Monday, February 28, 2011

Democracy, the Mass media and the Arab World

The term democracy has suddenly entered the daily lexicon of journalists and news broadcasters who cover the Arab world as an after effect of the recent demonstrations throughout the Middle East. The true form of democracy that all Americans are familiar with from the beginnings of the United States is a relatively new idea in the Arabic / Moslem world. The inherent freedom in a true democracy, such as that in the United States, has become the new battle cry of millions in Tweets and on Facebook. This apparently spontaneous democratic outbreak has come as a response to those oppressive totalitarian regimes that have been controlling the lives of the people. It has inspired millions to go out on the streets and into the city squares throughout the Arab world to demonstrate at the risk of losing their lives to bring change. Will it bring real true democratic and hopefully secular change away from Islamic Fundamentalism? We in Israel most certainly hope that it will.

During the past few weeks the world mass media has been covering the outbreaks of "democracy" that have burst forth on the streets of the Arab countries of the Middle East. Magically the world press and the so called Human "Right" organizations' who have been preoccupied by the myopic view instigated by the Pro-Palestinian lobby, have suddenly discovered "Gross Human Rights Violations" in Arab countries far out strip those "alleged" violations by Israel. Even the infamous HRW or "Human Rights Watch" finally came out to condemn the Hamas for its recent rocket attack on the Israeli city of Be'er Sheba, an attack on a purely civilian target. Their web page states:
Hamas has failed to take any meaningful steps to hold anyone accountable for rocket attacks against Israeli population centers during the 2008-09 conflict, which Israel called "Operation Cast Lead," when it fired hundreds of rockets that killed three civilians.
Journalists who were based in Israel and were exposed to Israeli democratic freedom of the press consistently used negative sources and Palestinians to give Israel "bad press". Suddenly when rushed by their media bosses to the "new democracies" these same journalist found themselves beaten, raped, shot at and incarcerated. Has news coverage of Israel changed?

What has happened is that the blame for all the woes of the Arab war lords and dictators is being blamed on the Jews and Israel. The Palestinians are working overtime to drag the spotlight of the world on their "plight". Meanwhile in Libya just how many thousands have been murdered, Mr Goldstone? and How many refugees are there being treated by UNWRA? Oh I forgot! UNWRA is the organization still 62 years on paying for the upkeep of the grandchildren of ONLY Palestinian "refugees"!

There are many who wonder, "Where has this sudden impetus for democracy come from?" and "Why has it so suddenly appeared now throughout the Arab world?" It is my belief that these somewhat spontaneous revolutions for democracy that we are witnessing today are the direct outcome of the effect of modern mass media, in particular by influence of the newest forms of social interaction and communication on the Internet and cellular phones.

Most "baby boomers" can remember when the first television broadcasts began and how as youths in America this led to changes in our lifestyles. The massive use of television to spark materialistic values through televised advertisements changed America forever. These same advertisements, sponsored by major US corporations' were also used as capitalistic tools to counter Communism and undermine its influence on the captive populations behind the Iron Curtain. These advertisements utilized images of the total freedom symbolized by their consumption or reveled in their use. They emphasized small yet individual freedoms unknown to those of totalitarian regimes yet inherent in the western democracies.

In the 1950's, through the use of mass entertainment in TV programs, Hollywood writers wrote controlled scripts intended to inspire and educate the youth of America in "wholesome" American values, "good" white hats versus the "bad" black hats. Through the viewing of TV programs the American public, especially the youth, were subtly taught against the evil wrongs of Communism and to value the freedoms of democracy. The early syndicated TV programs taught moralistic values of good triumphing over evil yet they shied away from controversial items such as sex, drugs and racial relations. It was not until the McCarthy hearings that the extensive control of the mass media by the anti communists was revealed.

After the assassination of President Kennedy and the rise of the Civil Rights era of the 1960's the use of reality in American television became more critical towards government influence and censures. In the mid to late 1970's there was a growing demand for more realism in TV series. The three major networks rushed to incorporate more realism in their programming in the intense competition for their slice of the advertising market. These changes in the scripts and plots of the new shows were made possible from the massive revenues gleaned from advertisements of the large multi-national corporations.

The last attempted use, by the US Government, of the television industry's news broadcasts as a propaganda device was in the big three networks evening news broadcasts shown during the early years of the war in South East Asia. The US Government attempted to use its control of access to the battlefront to manipulate the news coverage. War stories by all forms of news correspondents together with the revelations of returning veterans created a backlash against the war in Viet Nam. The revelation of government manipulation of the coverage of the war brought on an immediate impact against the US Government. The major networks evening broadcasts beamed film footage of the horrors of the conflict taking place directly into the homes of all Americans. The dramatic footage of the traumatic experiences of young American draftees thrown into a conflict half way around the world directly affected American public opinion. The democratic effect was immediate President Lyndon B. Johnston decided not to seek reelection and the nation voted in Richard M. Nixon. The growing unpopularity in the mass media further inspired more and more young Americans to join the peace groups opposed to the war and to push for a resolution. However it was the total dissatisfaction and loss of willingness by the entire US population - both conservative and liberal that led to the final discontinuation of the war in Viet Nam.

The next step in the evolution of the mass media occurs in the 1970's with the creation of the independent cable TV network of WTBS owned by Ted Turner. The term "cable news" originated from the initial form of transmission televised news for a fee by cable to the subscriber. However with the advent of improved satellite reception provided by private telecommunication providers the expensive and cumbersome cable systems have all but been replaced.
Turner's revolutionary vision of an independent 24 hour Cable News Network supplied by satellite feeds directly from the source brought on the beginnings of actual uncensored breaking news. News incidents were no longer taped for later broadcast. News was now being covered live and uncensored as they occurred. News incidents were now broadcast directly to the household of the consumer without any form of restriction or censorship. No longer was television the sole proprietorship of the top three American national news networks it was no longer under the control of any government or national news networks censorship. CNN in essence became the first real global news network by the use of satellite relays of live coverage whenever it occurred in the world. The awesome influence of live televised uncensored news on the entire world was now basically in the hands of a private individual and his news division.

Throughout the 1980's the Western democracies with their taunted freedom of the press were now being put to the supreme test of the true freedom of the press. The effect of the CNN "Global News" approach was so effective that English Prime Minister Thatcher prohibited there access to the fighting in the Falklands Island war. On October 3, 1990 the zenith of the coverage of an event was that which given to the bringing down of the Berlin wall. The fall of the Berlin Wall paved the way for German reunification and its effect resulted in the coverage of the final downfall of the Communistic regime in the Soviet Union in 1991 when Boris Yeltsin seized power in the aftermath of a failed coup that had attempted to topple reform-minded Gorbachev.
Today the term Cable News itself has become something of an anachronism but it is still in common use. Since its inception many European news channels have scrambled to enter the new competitive 24 Hour news; BBC World News, BBC News, Sky News, Al Jazeera, ABC News 24, France 24, STAR News, Fox News Channel, MSNBC, Press TV, Russia Today, teleSUR and ABC News Now. Some news channels specialize even further, such as ESPNews (sports from ESPN), CNBC, Bloomberg Television and Fox Business Network (financial).
Televised news experienced another evolutionary step through enhanced computer functionality from cumbersome desktop to laptop computers to cellular phones and "pads". The improved functionary capacities together with remote direct satellite Internet access have brought the effect of the free press to millions of viewers who until now were restricted to the censored press of the regimes that controlled their home countries.

Democracy in real democratic countries, such as the United States, is something that is occasionally abused and ignored until post election results come in. The major difference is that in REAL democracies the population is accustomed to the advantage of a limited term office that allows for new elections. That REAL democracy has checks and balances to protect the rights of all men to be free.

Since the US invasion of Iraq to topple Saddam Hussein in Operation Iraqi Freedom launched on March 20th, 2003, the people of the world and especially the educated secular Arabs have finally come to envision their lives in freedom. Freedom from tyrannical despots and freedom from the death that Islamic extremism has wrought upon them and their families is slow to emerge. The urge to live lives as free individuals without the terror that their religious extremists have brought them is something which should be encouraged especially by all those émigrés who have fled to the west. That extreme hatred and blind obedience to backward philosophies that are being taught by Moslem clerics have brought nothing but misery upon them. It is time that the people of Arabic lands return to those ideas and ways of life that once made the lands of the Middle East places of enlightened education and learning and not that of ignorance and death.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Stupid Is As Stupid Writes

As an Israeli and as an American I found the comments made by Mr. William North (Your View, February 5th, 2011) not only offensive but full of incorrect information. 

Mr. William North tries to equate the demonstrations for democratic change in Egypt to those that have occurred in Tunisia. The farthest couldn't be the truth. 
The revolution in Tunisia against President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali was a revolt by the people of Tunisia to dispose a totally corrupt politician who manipulated his office to enrich his family and associates. So to have him kicked out was a Tunisia affair of state.

