Thursday, November 27, 2014

From Falestine with Love to Ferguson

When the wave of hate violence enveloped Ferguson Missouri. Falestinian Activists and their advocates leaped full stride with glee aboard the tidal wave of Afro-American outrage in the #BlackLivesMatter Hashtag over the heavy-handed paramilitary police tactics being used in Ferguson Missouri

These pro-Falestinian Activists and their advocates "milked" the terrible incident to gain as much anti-Israel hatred they could. 

They turned immediately to the utilize the naivete of the viewers and readers of social media to associate and pin the Missouri police behavior directly on the Jewish state’s undue “influence on U.S. law enforcement” and “the troubling implications of emulating an apartheid regime actively engaged in ethnic cleansing and war crimes.”

When you just look at the sensationalist photos from Ferguson,the comparisons made by Falestinian Activists and their advocates to the recent rioting in Israel were inevitable. 

For just as the Falestinian photojournalist used by all the major news companies vie to sale their works to editors. These photojournalists and news media, in the USA, show police suited in combat gear equipped with tear gas in military-style poses appearing to use disproportionate force against crowds of hapless civilian protesters.

Through the manipulation of the "visual comparison" and the purposed wording of the narrative in the art of dezinformatsiya to subliminally draw the reader to the "comparative conclusion". Naive “least knowledgeable” readers were not aware that the widespread militarization on display in Ferguson had absolutely nothing to do with Israel as the Falestians and their advocates wanted like you to think.
Instead it is part of a more recent trend that began three decades ago with the introduction of the “war on drugs” and escalated with the “war on terror”. 
The counterinsurgency-like tactics deployed against the people of Ferguson by civilian police officers more closely resemble combat soldiers in Afghanistan than domestic cops. 
This cop-to-soldier transformation was facilitated by the US government through mechanisms like the Pentagon’s 1033 or military surplus program, which funneled excess military gear to law enforcement agencies across the country. 

The program’s motto was: ”From warfighter to crimefighter.”

In 2013 alone, the program showered US police departments with nearly $450 million worth of surplus military equipment.
St. Louis County law enforcement agencies, including the Ferguson Police Department, actively  participated in this "freebie give away" program, though it was unclear if the equipment was first used in Ferguson.
Ferguson police also receive money from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as part of a grant program to US law enforcement agencies to purchase military-style equipment.

Rania Khalek, who is a devoted promoter of any and all anti-Israel campaigns, and a perfect example of the bigotry and anti-Jewish / blatant anti-Israel that is so pervasive in the BDS movement. Has taken the lead in espousing the linkage between Ferguson and “Falestine” in her recent article,“Israel-trained police “occupy” Missouri after killing of black youth.

In her article she writes:
“Since the killing of eighteen-year-old Michael Brown by Ferguson police in Missouri last weekend, the people of Ferguson have been subjected to a military-style crackdown by a squadron of local police departments dressed like combat soldiers. This has prompted residents to liken the conditions on the ground in Ferguson to the Israeli military occupation of Palestine.”
Rania Khalek goes on to state: 
“At least two of the four law enforcement agencies that were deployed in Ferguson up until Thursday evening — the St. Louis County Police Department and the St. Louis Police Department — received training from Israeli security forces in recent years.”
These Falestinian “Activists” –read “Liars” and their advocates reported that the Police in Ferguson implemented;despotic tactics Palestinians largely associate with Israel’s“colonial” (reference to occupation sic) military, such as tear gassing protesters and harassing journalists

They further fanned the flames of hatred by outright and blatant lies by insinuating that; “Unsurprisingly, many of the police deployed to crush unarmed protesters demanding justice for the brutal murder of eighteen-year-old black American Mike Brown are Israel-trained.”

In line with the vicious lies and accusations, a student organization called “NU Divest” from Northwestern University produced a highly inflammatory video—obviously intended to implicate Israel in the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner—included this testimonial:
“I support NU Divest because the New York and the St.Louis police department were both trained by the Israeli military. If black lives matter, then Palestinian lives must also.”
And yes, ad nauseum as usual, the lie goes on because few take the time to verify the truth of what these habitual liars say. 

I was puzzled as to where the highly anti-Zionist / Isarel "International Solidarity Movement" (ISM) and the pro-Falestinians were getting the link between "supposed Israeli training" and the Missouri police. 

In my research I came across a very hideous YouTube video by a weirdo by the name of Alex Jones of "" who has this link to Press TV, which is an Iranian Government sponsored news channel. 
His broadcasts appear to be based on the teachings of William Luther Pierce III who was a prominent American white nationalist. Pierce was one of the most influential ideologues of the white nationalist movement for some 30 years before his death. Jones espouses comments which are from David Dukes who was a former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan,as well. 
The links to the video stem from a real sicko by the name of John Todd who is pushing some really disgustingly sick Satanic highly anti-Jewish innuendos and conspiracy theories, that to say the least are off the scale in their level of hatred. No wonder about that though since on the Wikipedia page it states:
"Army medical reports referred to Todd suffering from; "emotional instability with pseudologica phantastica" (compulsive lying), difficulty in telling reality from fantasy, homicidal threats he had made on another, false suicide reports, and a severe personality disturbance.
The real truth of the matter is it is highly doubtful that after two short trips to Israel, takenin 2008 and 2011 by two Missouri officials, had anything to do with the shaping the culture of Missouri law enforcement. 
During the 2008 visit, a former St. Louis police chief attended a conference aimed at helping the U.S. prevent and react to terrorism under the auspices of the International Law Enforcement Exchange Program.
During the 2011 visit, the then St. Louis County Police Department chief Timothy Fitch attended a week-long Israeli training camp from Israeli Police and Border Police which was sponsored by the Anti-Defamation League. 

