Monday, April 22, 2024

Let the truth be told

It is so appropriate, in light of what is happening in our world at this very momment, the truism in the portion from the Haggada that states;

"For not just one alone has risen against us to destroy us, but in every generation they rise against us to destroy us; and the Holy One, blessed be He, saves us from their hand!"

This line of the Haggadah written many hundreds of years ago, literally stands out in light of the tsunami of vile anti-Jewish/antiSemitic/anti-Zionist/anti-Israel hatred.

How many times have we, the Jewish People, "sojurned" in foreign lands and suffered from all sorts and forms hatred, discrimination, persecution, Ghettoization, pogroms, massacres and marginalization in EVERY land we wandered to. 

Grossly vilified and mocked just like the character Shylock in the "Merchant of Venice".

Just how many generations of Jews were tormented and slaughtered solely because we were a people without a land of our own?

How many fathers and mothers, sons and daughters have had to weep as their homes and families were wiped out? 

How many stateless-landless Jews fled to the forests and roads in their fruitless attempts to escape certain death at the hands of their neighbors! 

And how like today, how many "Dathans" -read "JINO"-Jews In Name Only -KAPOs according to the Talmud wicked from beginning to end, openly side with our enemies in their false belief that they will be spared the same fate as ours?

Those anti-Israel "members of the tribe", haters who brashly call themselves "anti-Zionists". These  fools can be seen standing willingly alongside those who wish to slaughter ALL the Jews. Those who cite "as a Jew" in their vile fabrications and lies as though only they have the right to speak for our People!

How these gullible "brainwashed and bamboozled" zombies -like those of Code Pink and the "Jewish Voice of Peace" -who oh so willingly believe the utter lies, endorse and spread, ALL the abject,vile, fabrications lies of falestinian dezinformatsiya. 

The JVP -an oxymoron - are infamously known for their "Not in my Name", "As a Jew",openly  anti-Israel and anti-Zionist rhetoric and social media comments.

These Jews in name only (JINOs) are especially overly extreme in their hate of Jews who have returned to our ancestral lands in Judaea and Shomron.

Nary a time have they ever acknowledged the fact of the reasoning for the creation of the Jewish State and the historical background of Israel's creation. Nor the very real legality of our right to be in our indigenous homeland of Judaea and Shomron!

They are totally oblivious to the historically document truth of the ethnic cleansing of 900,000 of their fellow Jews, who had lived for generations in Arab lands who were "cast out" deprived of all they possessed but who were absorbed as full citizens in the one Jewish State.

These same "JINOs" -anti-Zionists, who so like the KAPOs of the Ghetto's and later in the "Death Camps", willingly obeyed the SS and helped in the very real "Genocide" the implementation of the so-called Final solution to the Jewish question (Die Endlsung der Judenfrage).

Yet, here we are. Once more, again, this Passover eve, faced with that timeless wave of utter vile disgusting hatred of the (Zionists) Jewish People merely because we exist ain our hard fought reclaimed indigenous homeland!

I ask in all humility; How it is that all these -non Arab Moslem - "Christian" hate filled youth, who are "flocking" to those University demonstrations or those who march "In Solidarity", have never read or been taught the real and documented historical TRUTH?

 Are they NOT students in the "pretigeous" Ivy League group of eight universities that have similar academic and social prestige; Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth College, Harvard, Princeton, the University of Pennsylvania, and Yale? Those same universities as Oxford and Cambridge in Britain, that have been respected for providing an excellent education for a long time? 

Do their "esteemed professors" not pride themselves in relaying actual and factually documented and proven historical truth?

The documented historical truth of how from the birth of the "Zionist" effort in 1880 Jews wishing for better lives free from persecution had strived to return to the "Promised Land" in a provence of the Ottoman Empire. 

How Jews from all over the world saved monies which were used to purchase land from Ottoman Turkish Arab (absentee) landlords. 

Many times the lands offered were "useless" rocky barren or swamp filled areas with Malaria and sickness. Because of this the Arabs labled the Jewish pioneers as "The Children of Death". 

And how as these "Children of Death" gave life to the barren swamp filled Malaria infested lands into lush fruitful agriculture lands and created towns and villages in which education and commerce began to flourish. 

How as the pre-state pre World War I Jewish Pioneers transformed the land, so too did the hatred, jealousy and envy of the Arabs grew and became more pronounced!