The fact that Algeria and Tunisia have been lead by despots who robbed their citizens and deprived the people of their respective countries the benefits of modern capitalistic lives is a common thing in the Arab world. 
It is important to note that the ex French North African holdings of Algeria and Tunisia are more "Western" in their outlook than Yemen. These ex French colonies have been educated in the western values of Liberté, Égalité and Fraternité exuberated by the French. The prosperity that the bourgeoisie city dwellers have experienced is not a common thing as in Yemen. The great majority of the populated coastal city areas of Algeria and Tunisia are very westernized with educational opportunities mixed with capitalistic values. Islam to the majority of them is their religion but they prefer to be like secular Europeans. From the majority of the reports from Algeria and particularly Tunisia the issues of the revolt were based on social and economical change.

The massive demonstrations in Egypt, against the Hosni Mubarak regime, that he refers to, are the cries for release from the dreaded mukhabarat (secret police) and his 30 year regime of repression of social and economic development of the middle classes.

Egypt which had a long history of English occupation, is very western in its make up just as with the ex North African French colonies. 
Egypt suffers from a tremendously vast gulf of difference between the social classes. 
It too has an upper middle to high class population of extremely wealthy secular Moslem individuals. Many of whom are from what could be termed "old money" and they openly identify themselves more with Europeans than with their Arab brothers.

Nearly 60 million impoverished and uneducated fanatical Islamic lower class Egyptians attempt to eke out meager livings from farming the country side near the banks of the Nile River. Over a million of Egypt's extremely poor live off the refuse of the garbage dumps of Cairo.

In Egypt, you have the members of the low to middle classes, who are hard working petty bureaucrats, university graduates and professionals. These Egyptians do not receive wages anywhere near those of their counterparts in American or Europe. 
Some are making less than $100 a month. 
The young Egyptian middle class still live well below the wealthy Egyptian elite and this has created the wave of animosity and resentment that we have seen in Tahrir Square (Liberation Square).

Several statements, made by the thousands of participants in the demonstrations flooding Tahrir Square, that sound loudly are those of the members of the medical profession, educators and lawyers who are paid ridiculously low salaries. 
University students who can foresee no positive future after their years spent studying for a diploma are at the forefront of the movement. These are young Egyptians who are fed up with the futility of looking for a job that will allow them to improve their status in life and provide for their family.

We Israelis also wholeheartedly hope that 2011 will be the year in the Middle East and North Africa where the brutal and corrupt autocracies and fanatical Moslem Islamofascists regimes are swept away and replaced by responsive and democratic systems.

As to the relationship between the Egyptians to the "Palestinians", I ask, just when have the Egyptians people stood by the Palestinian people? 
It is a historic fact that the Egyptians never had any affection for the "Palestinians". 
Did Egypt attack the newly founded State of Israel in 1948 for the "Palestinians"? NO!

If you are led to believe otherwise, try to explain why did the Egyptians imprison the "Palestinian" refugees in the Gaza strip from 1948 until 1967? 
Why did they govern the Gaza Strip population under an iron hand? Why has the Egyptian government consistently prevented "Palestinians" from the Gaza Strip from moving to Egypt and receive Egyptian citizenship?

As to the cessation of construction in Judea and Shomron and Jerusalem at the request of President Obama.

I ask, "Where were the "Palestinian" negotiators during the preceding 10 month long moratorium on construction to promote peace negotiations? 

Why have the "Palestinians" consistently missed an opportunity for peace? 
The real slap in the face to the American people has definitely not been Israeli intransigence but that of the "Palestinians". 

We Israelis have given enough, such as the painful withdrawal of Israeli settlers from the Gaza Strip in 2005.
We have received more than 8000 80mm Qassem and 122mm Grad missiles in return as signs of gratitude from the Hamas.

Mr North states that the United States has sustained Israel with massive economic and military assistance since its founding.

This is a blatant lie since it is a historical fact that the major supplier of military arms to Israel until 1967 was France. This is revealed, for example, in Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee hearings held on June 9, 1967:

"It is a fact, is it not, that neither Soviet Russia nor the United States has given any material amounts of arms to Israel, and, if that is true, are they not relatively independent in their thinking at this point?
US Secretary of State Dean Rusk (from 1961-1969):
No, we have provided tanks and Hawk missiles and certain other kinds of equipment to Israel, but their principal arms supplier has been France... The Israeli air force is almost all French supplied."

The US had gained the needed leverage on Israel by 1975 by its resupply of badly needed military supplies and equipment through the air-lift. The Yom Kippur war made it clear to Israel that the scale of military engagements in the Middle East had altered radically since 1967, and that it could therefore no longer be independent militarily. 
The dramatic lesson that was learned by Israel in the intensive fighting of the Yom Kippur War was that the quantities of arms and materiel consumed in just a few days of fighting demanded an industrial capacity that could not be provided by the Israeli military industries. The technological innovations that were needed at that time were beyond the capabilities of Israel.

Kissinger may have persuaded Nixon to resupply the Israelis in 1973, however Kissinger then used this leverage purchased by resupply to push for Israeli withdrawals in Sinai. Egyptian President Anwar Sadat was apparently the only one who had read the Middle East policy map correctly. He understood that if he could move Egypt into the American orbit and offer a "diplomatic horizon" for peace, he would be able to get back the Sinai Peninsula.

For the standard anti-Zionists of all kinds, it is very convenient to point to the large amounts of foreign aid given to Israel as Mr. North alludes to. 
Of course, that aid is given to ensure that Israel will remain compliant with US wishes, and prevent a repetition of the Six Day War scenario, as mentioned above in the Senate hearings, which was a nightmare for the US State Department. 

Israel's appearance as an independent regional player in 1967 showed that it was in a position to dictate the course of it's own affairs. This was in direct contradiction to what an imperialist power could allow.

It is a historically documented fact that Israel paid cold hard cash for all military equipment it received up until the Yom Kippur War of 1973. 
Israel uses the "Generous US AID packages" to purchase fighter aircraft made in America by American workers at the cost of billions of US tax dollars. 
What Mr North and other "Haters of Israel" fail to mention is that the billions in US aid given to Israel allows Israel to use the “credit loans” or monetary aid funds to purchase military supplies and equipment made in American factories by American Working men and women thereby creating a need/market to keep Americans at work!
What is also not mentioned is that Israel's purchases of new equipment, light arms ammunition, shoes and clothing in the US has been done at the expense of the closure of Israel businesses and industries. This has caused the lost of jobs for thousands of Israelis many of whom were from financially depressed "Development Towns".

Another item Mr North and the "Haters of Israel" consistently fail to mention is that the "Palestinians" receive billions in “humanitarian aid", which goes into private Swiss accounts of corrupt "Palestinian" Authority officials or it goes to buy Russia, Chinese and North Korean weaponry. 

Neither do they mention that the Arab countries around Israel have consistently ignored the plight of their "Palestinian" Arab brothers and have kept those displaced in the 1948 Israeli War of Independence in squalid UN (read hundreds of millions in US funding over the past 62 years) refugee camps.

Has any one EVER pointed out or asked WHY the Arab countries; Lebanon, Syria and Jordan that these "refugees" live in, forcibly keep them in the camps and NEVER allowed them to become viable citizens of Arab countries? 

Emile Ghoury, secretary of the Palestinian Arab Higher Committee, in an interview with the Beirut Telegraph published on Sept. 6, 1949, stated:
"The fact that there are these refugees is the direct consequence of the act of the Arab states in opposing partition and the Jewish state. The Arab states agree upon this policy unanimously and they must share in the solution of the problem.”

Wafa Sultan
an Arab-American psychiatrist stated in an interview that was aired on Al-Jazeera TV on February 21st, 2006
Wafa Sultan:

"The clash we are witnessing around the world is not a clash of religions, or a clash of civilizations. It is a clash between two opposites, between two eras. It is a clash between a mentality that belongs to the Middle Ages and another mentality that belongs to the 21st century. It is a clash between civilization and backwardness, between the civilized and the primitive, between barbarity and rationality. It is a clash between freedom and oppression, between democracy and dictatorship. It is a clash between human rights, on the one hand, and the violation of these rights, on other hand. It is a clash between those who treat women like beasts, and those who treat them like human beings. What we see today is not a clash of civilizations. Civilizations do not clash, but compete."

Al-Jazeera TV moderator:
"I understand from your words that what is happening today is a clash between the culture of the West, and the backwardness and ignorance of the Muslims?"

In conclusion:

Here in the Middle East the only way to create a stable, peaceful environment is that All of Israel's Arab neighbors pledge to honor Israel's right to exist as the homeland of the Jewish people and to live in peace. 

It will be a tragedy for the "Palestinians" if they continue to demand "all or nothing" as they have until now. They need to accept what lands Israel is willing to cede to them now for peace and they must reject the continual acts of senseless unprovoked "Palestinian" violence.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Enough is Enough!