Furthermore these Falestinian “Activists” –read “Liars” and their advocates took to the social media mainly, Twitter and Facebook, to share photos of pro-Falestinian banners carried by protesters. 

One such banner declared, “From Ferguson to PalestineOccupation is a Crime.” 
Hmm, an American city is under "Occupation"? 
Wait did I miss an invasion like the fictional ones portrayed in Hollywood films like "Red Dawn"? 

Who is Occupying Ferguson Missouri? It was a border state in the Civil War and the Confederacy is long WHO? Is occupying Ferguson?

Another Facebook posting shared by NFL Detroit Lions player Reggie Bush whose poster reads;

“essentially, that Brown’s killing and the wars in Gaza are connected by “colonialism” and “racism,” and that anyone who objects to this characterization is necessarily a racist.”

Ah yes Reggie, ye old colonialism and Israel = Apartheid Lie eh?

And furthermore according to Rania Khalek;
"as the situation Ferguson spiraled further out of control, Falestinians began tweeting advice on dealing with tear gas to the people of Ferguson."
Even then there were replies to Ms Bargouti  -who Tweeted her advice -see picture-, that were not in the spirit of universal love between the Haters Of Israel.
Ms Rania Khalek makes references to these Instagram photographs in an attempt to link the incident of the riots in Ferguson to the “similarities” of Israel:

“The dystopian scenes of paramilitary units in camouflage rampaging through the streets of Ferguson, pointing assault rifles at unarmed residents and launching tear gas into people’s front yards from behind armored personnel carriers (APCs), could easily be mistaken for a Tuesday afternoon in the occupied West Bank.”
I had mentioned in one of my previous Blog entries of Arafat’s infamous UN speech where he equated Zionism with racism that this has become the central theme in this massive anti-Israel /Zionism campaign of equating Israel and Zionism with “Imperialistic Occupation”.

Here is a photo of Black Panther leader Eldridge Cleaver, Hewey Newton and the PLO's Yasser Arafat in Algeria 1970.
Cleaver later became pro-Zionistic after living 7 years among communists in Cuba and Arabs in Algeria, and learning the truth about Israel and the Jewish people. -Dumisani Washington.

So what do the pro Falestinian Activists and their advocates do? 

They pull out the old Israel = Occupation line. Here we see them marching in a demonstration in Seattle with a banner emblazoned with the words: Occupation is a Crime / Ferguson to Palestine / Resist U.S. racism / Boycott Israel,

They continue the lie by insinuating that Israel had trained the Ferguson police. Therefore because of this “Israeli” training it had led to Brown’s death!

Meanwhile not to be out done by the bored - horde of Libertards in other parts of America the Falestinian Activists and their advocates in Oakland California, block a busy intersection in downtown, with a banner reading, Missouri, Palestine, Justice Now!” Okay....

The supposed hypothetical link(?) between “Ferguson-Palestine” has been pushed in their usual feast of rapture by left-wing activists ever since that fatal shooting of Michael Brown on August 9, 2014. 
Just how the fatal shooting of an Afro-American who was fatally shot by a Police officer in Missouri has any link to the supposed status of the "Falestinians" is well in the least a truly astounding piece of contortion of facts.

It reminds me of the rantings and ravings -frothing at the mouth lunatic hatred - by the "famous" author Alice Walker of the novel The Color Purple, which we all may remember was was made into a movie by no less than Steven Spielberg.

So since her days of friendship with Steven, Alice Walker has crossed the line in her over the edge complete meltdown in her virulent hatred of all things associated with Israel. She went from plain fervent anti-Zionist to rabid anti-Semitism. She denied that she is an anti-Semite unaware of the meaning and source of the term she like many others fall for the Falestinians -read Arabs -interpretation that THEY are Semites too! (Facepalm applied!)
The question remains why anyone would take her ludicrously ignorant rants about the Israeli-Falestinian conflict seriously? 

 Alan Dershowitz spoke about the insanity of Walker's total negation and hatred of Israel and Jews in his article, "Alice Walker's crass bigotry exposed" here are a few gems of his observation of my candidate for the Looney Tunes Alice Walker totally "Off the wall" assumptions:
  • According to Walker, Rachel "aka Pancake" Corrie was “murdered,” just like three civil rights workers who were kidnapped, tortured and murdered in cold blood.
  • According to Walker, there are roads that are for “Jews only,” rather than for Israelis of all religions and ethnicities.
  • According to Walker, the big ugly security wall runs all through Israel and the Palestinian territories - “it is everywhere” - rather than through roughly 5% of those areas. Moreover, she suggests that the wall was put up solely to colonize the "West Bank", and not to protect Israelis from terrorism.
  • According to Walker, the Turkish flotilla terrorists who attacked the Israeli sailors who had boarded their ship were “assassinated” and “massacre[d].”
  • According to Walker, no rockets were ever fired at Israeli civilians from Gaza and Israel’s attacks against Gaza were unprovoked and constitute “genocide.”
  • According to Walker, there has never been a more brutal occupation in the history of the world. According to Walker, what Israel is doing to the Palestinians is the equivalent of what Hitler did to the Jews. According to Walker (as quoted by the Wiesenthal Center) Israel may someday launch a nuclear attack against the United States, "because the United States and Israel, working together have done terrible things to others [and] it is the nature of thieves to eventually have a grand falling out."
Rana Baker, "a master’s degree student of Migration and Diaspora Studies at London’s School of Oriental and African Studies", wrote an article published on the highly anti-Israel / Zionist rabidly anti-Semitic "Electronic Intifada" website entitled; "Palestinians express “solidarity with the people of Ferguson 

