Friday, March 28, 2014

The Arab League

The Arab League - (Arabic: الجامعة العربية‎ al-Jāmiʻa al-ʻArabiyya) (formally, the League of Arab States (Arabic: جامعة الدول العربية‎ Jāmiʻat ad-Duwal al-ʻArabiyya))

Recently Secretary of State John Kerry had stated that he welcomed the "positive steps" in Israel's negotiations with the "Falestians" proposed by the "Arab League", that illustrious body which is hardly a model for peaceful settlement of disputes in the spirit of the United Nations. Evidently the Secretary of State skipped his history classes in University to demonstrate against his fellow Viet Nam veterans and had not learned this. 

Following the adoption of the Alexandria Protocol in 1944 by five Arab states: Egypt, Trans-Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, the Arab League was formed in Cairo on 22 March 1945. It originally comprised five members  Yemen only joined as a member on 5 May 1945. 
Since the establishment of the Arab League in 1945, it has led the way for the outpouring of Arab hatred and displeasure at the hands of the Imperialistic Colonial powers for the establishment of a Jewish Homeland in “Arab Land”. The members of the Arab League have constantly voiced their anti-Zionist feelings since its creation.
Here are the major points:
December 1945 - The Arab League launched a boycott of 'Zionist goods'
June 1946 - The Arab League established the Higher Arab Committee a radical body that led and coordinated attempts to wipe Israel off the map.
December 1946 - The Arab League rejected the first proposed Palestine partition plans.
October 1947 - The Arab League reasserted the necessity for military preparations along Arab borders for "defending Palestine."
February 1948 - The Arab League approved "a plan for political, military, and economic measures to be taken in response to the Palestine crisis."
October 1948 - The Arab League rejected outright Resolution 181, the UN "Partition Plan" for Palestine.
May 15 1948 - The members of the Arab League; Egypt, Trans-Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and contingents from Saudi Arabia and Yemen were "compelled to intervene" to "restore law and order” invaded and occupied the Mandated Areas. This step is outlined in its "Declaration on the Invasion of Palestine."
"The injustice implied in this solution [affecting] the right of the people of Palestine to immediate independence ... declared the Arabs' rejection of [Resolution 181]" which the League said "would not be possible to carry it out by peaceful means, and that its forcible imposition would constitute a threat to peace and security in this area" and claimed that the "security and order in Palestine have become disrupted" due to the "aggressive intentions, and the imperialistic designs of the Zionists" and "the Governments of the Arab States, as members of the Arab League, a regional organization ... view the events taking place in Palestine as a threat to peace and security in the area as a whole. ... Therefore, as security in Palestine is a sacred trust in the hands of the Arab States, and in order to put an end to this state of affairs ... the Governments of the Arab States have found themselves compelled to intervene in Palestine."
July 15 1948 - UN Security Council Resolution 54 called on Arab aggression to stop. "The members of the Arab League have rejected successive appeals of the United Nations Mediator, and of the Security Council in its resolution 53 (1948) of 7 July 1948, for the prolongation of the truce in Palestine; and that there has consequently developed a renewal of hostilities in Palestine."
October 1949 - The Arab League declared that negotiation with Israel by any Arab state would be in violation of Article 18 of the Arab League.
April 1950 - The Arab League called for severance of relations with any Arab state which engaged in relations or contacts with Israel and prohibited Member states from negotiating unilateral peace with Israel.
March 1979 - The Arab League suspended Egypt's membership in the League (retroactively) from the date of its signing a peace treaty with Israel.
March 27-28, 2002 - At the height of Palestinian suicide attacks in Israel the Arab League adopted the "Beirut Declaration"
"We, the kings, presidents, and emirs of the Arab states meeting in the Council of the Arab League Summit in Beirut, capital of Lebanon ... have conducted a thorough assessment of the developments and challenges ... relating to the Arab region and, more specifically, to the occupied Palestinian territory. With great pride, we followed the Palestinian people's Intifada and valiant resistance. ... We address a greeting of pride and honor to the Palestinian people's steadfastness and valiant Intifada against the Israeli occupation and its destructive war machine. We greet with honor and pride the valiant martyrs of the Intifada."

Where is "Peace" mentioned?
At this same Beirut Summit on 28 March 2002, the Arab League adopted the Arab Peace Initiative, a Saudi-inspired peace plan for the Arab–Israeli conflict. The initiative offered full normalization of the relations with Israel. In return for this the Arab League demands that Israel:

  • withdraw from all occupied territories, including the Golan Heights
  • recognize Palestinian independence in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, with East Jerusalem as its capital.
  • provide a "just solution" for the Palestinian refugees.
No mention of their accepting Israel as the "Jewish State" and no mention of the Jewish refugees from Arab lands and their "Just Solution".

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