Wednesday, May 26, 2021

The Truth And NOTHING but THE Truth

In 1993, on the White House lawn at the signing and "photo op" of, yet again, another failed “Peace Agreement”- the now dead "Oslo Accords". Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was revolted by the "Western / American" gesture of "shaking the hand" of Yasser Arafat. The same Arafat who he knew as a totally corrupt tyrant and who had caused the death, not only of many Israelis but fellow Arabs. 

Rabin knew that as a true leader of men, father and grandfather, that for the chance of a real peace he had to overcome his revulsion to show the world WE WANT PEACE: 

"Of all hands in the world, it was not the hand that I wanted nor dreamed of touching, ..."

Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin expressed the view of ALL Israelis with these words in his speech:

“We, the soldiers who have returned from battle stained with blood, - we who have seen our relatives and friends killed before our eyes, - we who have attended their funerals and cannot look into the eyes of their parents, -we who have come from a land where parents bury their children, - we who have fought against you, the Palestinians - - we say to you today in a loud and clear voice: - enough of blood and tears. - Enough! ... - The time for peace has come.";

Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin continued:

"We will not rest until we reach a permanent agreement [with the Palestinians] that would secure a safe future for our children and that would provide us with renewed hope to live in a region where people lead a life of cooperation and not, God forbid, where blood is shed."

So what is the problem? WHY is there NO peace? 

Simple it is because the "palestinians" and their handlers in the Soviet KGB  have brainwashed the world with their tale of tragedy and woe!

Yuri Andropov, the former KGB chairman of the KGB once stated:

"[T]he Islamic world was a waiting petri dish in which we could nurture a virulent strain of America-hatred, grown from the bacterium of Marxist-Leninist thought. Islamic anti-Semitism ran deep... We had only to keep repeating our themes -- that the United States and Israel were 'fascist, imperial-Zionist countries' bankrolled by rich Jews." 

As early as 1965, with the increased influence that the dependence on the purchase of weapons from the USSR by Egypt and Syria had brought them. The Soviet Union had formally proposed in the UN a resolution that would draw in more Arab countries by condemning colonialism as racism. 

The major turning point, that forever changed the conflict in the Middle East and opened the door to the KGB and Soviet Union / Russian control over the Arabs, was Israel's unwillingness to side with the Soviet Union during the Cold War. 

So when Egypt, under Gamal Abdel Nasser, approached the Soviets for military assistance in 1955, the Soviet Union readily embraced the request and approved the Egyptian-Czechoslovak Arms Agreement. This "Arms Agreement" led to the supply of more than $83 million worth of modern Soviet weaponry to Egypt, through Czechoslovakia. This Arms Agreement greatly impacted the Arab–Israeli conflict forever. 

With the resounding and devastating defeat of Soviet armaments of Egyptian armed and equipped forces in the Suez Canal Crisis of 1956 and Soviet armament in the hands of their Arab proxies in the 1967 "Six Day War". The KGB felt it was time to "get even" and to "turn the tide" of world opinion by identifying Israel and Zionism as a "Colonial" "Imperialistic" Jewish foothold in the heart of the Arab heartland. 

They have used the influx of post World War II Jewish displaced Holocaust survivor refugees from Europe as the inspiration for the Zionism is a "Colonial" "Imperialistic" movement theme in their deep hatred of Israel. These propagandist readily point to this influx of 650,000 refugees as NON Semites and as a European usurpers and intruders. They freely use the "Khazar" libel to label todays Israelis  as NON Semitic converts to Judaism, whilst THEY the "Arabs of the Mandated Areas" are the "true indigenous inhabitants"!

Nary a mention is ever made of the Jews, who despite ALL the persecutions, remained in "Eretz Yisrael" or those who arrived before the creation of the "Mandate" in 1919.  Or the fact that most if the "Ethnically Cleansed" Jews from Arab countries were absorbed by the newly created Jewish State of Israel.   

The “Arabs of the Mandated Areas", have worked tirelessly to change their "narrative" and they readily assumed the name "Palestinians” as THE central theme of their "Negation of Israel" plan. They cynically used the name given to the British Mandated area so as to have "proof" that an "entity / State / Country existed

They have accomplished all of this through the KGB inspired method of "Dezinformatsiya"- "the super-secret KGB discipline which was is used to disseminate false information, reports and documents fabricated around a kernel of truth. This KGB method was taught to Yasser Arafat at Balashikha according to Lt. Gen. (ret.) Ion Mihai Pacepa a former three-star general in the Securitate, the secret police of Communist Romania, who defected to the United States in July 1978 from his book, “Red Horizons,” published in 1987.