In her short article she states that "Falestinian" groups and individuals inside and outside of historic "Falestine" have signed the following statement in solidarity with their brethren in Ferguson, Missouri:
Full statement:
We the undersigned Palestinian individuals and groups express our solidarity with the family of Michael Brown, a young unarmed black man gunned down by police on August 9th in Ferguson, Missouri. We wish to express our support and solidarity with the people of Ferguson who have taken their struggle to the street, facing a militarized police occupation
From all factions and sectors of our dislocated society, we send you our commitment to stand with you in your hour of pain and time of struggle against the oppression that continues to target our black brothers and sisters in nearly every aspect of their lives .
We understand your moral outrage. We empathize with your hurt and anger. We understand the impulse to rebel against the infrastructure of a racist capitalist system that systematically pushes you to the margins of humanity.
And we stand with you.
We recognize the disregard and disrespect for black bodies and black life endemic to the supremacist system that rules the land with wanton brutality . Your struggles through the ages have been an inspiration to us as we fight our own battles for basic human dignities. We continue to find inspiration and strength from your struggles through the ages and your revolutionary leaders, like Malcolm X, Huey Newton, Kwame Ture, Angela Davis, Fred Hampton, Bobby Seale and others.
We honor the life of Michael Brown, cut short less than a week before he was due to begin university. And we honor the far too many more killed in similar circumstances, motivated by racism and contempt for black life: Ezell Ford, John Crawford, Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin, Tarika Wilson, Malcolm Ferguson, Renisha McBride, Amadou Diallo, Yvette Smith, Oscar Grant, Sean Bell,Kathryn Johnston, Rekia Boyd and too many others to count.
With a Black Power fist in the air, we salute the people of Ferguson and join in your demands for justice."
In her short article (rant) Rana Baker attempts to make multiple insinuations and comparisons to link the righteousness of the “Falestinians” to that of the Blacks in America
Baker states: 
"Although Ferguson and Palestine are two different contexts, both places and their people are fighting against white supremacist regimes(!)of oppression which continue to view them as “disposable others” and act accordingly.”

Ms Baker goes on to clarify;
“…that it is the moral responsibility of every Palestinian to support and foster relations with the struggles of the oppressed all over the world.”
Well this is exactly what the KGB Active Measures Plan fostered among the revolutionary groups throughout the world during the Cold War. They invited many young revolutionaries to come and study and become indoctrinated at The Peoples' Friendship University of Russia in Moscow
The "University" served as a base of indoctrination and training of potential “freedom fighters” from the Third World. More specialized training in terrorism was provided at locations in Baku, Odessa, Simferopol, and Tashkent. The illustrious alumni include Mahmoud Abbas, the highly infamous Ilich Ramírez Sánchez, also known as Carlos the Jackal, Anna Vasil'yevna Chapman and Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

Hmm, so now upon reading the words of this "master’s degree student Rana Baker, I could not help but notice the catch phrases of the Anarchist movement, which are synonymous to those used by the members of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), the purveyors of the BDS -Boycott Divest Sanction Haters of Israel and Zionism fan group.

Let us look closer at these "catch" phrases to understand just how these "Anarchists" are attempt to cause an even greater threat to American society.
The phrases we see in MS Baker's article show incitement to commit further violence:
  • facing a militarized police occupation
  • struggle against the oppression
  • a racist capitalist system
  • rules the land with wanton brutality
  • killed in similar circumstances
So my question here is; 
"What is Homeland Security and President Obama doing to outlaw the ISM and their Pro-Falestinian agitators?" 
Clearly there is incitement to commit acts of treason and threaten lives?

Now among the signers of the statement is Diana Buttu, a palestinian-Canadian lawyer and a former spokesperson for the "Palestine Liberation Organization", which was funded to the tune of ( un accounted as per my Meme) $441 million (Your hard earned US Tax dollar at work) by the U.S. government in 2013.

Ms Baker continues in her article:
It is also worth noting that the Palestinian struggle for freedom is not a copy of the struggle of our black brothers and sisters both in the past and present. Neither is the black struggle a homogeneous one. 
Finally, the struggle of our black brethren is not a simple tool to “popularize” ours.

But the Civil Rights, anti-apartheid and anti-colonial movements in the United StatesSouth Africa and foreign colonies across the African continent in the past offer us various models from which we should learn.

In the present, Palestinians (though this does not apply to sell-outs such as Mahmoud Abbas and his minions) stand up against the despotism which the US , the settler-colony known as
Israel , and various European and Arab governments embody."

It’s hard to exaggerate the gut-level loathing that we proud Jewish-Israelis, who are hardened Zionists, have for the the relentless demonization of Israel by the Falestinians and their myopic ignorant trolls and bamboozled minions.

These Haters of Israel and Zionism, in their incessant campaign of abject blind hatred, have consistently failed to dislodge the truth and historical facts, so they resort to throwing tantrums and labeling Israel as a racist, apartheid state. 

Here is a video of a speech by Martin Luther King  speaking out about bigotry towards Jews and Catholics. Not about Israel or Zionism, but when people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews and they are talking anti-Semitism!
"I would still take a stand against anti-Semitism because it is wrong, it's unjust and it's evil!" MLK
It is totally enraging to see the delusional ignorant trolls who are eager and ready to vilify something that you stood for personally and venerated as a youth, our Jewish stand for Civil Rights in America. 