The title of this entry is "Enough is Enough"; or as it should be entitled the cynical misuse of the term "Holocaust". This misuse is being purposely carried out by the pro-Palestinian propaganda machine and their anti-Zionistic Jewish lobby in their combined effort to vilify and delegitmize Israel. These "Haters of Israel" are accusing Israel of the "ethnic cleansing of Palestine". They are also attempting to equate Israel's "Occupation" of "Palestinian territory" to that of the treatment of the Jews by the Nazis during World War II. 
For anyone who is somewhat educated and has a knowledge of historical documented fact, this incredulously insensitive, fraudulent and abusive use of the term "Holocaust", reveals the true depth of hatred these "Haters of Israel" possess. Just the thought of associating a term that has come to represent the systematically planned total extermination of the Jewish people to what is occurring to the "Palestinians" is beyond credible thought.

As for the "anti-Zionistic" Jews, who suffer from IDS, Israel Derangement Syndrome. They blindly wallow in contaminated pools of murky material from biased, non-factual unreliable and unsubstantiated sources. These mindless, blinkered and myopic followers wholeheartedly believe the lies and dis-information they have been fed evidently due to a form of acute mental dysfunction. They
 are allied with the "Falestinians" in the spreading of  the grossest lies and untruths.

I truly believe that the reason why Israel is so hated by them is that our true acts of real humanitarian aid, as in Haiti and with the case of Dafur, reveal their shortcomings as totally naive human beings. These anarchists and bleeding hearts cannot bring themselves to admit their mistakes due to lack of intelligent thought and first hand knowledge. 
They have consistently turned a blind eye to the most outrageous acts of terrorism and barbarity by Palestinian "Militants", yet they are ever ready to jump on every falsehood to ridicule and attack Israel. The very actions of these "Liberal Minds" reveal their true insensitivity to cherish real Jewish life time and time again. It is so hypocritical that one should hate ones own being so much that one should use this self hatred to besmirch others.

When I think of them I am reminded of the famous dialogue between Otto Kahn, [ A famous banker and convert to Christianity born and raised in the city of Mannheim, Germany 1867–1934] and a hunchback in front of the Episcopalian Church on Fifth Avenue;
Otto Khan: "I belong to that church.”
“I know,” said the hunchback.
Otto Kahn: “I’m very active in the church; I’m one of the vestrymen,”
the hunchback:“I know.”
Otto Kahn:“I used to be a Jew,”
“I know,” said the hunchback; “I used to be a hunchback.”

I would like to elaborate my feelings on this issue that I firmly believe has reached the point where we in Israel should shout out "Die" which in Hebrew means "Enough!" A fellow pro – Zionist Bloggist who goes by the title, "BlueTruth", has recently sent out a mailer concerning a series of events on US university campuses entitled "
Never Again for Anyone". 
The talk which is being hosted by; BAKA - Students United for Middle Eastern Justice is sponsored by the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, with Sara Kershnar, as their representative. The American Muslims for Palestine and the Middle East Children's Alliance. The series of events wishes to brain wash innocent and naïve American university students into equating the Israeli "Military Occupation" in the West Bank with a fictiticious "Holocaust".

Dr. Hatem Bazian, a UC Berkeley lecturer and chairman of the American Muslims for Palestine. Bazian has instigated "The "Never Again for Anyone" lecture tour. Dr. Hatem Bazian is well known for his call for "intifada" in America. His organization, American Muslims for Palestine, recently circulated a libelous article accusing Israel of all things of creating; "unusually fierce and aggressive dogs that terrorize the West bank".

Also taking part on the panel of this "Tour" is an Auschwitz survivor Dr. Hajo Meyer the author of a book in Dutch entitled Het einde van het Jodendom (The end of Judaism) published in 2003, which accuses Israel of abusing the Holocaust to justify crimes against the Palestinians.

For hundreds of years, the word "holocaust" was used in English to denote massive sacrifices and great slaughters or massacres. After World War II, the word was used to describe Nazi atrocities regardless of whether the victims were Jews or non-Jews.
According to the Webster English dictionary the word Holocaust is defined simply as originating from the Greek word ὁλόκαυστος holókaustos: hólos, meaning both "whole" and kaustós, "burnt" – a sacrifice consumed by fire or a thorough destruction. There is absolutely no reference in the dictionary definition to its more recent sinister connotation the planned "
final solution" or genocide of European Jewry.

To the Jewish people and particularly to the Jews of Israel the "Holocaust" is referred to as "The Shoah" from the Hebrew word- השואה, HaShoah, which simply means "calamity". In Yiddish the term is more meaningfully correct חורבן Hurban, since it is derived from the Hebrew for "destruction".

With the discoveries of the horrors of the Nazi factories of death at the end of World War II and the total extent of the actual genocide and very real "ethnic" cleansing by the Nazis. There was a very short lived world-wide empathy for the Jewish people until the rise of Communism. It was this wave of revulsion at the ghastly horrors inflicted on the Jewish people and the strident attempts make to exit Europe for Palestine that brought forth the eventual passing of the UN vote for the partition of Palestine.
It was not until much later in the middle 1960s after the trial of Adolph Eichman that the whole non-Hebrew speaking world began to use the word "Holocaust" to refer exclusively to the extermination of Jews in Nazi occupied Europe. It was also during the 1960s that the world had finally begun to admit their complicity of silence during the "Holocaust" and because of this we Jews have become sensitive to the use of the term.

So how does the Israeli "Occupation" compare to the very real and documented treatment of the Jews during the Holocaust? Allow me to take you back to the historical facts and truth of what real ethnic cleansing is Nazi style and just how the disease of anti-Semitic hatred stills continues to burn.

It is a historical fact that Adolph Hitler had planned out his policies to eradicate the Jews in his 694 page manifesto "Mein Kampf" or My Struggle (which was published in two volumes in 1925 and 1926). Hitler's hatred of the Jews had begun early in his life and became exacerbated with the downfall of his beloved adopted homeland Germany after its defeat and disgrace in the aftermath of World War I. In "Mein Kampf" Hitler refers to his master plan for the "final solution" of the Jews in the passage, "…that if 12,000–15,000 Jews were gassed, then "the sacrifice of millions of soldiers would not have been in vain".

With his ascension to power in 1933 as the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, abbreviated NSDAP), commonly known as the Nazi Party. He had begun his policy to curtail Jewish life in Germany immediately and Nazism became an official ideology incorporating scientific racism and anti-Semitism that there was a rapid growth in German legislation directed at Jews.

In 1935 the Reichstag approved the Nuremberg Laws or Nürnberg Laws (German: Nürnberger Gesetze) which were anti-Semitic laws in Nazi Germany introduced at the annual Nuremberg Rally of the Nazi Party. The
Nuremberg Laws were basically an incorporation of the 25 Point Platform of the Nazi Party (adopted in February 1920), which demands that only "Aryan" Germans be allowed to publish newspapers and own department stores, places a ban on Jewish immigration, expels all Ostjuden (Eastern Jews; i.e., Jews from Eastern Europe who had arrived in Germany since 1914) and strips all German Jews of their German citizenship. The lack of a clear legal method of defining who was Jewish had, however, allowed some Jews to escape some forms of discrimination aimed at them. The enactment of laws identifying who was Jewish made it easier for the Nazis to enforce legislation restricting the basic rights of German Jews.

During the period 1933 -1942 the youth of Germany were exposed to the writings and speeches of earlier volkisch leaders such as Wilhelm Marr, Georg Ritter von Schönerer, Houston Stewart Chamberlain and Karl Lueger, all of whom routinely called Jews a "disease" and "vermin." Nevertheless, Hitler cites all of them as an inspiration in Mein Kampf and he passed this vision into the propaganda films such as the infamous
The Eternal Jew.

Eternal Jew was a "movie produced in the style of a documentary, the central thesis being the immutable racial personality traits that, according to Nazi doctrine, characterize the Jew as a wandering cultural parasite. Throughout the film, these supposed traits are contrasted to the Nazi state ideal: while Aryan men are shown to find satisfaction in physical labor and the creation of value, Jews are depicted as finding pleasure in money and a hedonist lifestyle. While members of the Aryan race live healthily, rich Jews are shown as living in bug-infested and dirty homes, even though they could afford better. The footage to convey this was actually captured in ghettos, where living conditions were very poor and unsanitary surroundings were virtually inevitable. While Germanic/Nordic man has an appreciation for Northern culture and imagery, Jews are alleged only to find satisfaction in the grotesque and decadent." The Nazi Party monthly publication Unser Wille und Weg was also used to voice the party line of anti-Semitic hatred and defamation of the Jewish people.