The documented truth, of how in the post World War I period, the Ottoman Empire - the Middle East -was re created with previously nonexistent nations and NON existent border lines where arbitrarily drawn up according to the interests laid out in French and British agreements? 

That "Palestine" like "Eretz Yisrael" is a geographical term immortalized in the "Mandate for Palestine" and specifically in Mandatory Government documents and coinage, as we see used over and over again by the pro-falestinians as "Proof" of the existence of their supposed entity!

How the British used "Perfidious Albion" in the "Balfour Declaration" and its influence and power to gain the "Stewardship" over the previous Ottoman Turkish areas for their own nefarious reasons. Mainly to gain the Mandate over "Palestine" so as to use it as a forward military bastion to guard the Suez Canal. 

How England upon being granted the "Mandatory" they turned around and paid off their WWI Arab ally by giving over 2/3rd of the territory assigned them by the League of Nations EAST of the Jordan river with the added stipulation that it be "Jew Free".

WE -the Jewish People- those who successfully survived the very real Genocide of the Nazi regime in Europe were able to retrive our indigenous Homeland recently at the cost of the deaths of many of our fellow Jews, many of whom were "just off the boat" survivors of the horrors of the Holocaust in Europe.

Those stateless and unwanted Jews with absolutely NOWHERE to go! 

Those who languished in European Displacement Camps for years because many who tried to return "home" found that all was taken from them. Many survivors who attempted to "Go Back" were set upon in acts of murder or pograms! 

Unwanted anywhere, they cried out to the heavens; WHERE can we go!

The "educated" university students have NOT BEEN TOLD the well documented historical truth of how in 1939 the Mufti of Jerusalem and the British had slammed the "Gates of Eretz Yisrael", our "Promised Land", shut. 

The truth of how inorder to prevent a Grand Mufti threatened continuance of an Arab uprising, the British issued the infamous "White Paper" thus sealing the fate of the Jews of  Europe. 

Or how deviously the Mufti of Jerusalem-the leader of the Arabs of the Mandated Areas had communicated by telegram with the leader of the SS Hennrich Himmler to encourage the Nazi's to murder more Jews. 

How conveniently the world has forgotten how the Arabs had connived with the leaders of Nazi Germany to forbid Jews from escaping and to murder as many Jews as they could.

How the British readily acquiesced to the Arabs every demand and only gave up ONLY when they were bankrupt at the end of WWII and had lost their far eastern holdings in India and were no longer in need of the Suez Canal.

How ONLY after the UN Partition and the termination of the British Mandate Governance and withdrawal, that the White Paper blocked gates were finally removed and those Jews who had languished with NOWHERE to go, left the "Displacement Camps" in Europe and Cypress for Eretz Yisrael the Promised Land with all the hope to live as Free Jews in our homeland.

How it is never told the well documented and historically recorded facts of how in response to the UN Partition the "Arabs of the Mandated Areas", who were divided into two competing fractions. Bitterly refused to accept the "Partion" and declared a war to exterminate all the Jews and the "Jewish State".

How Arab peasantry swept out of their villages to slaughter their Jewish neighbors but when they encountered the modern Maccabeees they realized their error and fled in mass in their self-created "Nachba".

Ever since the resounding defeat of the Arabs of the Mandated Areas and the armies of the members of the Arab League in May of 1948 and later in the wars of 1956, 1967 and 1973.

The "Arabs of the Mandated areas", inspired by their KGB instructors, have been taught the "art of dezinformatsiya" to create a fantasy, a dream a vision as they have tried to imitate our narrative of our disposession at the hands of the Romans.

Just as by Israeli law any Jew who wishes to return to our -archaeological and documentary proven indigenous homeland, can do so. So too have the "Palestinians" have strived to negate our connection to the land to label us as Khazarin European Usurpers -- European colonizers.

They have imitated our "Right of Return" to mean return of ALL those supposed 5 million descendants of those 700,000 Arab actual refugees who fled in 1948.

They claim they want a "Two State" solution, yet, chant "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free"? 

And when you ask for clarification of what is meant by "From the river to the sea."? There are those "moderate" Palestinians who state that they desire the eradication of the "Jewish State" and the removal of ALL Jews who arrived after May 1948.

I ask how long will it take before the world will finally awaken to the truth?


  1. Only when the messiah comes.

  2. Excellent rant! In answer to your question, unfortunately the sad truth is, the world will never never ever wake up