Here is a very important and enlightening video response by Dumisani Washington to those who would divide the honored position that we Jews had in our relations with the Black community in America.
"The "Black for Palestine" movement dates back almost to the independence of the Jewish State. By the 1960's, the PLO's Yasser Arafat had reached out to militants like Black Panther, Eldridge Cleaver, and convinced them to "stand in solidarity with their Arab brothers against the evil, European imperialist Zionists." The entire narrative was built on lies and distortions (the majority of Jews who inhabited or returned to Israel were of Middle Eastern descent), and sought to hide the fact that Arab invaders had not only stolen North Africa and the Middle East, but were/are still enslaving Africans to this day.
This movement has always been, and will continue to be fringe. It has never been taken seriously by any significant portion of the African-American community.
To date some 1,100 (supposedly) Black "activists" have signed the "Black for Palestine" petition that was launched last week. That number is .0024% of the Black population in America -- not even counting Africans on the Continent and in the Diaspora. Fringe.
So, with all due respect to Dr. Cornel West, Talib Kweli, and groups like the UCLA Afrikan Student Union, your views on this matter are wrong and shameful. You're standing in solidarity with people who have subjugated Africans for 1,400 years and counting. As a result, you have made yourselves irrelevant." Dumisani Washington IBSI - Institute for Black Solidarity with Israel

And of course, ad nauseum, all this came just when we thought there might be one problem in the entire world that we Jews or Israel could not be blamed for by those who just love to hate and despise us do.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

A Chance of a Peace Lost

Just think what could have been in our region if; "the educated among us" as was explained simply by his Royal Highness Prince Faisal Husseini, king of Syria and Iraq in his letter of  March 3,1919 to Felix Frankfurter had taken steps to cease the hatred and allow the Jews the promised homeland so long denied us.
Faisal had stated to  Frankfurter and Weizmann that there "is room in Syria for us both".
He did not claim that there was on place for the Jews as is claimed today. 

He even admitted to the importance of educating those; "People less informed and less responsible than our leaders and yours," who are "ignoring the need for co-operation of the Arabs and Zionists" and  "have been trying to exploit the local difficulties".

I truly believe here that Emir Feisal was referring to Syrian Islamic Nationalists like those who taught Amir El Hussanei who were staunch anti-Semites who as he says have "misrepresented your aims to the Arab peasantry". 
Emir Feisal and his "educated followers" attempted to prevent the rivalry and hatred among his fellow arabs while presenting his willingness to live in peace with the early members of the Yishuv.


During the peace conference following World War I, the Emir Faisal exchanged letters with Justice Felix Frankfurter, professing his support for Zionist aims. In the light of later history and the current characterization of the Zionist movement, it is significant that Faisal wrote:

We are working together for a reformed and revived Near East, and our two movements complete one another. The Jewish movement is national and not imperialist. Our movement is national and not imperialist, and there is room in Syria for us both. Indeed I think that neither can be a real success without the other.

A letter from his His Royal Highness Prince Faisal Husseini, king of Syria and Iraq to Felix Frankfurter, associate of Dr. Chaim Weizmann:

Letter to Felix Frankfurter written by
T. E. Lawrence in the name
of Prince Faisal, March 1919

Paris, March 3, 1919.

DEAR MR. FRANKFURTER: I want to take this opportunity of my first contact with American Zionists to tell you what I have often been able to say to Dr. Weizmann in Arabia and Europe.
We feel that the Arabs and Jews are cousins in having suffered similar oppressions at the hands of powers stronger than themselves, and by a happy coincidence have been able to take the first step towards the attainment of their national ideals together.
We Arabs, especially the educated among us look with the deepest sympathy on the Zionist movement. Our deputation here in Paris is fully acquainted with the proposals submitted yesterday by the Zionist Organization to Peace Conference, and we regard them as moderate proper. We will do our best, in so far as we are concerned, to help them through: we will wish the Jews a most hearty welcome home.
With the chiefs of your movement, especially with Dr. Weizmann, we have had and continue to have the closest relations. He has been a great helper of our cause, and I hope the Arabs may soon be in a position to make the Jews some return for their kindness. We are working together for a reformed and revived Near East, and our two movements complete one another. The Jewish movement is national and not imperialist. Our movement is national and not imperialist, and there is room in Syria for us both. Indeed I think that neither can be a real success without the other.
People less informed and less responsible than our leaders and yours, ignoring the need for co-operation of the Arabs and Zionists have been trying to exploit the local difficulties that must necessarily arise in Palestine in the early stages of our movements. Some of them have, I am afraid, misrepresented your aims to the Arab peasantry, and our aims to the Jewish peasantry, with the result that interested parties have been able to make capital out of what they call our differences.

I wish to give you my firm conviction that these differences are not on questions of principle, but on matters detail such as must inevitably occur in every contact of neighboring peoples, and as are easily adjusted by mutual good will. Indeed nearly all of them will disappear with fuller knowledge.
I look forward, and my people with me look forward, to a future in which we will help you and you will help us, so that the countries in which we are mutually interested may once again take their places in the community of civilized peoples of the world.

Believe me,
Yours sincerely,
(Sgd.) Feisal. 5th MARCH, 1919.

Felix Frankfurter's reply:

Allow me, on behalf of the Zionist Organization, to acknowledge your recent letter with deep appreciation.