On May 25, 1940 Heinrich Himmler sent a memorandum with proposals to Hitler regarding the "Final Solution to the Jewish Question". In the memorandum, Himmler rejects genocide under the grounds that one must reject "...the Bolshevik method of physical extermination of a people out of inner conviction as un-German and impossible." He goes on to argue that something similar to the "
Madagascar Plan" be the preferred "territorial solution" to the "Jewish Question". The Madagascar Plan was a plan to ethnically cleanse Europe of all of it's Jewish population to this island that was a French colony. The island had come under Vichy French control in the aftermath of the surrender of France in the armistice of 25 June 1940. SS Leader Heinrich Himmler, in his "Reflections on the Treatment of Peoples of Alien Races in the East", declared: "I hope that the concept of Jews will be completely extinguished through the possibility of a large emigration of all Jews to Africa or some other colony."The failure of the Madagascar Plan, and the eventual logistical problems of deportation in general, ultimately lead to the conception of the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question." Meanwhile the Warsaw ghetto was completed and opened in October. Expulsions of Jews from German territory into occupied Poland continued again from late autumn 1940 to spring 1941.

Okay let us review, the Nazi's first enacted restrictive laws called the Nurmeberg Laws. Secondly Jews are stripped of citizenship and deprived of their, jobs, homes and wealth. Meanwhile the Nazi propaganda machine labeled the Jews as "Under Munchen" sub-humans, a quality that would supposedly make it easier for the Germans participating in the mass extermination campaign to feel that they were "cleansing" and not murdering. Now what happens next? What happened to the
Balfour Declaration and its call for a Jewish Homeland? What was the reaction of the Arabs in the "Mandated Territories"?

Until the official beginning of World War II on September 1, 1939 Jews where encouraged to leave Greater Germany by Hitler, however no matter how hard they tried most of the doors of the countries of the world where closed. Even the Palestinian Mandated areas designated as the homeland for the Jewish people under British control was limited to a meager migration due to the enactment of the "
White Paper of 1939."
"It was recommended in the Peel Commission Report of 1937, was abandoned in favour of creating an independent Palestine governed by Palestinian Arabs and Jews in proportion to their numbers in the population by 1949 (section I). A limit of 75,000 Jewish immigrants was set for the five-year period 1940-1944, consisting of a regular yearly quota of 10,000, and a supplementary quota of 25,000, spread out over the same period, to cover refugee emergencies. After this cut-off date, further immigration would depend on the permission of the Arab majority (section II). Restrictions were also placed on the rights of Jews to buy land from Arabs (section III)"

This "White Paper of 1939" was in direct violation of Article 15 of the Mandate for Palestine which states: "No person shall be excluded from Palestine on the sole ground of his religious belief."

According the British
White Paper of 1922 to Sir Alec Kirkbride, the British representative in the area, Transjordan was:

... intended to serve as a reserve of land for use in the resettlement of Arabs once the National Home for the Jews in Palestine, which [Britain was] pledged to support, became an accomplished fact. There was no intention at that stage of forming the territory east of the River Jordan into an independent Arab state.
So now the British and the Arabs have forced the doors of Palestine to be closed and the anti-Semites have closed all the other doors what do the Nazis do?

So now that the Jews had no where to go and Poland with it's massive Jewish population under their control what do the Nazis do? They begin by using the SS Einsatzgruppen (Task Forces) death squads who followed the Wehrmacht during the Operation Barbarossa invasion of the USSR in June 1941. The initial extermination method of shooting people in burial pits proved logistically and psychologically inefficient, so in late 1941, the Nazis established camps specifically for mass extermination via gas chambers

All of this changes at the
Wannssee Conference of January 20,1942. At the conference Reinhard Heydrich of the Schutzstaffel (SS) chief executor of the "Final solution to the Jewish question" informed administrative leaders of Departments responsible for various policies relating to Jew sand the laid out the systematic state-sponsored extermination of the Jewish people. Concentration camps were built and then turned into extermination camps the most famous of which included Belzec, Majdanek, Sobibor, Treblinka, and Auschwitz-Birkenau.

The inmates of the concentration camps died through deliberate maltreatment, disease, starvation, and overwork, or were executed as unfit for labor. Now with the introduction of the Wannssee conference "Final Solution" construction of the extermination camps on the hubs of rail lines prisoners were transported in inhumane conditions by freight railcars, in which many died before reaching their destination. The prisoners were confined to the railcars for days or even weeks, with little or no food or water. Many died of dehydration in the intense heat of summer or froze to death in winter. Concentration camps also existed in Germany itself, and though they were not specifically designed for systematic extermination, many of their inmates perished because of harsh conditions or were executed.

Of approximately nine million European Jews who had resided in Europe before the Holocaust more than six million were exterminated. And why was this? Simply because we Jews had NO homeland with open gates that would have as I mentioned previously to go to. It is extremely important to remember here that the Nazis had opted to expel the Jews from Europe. But there was NOWHERE to go! Arab hatred inspired by British indifference and broken promises not only closed the gates to a promised Jewish Homeland in "Palestine" it gave the Nazis the green light to carry out the "Final Solution". It was the complicity of the British by making pledges to both sides and then reneging on them that turned the Jews and Arabs against one another and denied the millions of European Jews their lives.

Here are two prime examples of Arab hatred and complicity in the murder of the Jews of Europe in letters. The first letter is from The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini to Ulrich Friedrich Wilhelm Joachim von Ribbentrop Foreign Minister of the German Reich from 1938 until 1945.

Berlin July 25, 1944
To His Excellency
Joachim von Ribbentrop
The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Berlin
Your Excellency:

I have previously called the attention of your Excellency to the constant attempts of the Jews to emigrate from Europe in order to reach Palestine, and asked your Excellency to undertake the necessary steps so as to prevent the Jews from emigrating. I had also sent you a letter, under date of June 5, 1944, in regard to the plan for an exchange of Egyptians living in Germany with Palestinian Germans, in which I asked you to exclude the Jews from this plan of exchange. I have, however, learned that the Jews did depart on July 2, 1944, and I am afraid that further groups of Jews will leave for Palestine from Germany and France to be exchanged for Palestinian Germans.

This exchange on the part of the Germans would encourage the Balkan countries likewise to send their Jews to Palestine. This step would be incomprehensible to the Arabs and Moslems after your Excellency's declaration of November 2, 1943 that "the destruction of the so-called Jewish national home in Palestine is an immutable part of the policy of the greater German Reich" and it would create in them a feeling of keen disappointment.

It is for this reason that I ask your Excellency to do all that is necessary to prohibit the emigration of Jews to Palestine, and in this way your Excellency would give a new practical example of the policy of the naturally allied and friendly Germany towards the Arab Nation.

Haj Amin al-Husseini
The Mufti of Jerusalem.

The second letter is from The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini asking Hungary to "send Jews" to Poland -meaning full well "extermination"

June 28, 1943
His Excellency
The Minister of Foreign Affairs for Hungary

Your Excellency:

You no doubt know of the struggle between the Arabs and Jews of Palestine, that it has been and what it Is, a long and bloody fight, brought about by the desire of the Jews to create a national home, a Jewish State in the Near East, with the help and protection of England and the United States. In fact, behind it lies the hope which the Jews have never relinquished, namely, the domination of the whole world through this Important, strategic center, Palestine, In effect their program has, among other purposes, always aimed at the encouragement of Jewish migration to Palestine and the other countries of the Near East. However, the war, as well as the understanding which the members of the Three-Power Pact have of the responsibility of the Jews for its outbreak and finally their evil Intentions towards these countries which protected them until now - all these are reasons for placing them under such vigilant control an will definitely stop their emigration to Palestine or elsewhere.

Lately I have been informed of the uninterrupted efforts made by the English and the Jews to obtain permission for the Jews living in your country to leave for Palestine via Bulgaria and Turkey.

I have also learned that these negotiations were successful since some of the Jews of Hungary have had the satisfaction of immigrating to Palestine via Bulgaria and Turkey and that a group of these Jaws arrived In Palestine towards the end of last March. The Jewish Agency. which supervises the execution of the Jewish program, has published a bulletin which contains Important information on the current negotiations between the English Government and the governments of other interested states to send the Jews of Balkan countries to Palestine. The Jewish Agency quoted, among other things, its receipt of a sufficient number of immigration certificates for 900 Jewish children to be transported from Hungary, accompanied by 100 adults.

To authorize these Jews to leave your country under the above circumstances and in this way, would by no means solve the Jewish problem and would certainly not protect your country against their evil influence - far from it! - for this escape would make It possible for them to communicate and combine freely with their racial brethren in enemy countries in order to strengthen their position and to exert a more dangerous influence on the outcome of the war, especially since, as a consequence of their long stay in your country. they are necessarily in a position to know many of your secrets and also about your war effort. All this comes on top of the terrible damage done to the friendly Arab nation which has taken its place at your side in this war and which cherishes for your country the most sincere feelings and the very best wishes.

This is the reason why I ask your excellency to permit me to draw your attention to the necessity of preventing the Jews from leaving your country for Palestine: and If there are reasons which make their removal necessary, it would be indispensable and Infinitely preferable to send them to other countries where they would find themselves under active control, for example, in Poland, in order thereby to protect oneself from their menace and avoid the consequent damages

Haj Amin al-Husseini
The Mufti of Jerusalem.