In an interview by the Wall Street Journal, Pacepa explained just how the KGB had replaced the truth of Arafat's origins with a fictional "Palestinian" background narrative for him:

"He was an Egyptian bourgeois turned into a devoted Marxist by KGB foreign intelligence. The KGB had trained him at its Balashikha special-operations school east of Moscow and in the mid-1960s decided to groom him as the future PLO leader. First, the KGB destroyed the official records of Arafat's birth in Cairo, and replaced them with fictitious documents saying that he had been born in Jerusalem and was therefore a Palestinian by birth."

Vasili Nikitich Mitrokhin, a major and senior archivist for the Soviet Union's foreign intelligence service, the First Chief Directorate of the KGB, copied documents certifying that the head of Soviet foreign intelligence, Gen. Alexander Sakharovsky, wanted to "repair the prestige" of "our Arab friends" at the hands of the Israelis. He did so by helping them organize terrorist operations that would humiliate Israel through the use of the main KGB asset -- Yasser Arafat, who was the co-founder of Fatah, the Palestinian military force. 

In his talks with Ion Mihai Pacepa Gen. Alexander Sakharovsky described Yasser Arafat as a; "devoted Marxist-Leninist since his days in the membership of the General Union of Palestinian Students (GUPS) from 1952 to 1956." 

In 1957, when Kuwait was still a British protectorate, the KGB mole Yasser Arafat had applied for a visa based on his work in civil engineering and was approved.

As Arafat began to develop friendships with Palestinian refugees, some of whom like Abu Iyad he had met while attending Cairo University and Abu Jihad in Gaza, both of whom were official members of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. Khalil al-Wazir ("Abu Jihad"), had arrived in 1959 Kuwait worked as a teacher and Salah Khalaf ("Abu Iyad") arrived in Kuwait in late 1960 became Arafat's top aides in  Al Fatah.

Inspired by his success his handlers in the KGB urged Arafat to "gradually encourage" Khalil al-Wazir ("Abu Jihad") and Salah Khalaf ("Abu Iyad") and others to found the group that became known as Fatah. The exact date for the establishment of Fatah is unknown. 

The group's existence was attested to in the pages of a Palestinian nationalist magazine, Filastununa Nida al-Hayat (Our Palestine, The Call of Life) in 1959, which was written and edited by Khalil al-Wazir ("Abu Jihad"). 

The full name of Fatah in Arabic is- Harakat al-Tahrir al-Watani al-Filastini which translates as "The Palestinian National Liberation Movement" or the reverse acronym of the Arabic name FaTaH which in early Islamic times to referred to "conquest."  

The turning point for Arafat and the PLO was the battle of Karameh in Jordan. The events of the battle were covered in detail and Arafat's face appeared in the world press. The coverage brought Arafat fame and fortune as he came to be regarded as a national hero who dared to confront Israel. 

Yasser Arafat (Arabic: أبو عمار‎ , 'Abū `Ammār) was elected chairman by the Palestinian National Council convened in Cairo on 3 February 1969.

The KGB "Dezinformatsiya" Negation of Israel Story: "Israel is A Colonial Outpost" 

The Soviet Union, the KGB, felt it was time to identify Israel and Zionism with the old communist line as the "Colonial - Imperialists" foothold in the heart of the Arab heartland. The Soviets decided to introduce the "Zionism is Racism" resolution to the UN. All the new pro-Moslem countries who had recently gained independence from colonial status were eager to abide their "Masters" will and turned out overwhelmingly in favor of the November 1975, Resolution 3379 condemning Zionism as "a form of racism and racial discrimination". 

They began their "Dezinformatsiya" story with the 1948 Nachba story line of "excuse for humiliation" blame game regarding the vote that allowed the cowardly British to put their tail between their legs and run off. 

The British, along with their French cohorts in Syria and Lebanon, had become bankrupted from the costs of World War II and could no longer maintain their fictitious colonial presence as "Mandatories". The rise of Arab nationalism and their ability to “control the peasants” had become too high a cost for the financially strapped and war weary colonial powers. Britain and France began to flee their former colonies in the Middle East and the outcome of which was the UN resolution 181 to Partition the Mandated Area.

Arafat describes the outcome of the United Nations November 1947 vote in his November 1975 "Zionism is Racism" speech as;

“As a result of the collusion between the Mandatory Power and the Zionist movement and with the support of some countries, this General Assembly early in its history approved a recommendation to partition our Palestinian homeland. This took place in an atmosphere poisoned with questionable actions and strong pressure." 