Those of us who come from the United States have already been gratified by the friendly relations and the active co-operation maintained between you and the Zionist leaders, particularly Dr. Weizmann. We knew it could not be otherwise; we knew that the aspirations of the Arab and the Jewish peoples were parallel, that each aspired to re-establish its nationality in its own homeland, each making its own distinctive contribution to civilization, each seeking its own peaceful mode of life.

The Zionist leaders and the Jewish people for whom they speak have watched with satisfaction the spiritual vigor of the Arab movement. Themselves seeking justice, they are anxious that the just national aims of the Arab people be confirmed and safeguarded by the Peace Conference.

We knew from your acts and your past utterances that the Zionist movement-in other words the national aim of the Jewish people-had your support and the support of the Arab people for whom you speak. These aims are now before the Peace Conference as definite proposals by the Zionist Organization. We are happy indeed that you consider these proposals "moderate and proper," and that we have in you a staunch supporter for their realization. For both the Arab and the Jewish peoples there are difficulties ahead-difficulties that challenge the united statesmanship of Arab and Jewish leaders. For it is no easy task to rebuild two great civilizations that have been suffering oppression and misrule for centuries. We each have our difficulties we shall work out as friends, friends who are animated by similar purposes, seeking a free and full development for the two neighboring peoples. The Arabs and Jews are neighbors in territory; we cannot but live side by side as friends.

Very respectfully,
(Sgd.) Felix Frankfurter.

Agreement between Emir Faisal and Dr. Weizmann

Following the First World War, Emir Faisal, son of Mecca, and the leader of the Arab movement, met in Aqaba with Dr. Chaim Weizmann, the head of the Zionist Commission to Palestine. Later, at the Paris Peace Conference, the two negotiated and signed the following agreement, which spoke of full cooperation in the development of the independent Arab state in present-day Syria and Iraq (as promised by the British to Faisal) and the Jewish home in Palestine (from the Balfour Declaration), and encouraging "the immigration of Jews into Palestine on a large scale".

Emir Faisal and the Arab Delegation
 at the Paris Peace Conference 1919

Emir Faisal's Delegation at Versailles, during the Paris Peace Conference of 1919. At the centre, from left to right: Rustum Haidar, Nuri as-Said, Prince Faisal, Captain Pisani (behind Faisal) T. E. Lawrence, Faisal's assistant (name unknown), Captain Tahsin Qadri.
Photo on upper right is of the cover of the; Book of the Independence of Syria,8 March 1920, showing the declared borders of Faisal's Arab Kingdom of Syria, including "Palestine".

Here is the historic agreement negated by the Machiavellian  maneuvers of the French and the British. 

Agreement Between Emir Faisal and Dr. Weizmann
3 January, 1919

His Royal Highness the Emir Faisal, representing and acting on behalf of the Arab Kingdom of Hedjaz, and Dr. Chaim Weizmann, representing and acting on behalf of the Zionist Organization, mindful of the racial kinship and ancient bonds existing between the Arabs and the Jewish people, and realizing that the surest means of working out the consummation of their natural aspirations is through the closest possible collaboration in the development of the Arab State and Palestine, and being desirous further of confirming the good understanding which exists between them, have agreed upon the following:


Article I
The Arab State and Palestine in all their relations and undertakings shall be controlled by the most cordial goodwill and understanding and to this end Arab and Jewish duly accredited agents shall be established and maintained in the respective territories.

Article II
Immediately following the completion of the deliberations of the Peace Conference, the definite boundaries between the Arab State and Palestine shall be determined by a Commission to be agreed upon by the parties hereto.

Article III
In the establishment of the Constitution and Administration of Palestine, all such measures shall be adopted as will afford the fullest guarantees for carrying into effect the British Government's Declaration of the 2nd of November, 1917. ( the Balfour Declaration

Article IV
All necessary measures shall be taken to encourage and stimulate immigration of Jews into Palestine on a large scale, and as quickly as possible to settle Jewish immigrants upon the land through closer settlement and intensive cultivation of the soil. In taking such measures the Arab peasant and tenant farmers shall be protected in their rights and shall be assisted in forwarding their economic development.

Article V
No regulation or law shall be made prohibiting or interfering in any way with the free exercise of religion; and further, the free exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and worship, without discrimination or preference, shall forever be allowed. No religious test shall ever be required for the exercise of civil or political rights.

Article VI
The Mohammedan Holy Places shall be under Mohammedan control.

Signature page of the agreement,
 showing Faisal's caveat in Arabic.
Faisal could not read English.
Article VII
The Zionist Organization proposes to send to Palestine a Commission of experts to make a survey of the economic possibilities of the country, and to report upon the best means for its development. The Zionist Organization will place the aforementioned Commission at the disposal of the Arab State for the purpose of a survey of the economic possibilities of the Arab State and to report upon the best means for its development. The Zionist Organization will use its best efforts to assist the Arab State in providing the means for developing the natural resources and economic possibilities thereof.

Article VIII
The parties hereto agree to act in complete accord and harmony on all matters embraced herein before the Peace Congress.

Article IX
Any matters of dispute which may arise between the contracting parties hall be referred to the British Government for arbitration.

Given under our hand at London, England, the third day of January, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen
Chaim Weizmann Faisal Ibn-Hussein

Regretfully, the agreement of course was not carried out, mostly due to the Machiavellian change in Allied policy regarding the Arab State which Faisal had planned to establish.