Source: The Arab Higher Committee. Its Origins, Personnel and Purposes. Documentary Record Submitted to the United Nations, May 1947, by the Nation Associates. An a Sequel to This Request 400,000 Jews Were Subsequently Killed

Now as to the accusations of the "Haters of Israel" that are accusing Israel of the "ethnic cleansing of Palestine" and the equalization of Israel's "Occupation" of Palestinian territory to that of the treatment of the Nazi's of the Jews during World War II.

Let me begin by saying here and now that I am no friend of all the "Settlers" nor do I readily approve of the "Occupation". The euphemism used to describe the settlement of Jews in the area termed the West Bank. I would like to point out that there is absolutely no such thing as a "Peaceful" or benign occupation. On this point I wish to clarify. I know that there will be many who read this from all sides who will find issue with my words but as the famous French philosopher of the Enlightenment Voltaire once said; "I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it." Originated in "The Friends of Voltaire", 1906, by S. G. Tallentyre.

Now please allow me to quote the conveniently forgotten historical and documented FACTs as radically opposed to ARAB LIES AND MISINFORMATION.

HISTORICAL FACT: Ever since the truly outstanding Israeli triumph in the DEFENSIVE war known as the "Six Day War" in that fateful June of 1967, Israeli forces crossed the
1949 Rhodes agreement "Green" ARMISTICE lines and "liberated" the "West Bank".

HISTORICAL FACT: Few of these out spoken critics recall that the "West Bank", is in historical fact the biblical Jewish Kingdoms of Judea and Shomron of Eretz Yisrael.

HISTORICAL FACT : Most interestingly of all is the that this area was part of the Versailles agreement appointed British "
Mandate for Palestine". An area designated for a Jewish Homeland in Palestine.

HISTORICAL FACT: Even fewer of them remember that the area of the "West Bank" was captured and "OCCUPIED" by the Arab Legion of Jordan in 1948.

HISTORICAL FACT:That the Palestinians did not utilize this period of an Arab "Occupation" from 1948 till 1967 to create a Palestinian state is a totally forgotten.

HISTORICAL FACT: The pre 1967 view of Israel as the "Little David" fighting for it's very existence, against a massive build up of Arab military forces from Egypt, Syria, Lebanon. Jordan and Iraq with the daily televised demonstrations that called for the annihilation of Israel have faded from the collective memory of the world. Few remember the overwhelming desire of Israel to achieve peace in the aftermath of the war and the resounding reply of the
Khartoum Resolution of September 1, 1967 in what became known as the "Three 'No's": "no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with it."

Now as to the accusations of the "Haters of Israel" that accuse Israel of the "ethnic cleansing of Palestine" where were your voices in 1948?

Why did the world once again stand aside when the "Jordanian Legionnaires" conquered and "OCCUPIED" Jerusalem, with its ancient Jewish Quarter and the Kotel –the Western Wall. Where were these hypocrites when the entire Jewish population of the "Old City" and the Gush Etzion Block were ethnically cleansed and their homes were either destroyed or occupied? Why is this real true historical fact totally ignored?
How many remember the total destruction and desecration of the two Jewish Synagogues the
Hurva and Tiferet Yisrael? The destruction and desecration of the Jewish graveyards on the Mount of Olives, whose tombstones where used to pave the trenches of the Jordanian Legionnaires?

The well minded totally naïve "liberal idealists" who are now so outspoken against Israel's "Occupation" fail to remember that Israel had attempted to end the "Occupation" BEFORE the establishment of the first "Jewish settlement" in
Sebastia in 1978.

That for nearly 20 years prior to the
Intifada in 1987 the Jews of Israel and the Palestinians had known a period of relative quiet and commerce.Thousands of Palestinians worked daily within the "Green Line" in Israel. Thousand of Israelis would cross over the "Green Line" into the West Bank to do shopping, visit historical religious sites and eat meals in restaurants. In the "Old City" life was pleasant Jews, Arabs –Moslem and Christian alike moved among each other in tranquility.
Let me add here that there were acts of Terror and murder but on the whole life went on in a much more open manner.

HISTORICAL FACT: Israel has attempted to make peace multiple times but they have always reverted to acts of violence and terrorism. As in the
Oslo Accords of 1993 in which the PLO would acknowledge the state of Israel and pledge to reject violence, and Israel would recognize the (unelected) PLO as the official Palestinian authority, allowing Yasser Arafat to return to the West Bank. After the signing of the Accords, the attacks against Israel did not stop but instead they intensified. There are those Palestinian apologists who accused Palestinian rejectionist organizations as committing the acts of violence to thwart the peace process. In essence it was latter found in documents seized in the buildings of the Palestinian Authority had no interest in stopping these attacks and Arafat was instead endorsing them.
A point in case is the "Al-Aqsa Intifada." which began in late September 2000 Palestinian leader Marwan Barghouti admitted to Al-Hayat (29 September 2001) one of the leading daily pan-Arab newspapers:

I knew that the end of September was the last period (of time) before the explosion, but when Sharon reached the al-Aqsa Mosque, this was the most appropriate moment for the outbreak of the intifada....The night prior to Sharon's visit, I participated in a panel on a local television station and I seized the opportunity to call on the public to go to the al-Aqsa Mosque in the morning, for it was not possible that Sharon would reach al-Haram al-Sharif just so, and walk away peacefully. I finished and went to al-Aqsa in the morning....We tried to create clashes without success because of the differences of opinion that emerged with others in the al-Aqsa compound at the time....After Sharon left, I remained for two hours in the presence of other people, we discussed the manner of response and how it was possible to react in all the cities (bilad) and not just in Jerusalem. We contacted all (the Palestinian) factions.
The Arafat inspired "Intifada" civil uprising led to the wave of incredibly terrible acts of suicide bombing and murders that caused Israel to reply by building the "Security Wall" which has deprived the Palestinian terrorists their free access to commit atrocities. The fact that the Israeli "Security Wall" was brought on as a reaction to Palestinian inspired violence is lost on the critics of Israel. The fact that the "Security Wall" has caused hardships on the Palestinians is the price that the Palestinians chose to bring upon themselves alone.

Over the past few years; the pro-Palestinian propaganda machine, and their Anti-Zionistic Jewish lobby of moronic, morally brainwashed and idiotic self-hating Jewish lobbyists, have not only defamed the sanctity of the cherished memory of the martyred millions of Jews. They have consistently ignored and denied historical fact that the Israeli Military "Occupation" measures have been brought on by violent acts of terrorism by the Palestinians against Israeli civilian targets.

After the Geneva Peace Conference with Arab countries (21 December 1973) Abba Eban, the father of Israeli statesmanship, former foreign minister and ambassador to the United States and United Nations, was quoted is stating that; "Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity." The Jerusalem Post (18 November 2002). He is also quoted as stating;
"Lest Arab governments be tempted out of sheer routine to rush into impulsive rejection, let me suggest that tragedy is not what men suffer but what they miss".To defame Israel by the use of the term "Holocaust" in its actions in the "West Bank" is ludicrous as is the claim of "Ethnic Cleansing". What in reality should be asked is why the Arabs themselves expelled more than 900,000 Jews of Arab lands from their homes?

Monday, January 31, 2011

Holding One's Breath

The winds of change in the societies that make up the lands of North Africa and the Middle East in the past few months have burst forth to sweep throughout the Moslem land. These indifferences are now being exacerbated by the "revolutions" in Arab countries around Israel. Added to this there has also been a massive wave of negative views in the personal/public opinion of many Europeans towards Israel.

World opinion towards Israel has drastically eroded since the "Cast Lead" operation with its infamous Goldstone report, based on the scandalous lies and falsified testimonies of the Palestinian Hamas led regime, and in the aftermath of the Turkish "Humanitarian Flotilla" affair. World opinion has and continues to be manipulated by the pro-Palestinian propaganda front with outright lies and distorted and baseless facts used to "bad mouth" Israel. In country after country the world opinion has been brought to focus in a myopic manner on the Palestinian – Israeli conflict as the major cause of all injustices in the Middle East. Little or no light has ever been shown on the corrupt Arab regimes that clamored for the eradication of the "Zionist Entity" from the beginning.

Those of us who reside in Israel are truly concerned for the future Israel and of our region and of the world. With us in Israel the changes that are occurring are of vital strategic concern since they could affect our very physical existence. We in Israel have a deep concern over these recent developments since they are happening right next door and not thousands of miles away across a vast ocean. Added to these changes are the on going threats from our neighbors in Lebanon –vis a vis the Shi'ite Hezbollah. We continue to suffer our daily dosage of abuse in the world press from the Palestinians and their supporters who, "Never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity," to reach a final agreement for peace. We also cannot forget the ongoing threat of immediate nuclear immolation promised almost daily by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. And let us not forget the occasionally whimper from the supposedly democratically elected President Bashar al-Assad in Syria

We ask what has brought about this harbinger for a change in the Arab countries around us? Just why were the members of the western intelligence agencies caught unaware of the revolutions? Is revolution a new thing in the Arab world? What is the meaning of these changes and are they forebodings of Islamic radicalization Iranian style or are they really revolutions for democratization and social reform?