The General Assembly partitioned what it had no right to divide — an indivisible homeland. 

When we rejected that decision, our position corresponded to that of the natural mother who refused to permit King Solomon to cut her son in two when the unnatural mother claimed the child for herself and agreed to his dismemberment." 

Furthermore, even though the partition resolution granted the colonialist settlers 54 per cent of the land of Palestine, their dissatisfaction with the decision prompted them to wage a war of terror (!!!?) against the civilian Arab population. 

They occupied 81 per cent of the total area of Palestine, uprooting a million Arabs. Thus, they occupied 524 Arab towns and villages, of which they destroyed 385, completely obliterating them in the process. Having done so, they built their own settlements and colonies on the ruins of our farms and our groves. The roots of the Palestine question lie here. Its causes do not stem from any conflict between two religions or two nationalisms. Neither is it a border conflict between neighboring States. It is the cause of people deprived of its homeland, dispersed and uprooted, and living mostly in exile and in refugee camps."

Here Arafat, as part of the new dezinformatsiya campaign, purposely neglects to tell the whole historical truth. 

He does not even relate to the fact that Churchill had cut off 72% of the British Mandated Area to buy off [Prince] Abdullah and the chief tribal groups such as the Bani Sakhr, Abadi, Shobaki and Manaseer for a "Hashemite solution in 1921”. An act that this was done in contradiction to Article 5 of the League Of Nations Mandate that states:

“The Mandatory shall be responsible for seeing that no Palestine territory shall be ceded or leased to, or in any way placed under the control of the Government of any foreign Power.”

Arafat also purposely omitted to mention that 80% of the Arab population is therefore “Palestinian” and that Transjordan was closed to all Jewish migration and settlement, a clear betrayal of the British promise in the Balfour Declaration of 1917 and a patent contravention of its Mandatory obligations. 

The number of Arab refugees, who fled Israel in 1948, is flaunted by these "apologists" and was estimated (by impartial sources) to be less than 630,000. 

Yet, nary a word was spoken of the number of Jewish refugees ethnically cleansed their wealth - businesses, shops, factories, homes and land confiscated from Arab lands -which has been estimated to be more than 850,000!

In 1970 on the urgings of his KGB controllers, Arafat visited Hanoi were he was particularly struck by Ho Chi Minh’s success in mobilizing left-wing sympathizers in Europe and the United States. American student activists on college and university campuses throughout America, enthusiastically followed the line of North Vietnamese operatives. They had succeeded in re-framing the Vietnam war from a Communist assault on the south to a struggle for national liberation.

Ho’s chief strategist, Võ Nguyên Giáp, a General in the Vietnam People's Army and a politician, made it clear to Arafat and his lieutenants that in order to succeed, they too needed to redefine the terms of their struggle. 

Giap’s counsel was simple but profound: the PLO needed to work in a way that concealed its real goals, permitted strategic deception, and gave the appearance of moderation. 

Arafat was struck more by Ho Chi Minh’s success with left-wing sympathizers in the United States and Europe. 

“Progressive” activists on American campuses, enthusiastically followed the propaganda told by North Vietnamese operatives. These propagandists had succeeded in re-framing the Vietnam War from a Communist conquest of the South into a struggle for national liberation." 

An insight into this North Vietnamese PR campaign, which provided the key to the Communist victory and a lesson for PLO operatives, was offered by Ho’s chief strategist, General Giap:

“Stop talking about annihilating Israel and instead turn your terror war into a struggle for human rights. Then you will have the American people eating out of your hand.”

And here in this passage below we see the main objective of the “Falestinians” that they have worked on since Arafat had met with Muhammad Yazid, who had been minister of information in two Algerian wartime ‎governments (1958-1962). Yazid advised Arafat in 1970:‎

‎“Wipe out the argument that Israel is a small state whose existence is threatened by the Arab ‎states, or the reduction of the Palestinian problem to a question of refugees; instead, present ‎the Palestinian struggle as a struggle for liberation like the others. Wipe out the impression ‎‎…that in the struggle between the Palestinians and the Zionists, the Zionist is the underdog. ‎Now it is the Arab who is oppressed and victimized in his existence because he is not only ‎facing the Zionists but also world imperialism.”

In conclusion, I will cite the words of Dr. Carl Sagan who once aptly said: 

"One of the saddest lessons of history is this: IF we've been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. 

We're no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It's simply too painful to acknowledge even to ourselves, that we have been taken. 

Once you give a Charlatan power over  you you almost never get it back."  

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