Reservation by the Emir Faisal
"If the Arabs are established as I have asked in my manifesto of 4 January, addressed to the British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, I will carry out what is written in this agreement. If changes are made, I cannot be answerable for failing to carry out this agreement."
As to the failure of the agreement please refer to the exchange of letters between the Sharif of Mecca, Husayn bin Ali, and Sir Henry McMahon, British High Commissioner in Egypt, from the 14 July 1915 to 30 January 1916 during World War I known as the McMahon–Hussein Correspondence. This was an exchange of letters letters in which the Arabs declared that they would revolt in alliance with the United Kingdom, and in return the UK would recognize Arab independence, concerning the political status of lands under the Ottoman Empire. 

The Arabs did not obtain their independence and the Faisal-Weizmann agreement survived only a few months. The decision of the peace conference itself refused independence for the vast Arab-inhabited lands that Faisal desired, mainly because the British and French had struck their own secret Sykes–Picot Agreement of 1916 dividing the Middle East between their own spheres of influence.

Just think for one moment and consider the impact of how this last part of the statement by Emir Faisal:  "I cannot be answerable for failing to carry out this agreement",  changed history forever and condemned thousands if not a millions people to death and agony! 
One wonders just how many lives would have been saved had the Machiavellian maneuvers of the French and the British had not played out.  

It will take brave and courageous men and women who are driven to work together to bring about a miracle of peace for one and all.

Cynical Exploitation of Under Age Children

In light of the recent blatant exploitation of under age children / minors in the mounting violence inspired by Hamas and the “Falestinian Authority” in the rioting in Jerusalem against Israel. I thought it oh just so hypocritical that the entire international community; and the world media are ever so ready to turn a blind eye to the fact that the sole reason for the presence of the Israeli Police and Border Guards in the neighborhoods of Jerusalem is to quell civil disobedience by rioters. However it is blatantly clear that the Hamas, Fatah and other Palestinian groups are using children in what appears to be a new Intifada against Israel by breaking the law and threatening innocent civilians.

These so called “minors” are being sent to throw stones and firebombs, and launch fireworks at policemen and border guards- “officers of the law”, as well as at Israeli civilians and vehicles, including buses and the light rail in Jerusalem who have been sent into the neighborhoods to restore civil order..
Instead of condemning those “law breakers”, who cynically exploit these “children” and young adults, to violently confront "officers of the law." The international community and the media are busy being manipulated into denouncing these “officers of the law” for performing their sworn duty to maintain civic order.

These "officers of the law" are using non-lethal means in their attempts to disburse the rioters who are being goaded and stroked into attacking and injuring the “officers of the law”  by all sorts of lethal means such as; large stones, Molotov Cocktails, slingshots, burning tires and even vehicles. In any other country when violent means are used by rioters against "officers of the law" they respond by using all of the exact same means at their disposal to defend themselves.

Yet when "officers of the law" here in Israel respond, Hamas and Fatah terrorist operators cynically inflame these “minors” into acts which draw violent responses by the "officers of the law" to defend not only themselves but other innocent civilians.
When "officers of the law" in any part of the globe see themselves threatened with bodily harm or that civilian lives are at stake they respond and violators and criminals are either "neutralized" or arrested. Yet, when this happens in Israel the Media is manipulated to always blame Israel for "deliberately targeting" “Falestinian” children — an allegation the media in the West endorses without question because to them Jerusalem and Judea and Shomron are the “Occupied West Bank”.

Most of us “normal” parents in the western world would be thinking; “What in the world could be motivating a normal thinking parent to allow a child of theirs to be outside in risk of his life?” What sort of corrupt moralistic values are involved here?

Very few outside of the Middle East are aware and have been informed by the Western Media that over the years Arab governments and Palestinian groups have offered large financial rewards to the families of the "Shadidim- Martyrs". Many of these Palestinian children have been cynically brainwashed from birth to hate Jews -not "just" Zionists but as "Good" Moslems ALL Jews in their UNWRA and Palestinian Authority run schools. These "Shadidim" are often times from large families who reside in squalid refugee camps kept there to fester by their own leaders. These poor deprived youth come from low income families who are less motivated to stop their children from risking their lives than those of the "educated' upper classes of the Palestinian "Elite". Many Arab youth have been inflamed into further hatred by foreign outside agitators whose sole reasoning for coming to "Palestine" is to deepen the hatred. Just as the poor "Shadidim" these brainwashed "Liberal" youth are cynically manipulated by the "Palestinian Leadership" who have grown wealthy from the millions poured into the bottomless coffers in the name of "Palestine". As one Palestinian Arab once told me; “You’d never see one of “Their” children as a “Shahid”!”

Now allow us to review the recent cases of the two Palestinians with US citizenship:
The fifteen-year-old Palestinian-American Tariq Abu khadeir, from Florida, was actively involved in the rioting in Jerusalem when he was chased down caught and beaten. One wonders what he did to deserve the beating the way he did. ( It is highly interesting and questionable that the "unescorted minor" just happened to be filmed being beaten up, yet his actions in the violent demonstrations  prior to this is not filmed. Nor is there a reason mentioned as to why he was allowed to be outside during a riot?)