The countries of the ex French North African holdings of Algeria and Tunisia have known change. These ex colonies had western educated values of Liberté, Égalité and Fraternité exuberated by the French. The prosperity that the bourgeoisie city dwellers had experienced during the long French colonial rule was not a common thing as with the areas of the ex Ottoman Turkish Empire. The great majority of the populated coastal city areas are very westernized with educational opportunities mixed with capitalistic values. Islam to the majority of them is the religion but it is not the fundamentalist belief as with those in the rural southern region of the Sahara desert areas. From the majority of the reports from Algeria and particularly Tunisia the issue is social and economical and is not directly related towards relations with Israel. The ex-Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali was a corrupt politician who manipulated his office to enrich his family and associates. So to have him kicked out was a Tunisia affair of state.

Egypt which had a long history of English occupation is very similar in its make up with the ex North African French colonies. However as has been pointed out Egypt suffers from tremendously vast difference in social classes and wealth. It too has an upper middle to high class of extremely wealthy individuals. Many of whom are from what could be termed "old money". Egypt has consistently suffered from a vast impoverished and uneducated Islamic lower class. Nearly 60 million Egyptians attempt to eke out meager livings from farming the Nile River soil and over a million live off the refuse of the garbage dumps of Cairo.
In Egypt you have the members of the low to middle classes who are hard working petty bureaucrats, university graduates and professionals who do not receive wages anywhere near those of their counterparts in American or Europe. Some are making less than $100 a month.

Over the past century, from the time of the British occupation, those wanting of a better life for themselves and their children have gravited to the major cities of Cairo and Alexandria. They moved there for opportunities in commerce and education. For many years in Egypt upward movement was only made possible for those who had a "wasta", an influential intermediary to promote their application for employment in a society where most people lived in poverty. The young Egyptian middle class merchants still live well below the wealthy Egyptian elite and this has created the wave of animosity and resentment of those born into wealth and power.

Several statements, made by the thousands of participants in the demonstrations flooding Tahrir Square, that sound loudly are those of the members of the medical profession, educators and lawyers who are paid ridiculously low salaries. University students who can foresee no positive future after their years spent studying for a diploma are at the forefront of the movement. These are young Egyptians who are fed up with the futility of looking for a job that will allow them to improve their status in life and provide for their family.

The wealthy to extremely wealthy merchants and land owners of Egypt have created a pseudo aristocracy of their own which until the recent riots together with Mubarak controlled all life in Egypt. The failure of the high class to assist the members of the educated professional class to earn a decent living has caused the animosity which has burst forth onto the streets and squares of Egypt. The resentment of the masses due to continual abuse and deprivation has spontaneously come forth. Or is it spontaneous?

In light of the recent riots in Egypt against Hosni Mubarak, it is interesting to note the warning that General Muhammad Naguib conveyed to King Farouk during the Egyptian Revolution of 1952 where he provided a summary of the reasons for the revolution:

"In view of what the country has suffered in the recent past, the complete
vacuity prevailing in all corners as a result of your bad behavior,your toying with the constitution,and your disdain for the wants of the people,no one rests assured of life, livelihood, and honor. Egypt's reputation among the peoples of the world has been debased as a result of your excesses in these areas to the extent that traitors and bribe-takers find protection beneath your shadow in addition to security, excessive wealth, and many extravagances at the expense of the hungry and impoverished people."

The success of the previous Egyptian Revolution of 1952 which was a military coup d'état by "The Free Officers Movement" inspired numerous Arab and African countries to remove pro-Western and specifically pro-British Empire and pro-French Empire monarchies and potentates behind the veil of ending corrupt regimes. The question today is whether today's revolution will allow the Islamic fundamentalist Moslem Brotherhood which was outlawed and controlled by the Mubarak security forces to break out and seize control. The members of the Moslem Brotherhood are outspoken critics of the peace with Israel and they are the ones behind the assassination of Anwar Sadat 6 October 1981. Moslem Brotherhood members have created political parties in several countries, such as the Islamic Action Front in Jordan and Hamas in Gaza and the West Bank. These parties are staffed by Brotherhood members but kept independent from the Moslem Brotherhood to some degree.

So who or what is this Moslem Brotherhood?

The Moslem Brotherhood is an Islamist transnational movement and in many Arab states it is the largest political opposition organization. The group was founded in 1928 in Egypt and it is the "world's most influential Islamist movement." It was founded by the Islamic scholar and Sufi schoolteacher Hassan al-Banna.

The Brotherhood's stated goal is to instill the Qur'an and Sunnah as the "sole reference point for ... ordering the life of the Muslim family, individual, community ... and state."

Since its inception in 1928 the movement has officially opposed violent means to achieve its goals,with some exceptions such as in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict or to overthrow secular Ba'athist rule in Syria (re: The Hama massacre).

In the group's belief, the Quran and Sunnah constitute a perfect way of life and social and political organization that God has set out for man. Islamic governments must be based on this system and eventually unified in a Caliphate. The Muslim Brotherhood's goal, as stated by Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna was to reclaim Islam’s manifest destiny, an empire, stretching from Spain to Indonesia. It preaches that Islam enjoins man to strive for social justice, the eradication of poverty and corruption, and political freedom to the extent allowed by the laws of Islam. The Brotherhood strongly opposes Western colonialism, and helped overthrow the pro-western monarchies in Egypt and other Muslim nations during the early 20th century.

The causes of the revolutions that have occurred recently appear to be based on economic differences and on the inequality between the classes of people. The oppressive regimes run by corrupt politicians and lead by dictators who have misused their office to fatten their own bank accounts. Demonstrators in Tahrir Square have voiced the opinion that the Egyptian people will achieve democracy through will alone and that the United States should stop playing games with dictators.

So why have the injustices of the Egyptian regime under Mubarak been ignored until now by America and the nations of the European Union, the "democratic countries of the world". Why is it such a surprise to Obama?

How does all this tie into Israel Egypt's supposed partner in peace since the Camp David Accords of 1979 under the auspices of President Jimmy –Peanut Man aka Apartheid Wall – Carter? From some statements of the participants in the demonstrations, Egyptians as a whole aren't necessarily interested in reneging on the Egyptian-Israeli peace, though they do want to see the Palestinians treated justly. Those who have been watching the events in Egypt would do well to remember that in his three decades as president, President Hosni Mubarak did very little, if anything, to educate his people and change their perspective of Israel. Though there have been contacts between the Egyptian authorities and Israeli counterparts, at every other level of government and civil society, Israel is considered to be the devilish enemy. It has also been reported that there have been very few anti-Israel slogans or signs during the demonstrations in Cairo. However Israel still remains a convenient bogeyman for all occasions and at the end of the week of demonstrations. The local and government-controlled television stations are now trying to incite the citizenry against the pro-democracy protesters by saying there were Israeli spies among them.

"We don't want to abolish diplomatic relations with Israel," said one of the secular demonstrators in Cairo's Tahrir Square"Liberation Square". "The wars with Israel were bad and we mustn't go back to that. But in the meantime, we must support the Palestinians more and not sell natural gas to Israel." Another protestor shouted. "Mubarak and Suleiman - they're both Israel's clients." Demonstrators have occasionally shouted for Mubarak to "go to Israel". Many Egyptians see Suleiman as closely involved in maintaining the relationship between the Egyptian and Israeli governments.The protesters want democracy, and if they are blaming any foreign elements for supporting Mubarak, then the United States and the Arab League are the ones most frequently criticized.

As for the tiny remaining Jewish community of Egypt, there remain only a handful of elderly Jews in Egypt’s second-largest city and virtually none in the capital. Thankfully the shuttered synagogues of Cairo and Alexandria have not been attacked as in Tunisia. The reported shooting incident last weekend near the Israeli embassy was probably not connected to any political violence, but to looting.
President Hosni Mubarak should be commended for his restraint so far in not releasing the full force of his dreaded mukhabarat (secret police) since such widespread demonstrations in other parts of the Arab world would have been quickly crushed by force.

