nations represents 138 nations, a number that more clearly reflects the will of the international community. Thus today's United Nations is more nearly capable of implementing the principles embodied in its Charter and in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as being more truly empowered to support causes of peace and justice.”

With each passing year since this speech was made in the General Assembly of the UN, based on the principles of the advice given to Arafat by Giap and Yazid. The demonetization of Israel has gained in momentum. The number of Arab Nations and their allies in the third world sparked by intrigues of the cold war have increased in numbers. With these numbers has come the change of attitude and votes in the United Nations. It’s mission corrupted slowly over time by the manipulations and nefarious actions of the “Falestinian” lies and deception.

In conclusion Arafat actually touched on the real truth of the whole conflict when he said;
“It is the cause of people deprived of its homeland, dispersed and uprooted, and living mostly in exile …".
The sad truth is they will never acknowledge our right to Eretz Yisrael and the sole purpose of the PLO / Hamas is to destroy Israel. Since 1974 this program of annihilation has become far, far more important than helping the innocent "Falestinian Arabs", the everlasting pawns of the Middle East. The "refugees" only exist in order to ultimately destroy Israel. They must remain stateless and miserable or else they are useless to those who oppose the Jewish Homeland. To accept a peace offer as in the Oslo Accords of 1993 is their lowest priority since they are cynically used by their leadership solely for political and financial means.


  1. 100% correct and remain uneducated too thanks to UNWRA.

  2. Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress. United States. Congress. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1965. Page 456:
    Ahmed Shukairy, the self-proclaimed spokesman for the Arab refugees — a man who worked for the Nazis and their henchmen during World War II...">

    Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ..., Volume 107, Part 24, United States Congress 1961, p.5735:
    Shukairy got his start in politics in the early 1930s when he belonged to a group of fanatical extremists led by the ex-Muftl... when Soviet Russia joined the Allies, Shukairy's group split with the Communists and went all out for Hitler.

    Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress, Volume 110, Part 22. United States. Congress.U.S. Government Printing Office, 1964. Page 525:
    Shukairy has had a remarkable history. As has been revealed in the pages of Prevent World War III, he worked with the Nazis in the Middle East.

    Ahora, Issue 95; Issue 101; Issue 119; Issue 124; Issue 133; Issue 136; Issue 143; Issue 162; Issue 186. Publicaciones !Ahora!, 1965 - Page 9:
    después que Hitler atacó a Rusia ya los comunistas en todo el mundo cambio posiciones, el feroz e impredecible Shukairy se alineo con Hitler por sus programas contra los judios ... [After Hitler attacked Russia and the communists all over the world changed positions, the fierce and unpredictable Shukairy aligned himself with Hitler in his programs against the Jews.]



    Nazism at Arab "Palestinians"

    Not just in the 1930's/40's but today.

    גזענות ערבית: נאציות אצל ערבים "פלסטינאים". לא רק בשנות ה30 וה40... אלא גם כיום.
    العنصرية العربية: النازية بين العرب "الفلسطينيون". ليس فقط في الثلاثينيات والأربعينيات ... ولكن أيضًا اليوم.