Orwah Hammad, whose age is quoted as being from 14 to 17(?) was killed near the West Bank town of Silwad, near Ramallah. ( Hammad lives with his mother in Silwad his father, Abdul Wahhab Hammad, resides in Louisiana )  As the police inquiry reveals, the police officer saw a masked individual with a Khaffiyeh standing prepared to heave a lit bottle of fuel (a Molotov Cocktail) at a SUV traveling  on the road below. Fully releasing the consequences of the deadly effect on the vehicle the “Officer of the Law” took
immediate lethal force to prevent a possible homicide. As it turned out the SUV in question was driven by a Jewish “Settler” with her three “minor” children. What could have happened when the Molotov Cocktail filled with burning fuel had hit the windshield of the moving vehicle with a mother and her three small children was what went through our “Officer of the Law’s” mind.
From the distance the officer could not determine that the masked individual was a 14 year old Arab, with US citizenship. What the “Officer of the Law” shot was a law breaker preparing to use deadly force against a civilian in a violent act by throwing "Molotov Cocktails" at Israeli “civilians.
And what was the Palestinian response? They buried in a ceremony as a Hamas terrorist wrapped in a Hamas flag with a Hamas bandana wrapped around his head.

The US State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki called for "speedy and transparent investigation" of the incident and sent its "deepest condolences" to this kid's family? Now that the incident is know, nobody asks how yet again the parents of a juvenile American citizen was allowed to venture out and participate in breaking laws in Israel yet again?

By the way according to the web site of the Department of State “Hamas” is designated as a (FTO) Foreign Terrorist Organizations since the 8th of October 1997. May we ask State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki for a comment on this fact to explain just how the US Government "expresses its deepest condolences" over his death as a member of a US Government declared FTO?

The world press must be held accountable for not telling the truth just as adult activists who encourage and send children to take part in violence should be held accountable. Israel needs to show the truth that the “Palestinian Leadership” once more is using its people, its children to confront Israeli “Officers of the Law” and not to negotiate for their benefit.

Friday, September 26, 2014

The Palestinian view of Peaceful Co-Existence

Haifa -like Tel Aviv both have large Arab populations. The Jews together with their Arabs Christian and Moslem neighbors, those whose elders refused to believe the lies in the radio broadcasts of The Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini  in 1948 and remained in Haifa. Have attempted to live in harmony and peace. Those Arabs living in the West Bank and Gaza have always secretly despised them and have worked to undermine the peaceful co-existence.

Sheik Ahmed Yassin who was a Palestinian imam, a Muslim leader of the line of Ali held by Shiites to be the divinely appointed, sinless, infallible successors of Muhammad and politician. Sheik Ahmed Yassin had been the founder of Hamas had said that the suicide bomber was "an exceptional weapon" and that; "The Jews attack and kill our civilians - we will kill theirs. When the first drop of the martyr's blood spills on the ground, he goes to paradise. His victims, the Jews, go to hell."

Under the leadership of Sheik Ahmed Yassin Hamas gained popularity in Palestinian society by establishing hospitals, education systems, libraries and other services, but it has also claimed responsibility for a number of suicide attacks targeting Israeli civilians, leading to its designation as a terrorist organization by the European Union, Israel, Japan, Canada,  and the United States. Hamas opposes the peace process and the very existence of the state of Israel.

Yassin, who was a quadriplegic, was also nearly blind. He had used a wheelchair since a sporting accident at the age of 12 In his youth he like Arafat he had became involved with a Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. He was killed on 22 March 2004 when an Israeli helicopter gunship fired a missile at him as he was being wheeled from early morning prayers.

The Matza restaurant suicide bombing occurred on March 31, 2002, when a "Falestinian" Hamas suicide bomber detonated his bomb inside the popular Matza restaurant in Haifa, Israel, near the Grand Canyon shopping mall, murdering 16 Israeli civilians and injuring over 40 people.The military wing of Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack, stating that the bombings would continue as long as the siege of then President of the Palestinian National Authority, Yasser Arafat in Ramallah during Israel's Operation Defensive Shield that was meant to stop such attacks stayed in effect stayed in effect. In addition, Hamas spokesman stated that the suicide bomber was a 22-year-old Palestinian named Shadi Tubasi who originated from the Jenin area.

Shadi Tubasi
The attack occurred at 14:45 during the Passover vacation in Israel, and the restaurant was crowded with families having their lunch. Despite the Passover suicide bombing which occurred just four days earlier in Netanya, and the tense atmosphere following it, the clients and restaurant owners were not particularly worried about security: The Matza restaurant is operated by an Israeli Arab family, and its multi-ethnic nature was thought to make it an unlikely choice for a terrorist attack. The force of the explosion tore the roof off the one-story building, and blew out the windows, instantly killing 14 people, and leaving horrific scenes of people on fire, and people with lost limbs. Over 40 people were injured. Of the 16 victims, 14 were local Haifa residents, and one a waiter from a nearby Bedouin village. Two families were completely wiped out, and other families suffered death and grave injuries to multiple family members.
Ron family
Aviel Ron, 54, of Haifa
Anat Ron, 21, of Haifa
Ofer Ron, 18, of Haifa
Koren family
Shimon Koren, 55, of Haifa
Ran Koren, 18, of Haifa
Gal Koren, 15, of Haifa
Shiran family
Adi Shiran, 17, of Haifa
Shimon Shiran, 57, of Haifa – died of his injuries on April 11, 2009 after
remaining hospitalized for seven years.
Additional victims
Suheil Adawi, 32, of the Bedouin village of Turan
Dov Chernobroda, 67, of Haifa
Moshe Levin, 52, of Haifa
Danielle Menchel, 22, of Haifa
Orly Ofir, 16, of Haifa
Ya'akov Shani, 53, of Haifa
Daniel Carlos Wegman, 50, of Haifa
Carlos Yerushalmi, 52, of Karkur – died of his injuries on April 1, 2002

The co owned Christian Arab-Jewish Maxim restaurant, which is located at the seafront near the southern boundary of the city of Haifa, was frequently attended by both Arab and Jewish local populations, and was widely seen as a symbol of peaceful coexistence in Haifa. The restaurant is also the favorite dining place of  the famous Israeli football club Maccabi Haifa.