We should all be supportive of the revolution for real democratic changes in Egypt but this is the Middle East and not Western Europe and things usually work differently here. There is little hope that a benign and enlightened democracy will replace Mubarak and that he will replaced by a Western style democratic statesman. What can be said of Mubarak is that he did keep the peace for 30 years, albeit a cold one and he was a staunch strategic ally for the US.
It should be noted here that while mass demonstrations were taking place in Egypt and elsewhere in the Arab world, US Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, told the House Intelligence Committee that,
"The term 'Muslim Brotherhood' an umbrella term for a variety of movements, in the case of Egypt, a very heterogeneous group, largely secular, which has eschewed violence and has decried Al Qaeda as a perversion of Islam."
Immediately after this very public statement on record, by a leader of the United States Intelligence, Sheikh Yousef al-Qaradawi, one of the world's leading Islamic scholars and a regular broadcaster on Al Jazeera and a leader in the Muslim Brotherhood led Friday prayers on February 18 in Tahrir Square by saying,“Egyptian people are like the genie who came out of the lamp and who have been in prison for 30 years.” He demanded the release of political prisoners in Egyptian prisons, praised the Copts for protecting Muslims in their Friday prayer, and called for the new military rulers to quickly restore civilian rule.
This clerical leader of the Moslem Brotherhood who according to US Intelligence has "eschewed violence" supports suicide attacks on all Israelis, including women since he views the Israeli society as a "completely military" society that did not include any civilians. He also considers pregnant women and their unborn babies to be valid targets on the ground that the babies could grow up to join the Israeli Army.
Specific attention should be focused on a, sermon made by Sheikh Yousef al-Qaradawi during the Gaza War that was aired on Al-Jazeera, on January 9, 2009 where he prayed (as translated by MEMRI):
"Oh Allah, take your enemies, the enemies of Islam. Oh Allah, take the Jews, the treacherous aggressors. Oh Allah, take this profligate, cunning, arrogant band of people. Oh Allah, they have spread much tyranny and corruption in the land. Pour Your wrath upon them, oh our God. Lie in wait for them. Oh Allah, You annihilated the people of Thamoud at the hand of a tyrant, and You annihilated the people of 'Aad with a fierce, icy gale, and You destroyed the Pharaoh and his soldiers — oh Allah, take this oppressive, tyrannical band of people. Oh Allah, take this oppressive, Jewish Zionist band of people. Oh Allah, do not spare a single one of them. Oh Allah, count their numbers, and kill them, down to the very last one."
The words of al-Qaradawi echo those of the Hamas Charter, an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, which affirms that "The Day of Judgment will not come until Muslims fight Jews and kill them". I believe that the American "Intelligence" community's assumption that the Muslim Brotherhood have "eschewed violence" is incorrect to say the least!

Given the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood is likely to assume a significant role in any future Egyptian government, should democratic elections be held there. It is hardly surprising than many here in Israel are more than a little concerned about what the future of our relations with Egypt might hold in light of Sheikh Yousef al-Qaradawi remarks and how they were received by the Egyptian demonstrators.

So the question here is; "Is the Palestinian – Israeli conflict still the major cause of all injustices in the Middle East?" Or, as many Israelis have pointed out for years, that our Arab neighbors should strain for democracy to rid themselves of corrupt regimes that keep them destitute? In the famous letter of 1919 from His Royal Highness Prince Feisal Husseini, king of Syria and Iraq, son of Sherif Husain and later King of Iraq, to Felix Frankfurter, Emir Faisal stated;
"People less informed and less responsible have, I am afraid, misrepresented your aims to the Arab peasantry, and our aims to the Jewish peasantry, with the result that interested parties have been able to make capital out of what they call our differences."
The sole reason that the Palestinian – Israeli conflict has been considered the main cause is only due to the high profile propaganda campaign waged in recent years by those aspiring to bring forth an Arab Palestinian state. These propagandists who "Hate" the "Zionist Entity", continually attack Israel for its proud standing as a truly democratic country with equality for all its citizens. For these "Haters of Israel" the Hamas led regime in Gaza, the Palestinian Authority and the oppressive regimes in the Arab countries have consistently been above criticism.

So is Israel really a democracy?

Though Israel does not possess a constitution as such, it's Declaration of Independence serves as a quasi legal format for a truly democratic country with basic rights and privileges given to all the states inhabitants. The Israeli declaration issue on May 15th, 1948 states:
"THE STATE OF ISRAEL will be open to the immigration of Jews from all countries of their dispersion; will promote the development of the country for the benefit of all its inhabitants; will be based on the precepts of liberty,justice and peace taught by the Hebrew Prophets; will uphold the full social and political equality of all its citizens, without distinction of race, creed or sex; will guarantee full freedom of conscience, worship, education and culture; will safeguard the sanctity and inviolability of the shrines and Holy Places of all religions; and will dedicate itself to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations."
At the end of the document it is set forth;

"In the midst of wanton aggression, we still call upon the Arab inhabitants of the State of Israel to return to the ways of peace and play their part in the development of the State, with full and equal citizenship and due representation in its bodies and institutions - provisional or permanent.

We offer peace and neighborliness to all the neighboring states and their peoples, and invite them to cooperate with the independent Hebrew nation for the common good of all."

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Right of the Jewish People to A Homeland

There are many people in the world who simply ignore the facts of history because they simply do not care. What they care about is living their daily lives, posting photos of their meals, pets and children in Facebook and being entertained.
TV News programs serve as backdrop noise at the dinner table. Many ignore the news since it does not affect them in their daily lives. When there is action, such as a terrorist bombing or some conflict, the viewer reaches for his remote control and makes the choice to either turn the sound up or down. Few are conscientious enough to care since it does not involve them or their immediate family. What we do constantly hear from the world media is of the misery of the Palestinian side and the cry of the liberal left for Justice for the Palestinians. What we do not ever hear of is, "What about the rights of the Jewish People to one country to call our own?"

My friend Ami once wrote an article of some importance in light of the US led move to force Israel to accept a further concession to further a peace plan between Israel and the Palestinians. President Obama and the US Administration want Israel to agree to another settlement freeze without any concession from the Palestinians. The people of Israel through Prime Minister Netanyahu have asked for one major concession from the Palestinians. That sole concession is to be recognized by the Palestinians and the entire Moslem Arab world. That Israel is and has always been the land of the Jewish People.
Is it to much of us to ask the Palestinians that they should in turn recognize the right of the Jewish people to a homeland, just as the Arabs, of the Palestinian Mandated area, wish to be recognized as Palestinians in a country called "Palestine".

Many do not realize nor care that the whole matter of the Jewish Homeland was reborn with the establishment of the Zionist movement at the end of the Nationalist Period of the nineteenth century. The movement was able to realize it's dream in the declaration of the Balfour Declaration of 1917 that, "His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people…" and it was written in the League of Nations 1919 that there would be a Mandate for Palestine. The Mandate states, "Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have also agreed that the Mandatory should be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on November 2nd, 1917, by the Government of His Britannic Majesty, and adopted by the said Powers, in favor of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people…"

So between the Balfour Declaration 1917 until September 1st 1939 what happened?

The world turned it's back on the Jews and turned to healing the scars of the "Great War" and to live life again. The modern world, which had awoken with the inventions brought about by the terrible conflict of World War I, came to realize the importance of the need for oil. Slowly and progressively they bowed to the rights of the Arabs. Between the two wars the great powers struggled to exert influence over the vast Arab lands and their strategic oil fields. In the process of their strategic moves their promise to the Jews was ignored and denied.

The Jews of the Diaspora themselves, in the aftermath of World War I, had also turned to making a daily living and the celebration of life, since there was no real threat to their lives as Jews. Only a few Jewish Pioneers - Ha'Lutzim had chosen the path to the "Land of Israel" or Zion. Those brave settlers of the "First Aliyah"- the first wave of immigration, who came before World War I, faced the hardships of life in the uncultivated semi-arid desert regions or in the swampy marshlands of lands purchased from wealthy absentee Arab landlords. These wealthy Arabs, lived in distant cities of the Ottoman Turkish Empire, extorted large sums for supposedly worthless lands. The land sold to the Jews was considered so dangerous and useless for habitation that the local Arabs scorned the settlers and called them, "the Children of Death". With the ingenuity of Jewish knowledge, and with their strength and fortitude, these "Pioneers" brought the land of Israel slowly to bloom again and with it the jealousy of the Arabs.

With the establishment of the British controlled Mandate and the realization of the need to control the access through the Suez Canal to the oil fields of Saudi Arabian and Persia. Britain began to develop the area of the Mandate as a forward base for it's strategic needs.

A Trans-Arabian pipeline was constructed from Iraq through Syria to the Port city of Haifa to supply fuel oil for the Royal Navy. The sleepy port city of Haifa was transformed to a forward military supply base. It's beaches forever negated and ruined by places of industry for the Empire's needs. There was a sudden upsurge in employment to supply the needs of the British forces in the Middle East. This need for labor brought an influx of Jewish emigrates and masses of poor landless Arabs from the surrounding Arabic lands. The competition for employment further inflamed the Arab nationalism which in itself was being pushed by agitators from Fascist Italy during the 1920's and 1930's.

With the establishment and rise of Hitler's regime during the 1930's the fate of the Jewish people in Europe began it's descent towards destruction. At first, Hitler actually opened the gates to allow the Jews of Europe to run away. Hitler knew that for Jews there was no where to run to. Hitler had diabolically outlined his plans for the "removal" of the Jews of Europe in his manifesto "Mein Kamph". His actions in the 1930's, after his rise to power, where meant to show the truth that Jews have no where to go. The famous episode of the Hamburg cruise shows us that even America, the great land of the free, turned their back on those 600+ Jews who later perished in the extermination camps.

The British had conveniently established their Pro-Arab anti-Jewish immigration act known infamously as the "White Paper". Mussolini was creating difficulties for Europe in his war with Ethiopian and his schemes for control over the Mediterranean basin. France had been bled white in the trenches of World War I. The Arabs of the mandated Palestine had the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem; Haj Amin El Husseini, who was a friend of Hitler's. The attention of the Americans was on escaping the depression era and it's eyes were busy with Japan. As to the rest of the world they had their own daily isolationist concerns.

This failure of the people of the world to stand up and denounce Hitler and his plans led to the near demise of world Jewry during the Holocaust of World War II. This exact same apathy to deal with the threats of Hitler can be seen in the worlds' reaction Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who threatens the only Jewish state today.

The apathy of the world and the lack of fortitude by the leaders of the world, prior to World War II, led to the infamous Wannssee Conference in 1942. It was at Wannssee that the leaders of the NAZI regime made finite and intricate plans for a methodical industrialized extermination of ALL the Jewish people. The official records of the Nazi's themselves show how efficient their plans were that 6,000,000+ Jews were exterminated.

So what happened?

With the entry of Allied forces into Hitler's empire, Hitler's atrocities were exposed and the world was embarrassed. The embarrassment lasted until the partition vote of November 26th, 1947 in the UN. Once the vote was in Israel was created the world sat back and watched. Five heavily armed regular Arab armies attacked at once and little Israel with its mismatched weaponry and holocaust survivors fought them off and gained victory. The Palestinians who participated in slaughters of innocent Jews on the roads of Israel fled when Israeli forces gained the upper hand. The civilian Arab population, fearful of reappraisal by Israeli forces, especially those of the "Irgun" and "Lechi", for their barbaric deeds carried out prior to the evacuation of the British in May 15th 1948, ran away on the prompting of calls by Arab radio. Emile Ghoury, secretary of the Palestinian Arab Higher Committee, in an interview with the Beirut Telegraph published on Sept. 6, 1949, stated:

"The fact that there are these refugees is the direct consequence of the act of the Arab states in opposing partition and the Jewish state. The Arab states agree upon this policy unanimously and they must share in the solution of the problem.”

These refugees and those of their decendants still today, 62+ years later, received housing and supplies from the UN in camps created by those same Arab countries that called upon them to leave. These Arab refugees refer to the loss as the Nakba (Arabic for "catastrophe"). These same "refugees" and their descendants are still confined to the camps and the immediate area today supported on handouts provided by UNWRA, the only United Nations organization created for one specific group of refugees.

Did you know that UNWRA is internationally funded, to the tune of $1.23 billion for 2010-2011? Has anyone in the US pointed out that MILLIONS of US TAX DOLLAR$ are being spent every year to support UNWRA? UNWRA is the organization, run by Palestinians themselves, that freely gives to the so called Palestinian (third generation of free-loaders) "refugees". UNRWA’s major raison d’etre is the existence of Palestinian “refugees” and it has in turn created dependency within Palestinian society on its services.

In 1952 a noted British soldier-diplomat Lt.-Gen. Sir Alexander Galloway, who was then UNRWA director in Jordan, made what was to become a famous statement to a group of visiting American church leaders:

“It is perfectly clear than the Arab nations do not want to solve the Arab refugee problem. They want to keep it as an open sore, as an affront against the United Nations and as a weapon against Israel. Arab leaders don’t give a damn whether the refugees live or die.”

How can you be classified a "refugee" after SIXTY TWO years?
Has any one EVER pointed out or asked WHY the Arab countries; Lebanon, Syria and Jordan that these "refugees" live in, forcibly keep them in the camps and NEVER allowed them to become viable citizens of Arab countries? NU? Much of this UN US tax$ is spent on such healthy food items as AK-47s, bullets, Mortar rounds and Katyusha (Qasam) rockets!! By the way the Hamas is very generous they have openly shared some 8000+with the immigrant development town of Sderot and surrounding Jewish Israeli farms and villages on a daily basis!

James G. Lindsay, UNRWA's former general counsel has stated;“UNRWA’s failure to match UNHCR’s success (in resettling refugees) obviously represents a political decision on the part of the agency”, and that “UNRWA has gradually adopted a distinctive political viewpoint that favors the Palestinian and Arab narrative of events in the Middle East. In particular, it seems to favor the strain of Palestinian political thought espoused by those who are intent on a ‘return’ to the land that is now Israel”. By that, concluded Lindsay, “UNRWA encouraged Palestinians who favor re-fighting long-lost wars, (and) discouraged those who favor moving toward peace”.

Recently John Ging, head of UNRWA operations in Gaza has stated, “We shouldn’t exist after so many years … it is the manifestation of the political failure of the international community to resolve the conflict…we should not have had to exist after 60 years”.

Has the mass media ever pointed out that 900,000 Jews were kicked out of Arab countries from 1948 -1967?

Ibrahim Fawal, Ph.D., of Birmingham, Alabama,USA once wrote:
"The Law of Return" allows a Jew from anywhere in the world to move to Israel and receive instant citizenship, while Palestinian refugees - still possessing keys to homes that were taken from them - cannot."

What Fawal fails to mention is what happened to the Jewish refugees of Arab lands and their children?Weren't these Jewish refugees also kicked out in the middle of the night? Where they not dispossessed of their homes and businesses? Where they not murdered in their homes and streets in pogroms of Islamic hatred?
Fawal continued; "Palestinians have neither been allowed to return nor offered restitution of any kind...". And what of the rights of the Jews from Arab lands and restitution to them? Has UNWRA paid for THEIR upkeep for SIXTY TWO years? NO it hasn't!!!
The majority of the Jews of Arab lands- who had to leave their homes and property- were never compensated either. But does anyone EVER mention this? OF COURSE NOT! Because they are Jews!

Here is a list of Jewish refugee camps:
Kiryat Shmona
Hatzor Hagalil
Beit Shean
Rosh HaEyin
Wait a minute these are cities in Israel? You mean the Jews were absorbed into the state and made citizens? "Walla!" These are my neighbors in Maalot
Bouchbout = Moroccan
Reumi = Moroccan
Ben Shushan = Moroccan
Mereck = Tunisian
Levy = Libyan
Mansoura = Egyptian

What?! You mean all this talk by the "Liars of Palestine" that the Jews/Israelis are all descendants of the Khazarim and are Yiddish speakers from Europe is not true? You mean to tell us that the BBC and CNN have been duped into telling lies to us? Have they never heard of FAUD Ben Eliazar or Gabi Ashkenazi?

Yet in the end ALL we hear about in the mass media and from the American administration of BHO -Barak Hussein Obama is about the poor Palestinians! Concession, Concession, Concession!

What do we ask for? As Bibi has stated, recognize "us"-Israel- as the national home of the Jewish People?

So now after six wars and 62 years the Arabs still have not come to fully recognize Israel's existence. Yes, we have a peace treaty with Egypt and Jordan but they wanted to wash their hands of the Palestinian issue. They wished to turn to their own affairs. Syria is led by a leader who sits in power over his people in fear. He is not a brave leader as was Sadat or King Hussein. These men knew the historical mistake of their predecessors who chose to go to war and invade Israel in 1948 rather than accept the Jewish people in peace. The vision of a real peace based on mutual recognition of both peoples was first recognized in 1919 by His Royal Highness Prince Feisal Husseini, king of Syria and Iraq, son of Sherif Husain and later King of Iraq.

In a letter written to to Felix Frankfurter on March 3, 1919 to an associate of Dr. Chaim Weizmann Prince Feisal indicated the willingness of Arabs to welcome the return of the Jewish people to Palestine, and implicitly recognized that the land of Israel is the historic homeland of the Jews. The Prince wrote:

"We Arabs, especially the educated among us look with the deepest sympathy on the Zionist movement. Our deputation here in Paris is fully acquainted with the proposals submitted yesterday by the Zionist Organization to Peace Conference, and we regard them as moderate proper. We will do our best, in so far as we are concerned, to help them through: we will wish the Jews a most hearty welcome home.
With the chiefs of your movement, especially with Dr. Weizmann, we have had and continue to have the closest relations. He has been a great helper of our cause, and I hope the Arabs may soon be in a position tomake the Jews some return for their kindness. We are working together for a reformed and revived Near East, and our two movements complete one another. The Jewish movement is national and not imperialist. Our movement is national and not imperialist, and there is room in Syria for us both."

It is sorrowful that this brave Arab leader's words were forgotten and never heeded. That the blind hatred caused by the Arab loss of face in there utteral defeat in wars that so many have died for nothing. At least Prince Feisal had the intelligence to recognize that more could be gained from welcoming us Jewish Israelis as brothers and neighbors than by waging war against us.