On October 4, 2003, the 28-year-old Palestinian suicide bomber Hanadi Jaradat from Jenin in Shomron -the Northern "West Bank" detonated the explosive belt she was wearing inside the restaurant and 21 Israelis (18 Jews and 3 Christian Arabs from Fassuta on the border with Lebanon) were murdered. 51 others were wounded. The bomb included metal fragments packed around the explosive core,that sprayed around the restaurant, maximizing lethal effect. According to Haifa
police sources, the aftermath was gruesome, with some of the dead still sitting upright at their tables, while others, including children and babies, were slammed against the walls. Due to the force of the explosion, all that remained of Jaradat was her head.

Among the victims were two families-(Grandparents and their grandchildren) and four children, including a two-month-old baby. Three Maccabi Haifa officials were lightly injured in the bombing.

Oren Almog, who was ten years old at time of the bombing, survived the attack but was blinded by the blast. He lost two of his grandparents, his father, his brother and his cousin.
The names of the victims murdered in cold-blood:

Five members of the Almog family:
Admiral of Israeli navy (res.) Ze'ev Almog, 71, of Haifa[4][5]
Ruth Almog, 70, of Haifa
Moshe Almog, 43, of Haifa
Tomer Almog, 9, of Haifa
Assaf Staier, 11, of Haifa

Five members of the Zer-Aviv family:
Brurua Zer-Aviv, 59, of Kibbutz Yagur
Bezalel Zer-Aviv, 30, of Kibbutz Yagur
Keren Zer-Aviv, 29, of Kibbutz Yagur
Liran Zer-Aviv, 4, of Kibbutz Yagur
Noya Zer-Aviv, 1, of Kibbutz Yagur

The other victims were:
Nir Regev, 25, of Nahariya
Zvi Bahat, 35, of Haifa
Mark Biano, 29, of Haifa
Naomi Biano, 25, of Haifa
Irena Sofrin, 38, of Kiryat Bialik
Lydia Zilberstein, 56, of Haifa, died of her injuries on October 9

The Christian Arab victims:
Hana Francis, 39, of Fassuta, head waiter.
Sharbal Matar, 23, of Fassuta, waiter
Mutanus Karkabi, 31, of Haifa, security guard
Osama Najar, 28, of Haifa, cook
George Matar, 58, of Haifa, died of his injuries on October 15

At the time of her suicide, Hanadi Tayseer Abdul Malek Jaradat was a law student due to qualify as a lawyer in a few weeks. She had studied law at Yarmouk University in Jordan. Instead of going to the law firm where she was articling, she went to Haifa and blew herself up in a crowded restaurant. Jaradat reportedly carried out the bombing as an act of revenge after Israel Defense Forces undercover operatives in Jenin killed her cousin (Salah, 34) and her younger brother (Fadi, 25), both of whom were members of Islamic Jihad, with her cousin being considered to be a senior member of the Al-Quds Brigades group.  Earlier, when she was 21, her fiancé had been killed by Israeli security forces. Following the killing of her cousin and brother, Jaradat went into mourning and began study of the Koran and fasting two days a week.

And what was the "Falestinian" response? 

Jaradat was proclaimed by the Islamic Jihad as the "Bride of Haifa" to honor her "marriage to the soil of her homeland", an honor previously reserved only to men. Within several days of the bombing, trophy cards with her picture, labelled "Hanadi the Bride of Haifa", were being handed out in Gaza.

In response to his daughter's actions, her father Taisir declined all condolences, instead saying that he was proud of what his daughter had done, and that "I will accept only congratulations for what she did. This was a gift she gave me, the homeland and the Palestinian people."

A member of Hamas Walid Fayad, who was the mourning for the suicide bomber Shadi Tubasi at his home was asked by an Australian reporter; "Why attack Israeli civilians?" answered "When the Israeli started the targeted assassination of our leaders, we decided that if any of our martyrs could get into Israel and reach a target where people are gathered in a restaurant or a street, then they should explode themselves there.
Khaled, another member of Hamas and a hotel worker, spoke in wonderment of a martyr's encounter at the gates of heaven as someone having their file checked: "There will be blessings for 70 of his family and friends. The 72 virgins are real - their skin is so pale and beautiful that you can see the blood in their veins. If one of these virgins spits in the ocean, the seawater becomes sweet. The martyr is so special he does not feel the pain of being in the grave and all that his family has to do to cleanse his file thoroughly, is to repay his outstanding debts."

Hamas sources had priced a complete suicide-bombing mission at up to $4500 US. However, a document of the Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade; which grew out of the impoverished Balata refugee camp on the outskirts of Nablus, in an attempt by Yasser Arafat's Fatah faction to mobilize younger members who were switching allegiance to the hugely popular Hamas and Islamic Jihad. The document which was recovered from the wreckage of Arafat's headquarters in Ramallah during Israel's Operation Defensive Shield, labeled the document  as the "invoice of terror" for it itemized the cost for manufacturing suicide bomb belts at cost NIS700 sheckels to produce.

In October 2012, the Arab Lawyers Union awarded their top award to Hanadi Jaradat, and sent a delegation to her family to present them with the award. Ayman Abu Eisheh, who is a member of the Palestine Committee at the Arab Lawyers Union, explained that the lawyers were proud of Jaradat, saying that suicide bombing was "in defense of Palestine and the Arab nation."