Sunday, October 22, 2023

Truth and Self-Reliance

 It is now Day #16 .....

Mark Twain once stated;

“A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes.”

Now I know I had said I would go live 'everyday". However, on Shabbat -Saturday, when I tried to sleep, my head was very heavy from not getting what is called REM -(Rapid Eye Movement sleep) -deep restful sleep and I just laid in bed and let the two old guys continue to fight it out between themselves as they argued over everything.

In the end I awoke and sat on the edge of my bed and had to force myself to get up to let out (my nemesis) Marley the 12-year-old family dog downstairs to let out "Momma's Baby" aka the "Terror Dawg of Kitty Kats" to our backyard-his potty.

 And as he was outside, I took my medicines and insulin and put on the Tami4 water bar to heat up water and turned on the TV. As I stood making my cup of coffee, I was flipping between the news in Hebrew on our stations to be updated. Once my cup of coffee was made, I changed to see what is being said in the "Western world" news media- CNN BBC MSNBC NBC.

I let the dog in and sat drinking my coffee flipping through the channels as I watched the news....I was grew sick.

ALL you saw was: Gaza devastation, Gaza refugees, Gazans "murdered" by Israeli bombing, destroyed homes, “broken lives, "murdered children and babies" -Pallywood falestinian dezinformatsiya at its best. News coverage that would have made Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria, chief of the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs (NKVD) overjoyed!

And then I saw the focus on American college/university students demonstrating together with BLM activists and Arab/Moslem Immigrants who have flooded the world.

ALL of them marching, chanting; "From the river to the Sea, Palestine will be free!" Screaming and accusing us in Israel of being "Genocidal Occupationalist Settler's members of an Apartheid regime” totally brainwashed by mendacious lies from "UNWRA recipients-read descendants- of the self-inflicted Castration and Fantasia of Nachbaland™.

 I sat there in total amazement of how there are major network news reports with "pro-Palestinian guests" who are free to blatantly lie and complain that we have the "Iron Dome" system to prevent our Israel civilian population from being shot at and murdered.

Nary a word of how the vast majority of the Israelis are running to bomb shelters as rockets rain down.

What they readily show is OUR retaliatory strikes against launch sites, which can be seen in the videos in crowded residential areas using ordinary Gaza residents as "Human Shields", as a "Blatant War Crime"!

 Then I see members of the US House of representatives, Senate and celebrities also regurgitating the same.

"THE" most disgusting news item that I witnessed was the JINOs who took over the Rotunda in the US House of Congress to demand that Israel "ceasefire". God forbid they should contemplate that we in Israel are under indiscriminant mortar and rocket fire.

These pseudo-Jews -who explicitly for "effect" wore Jewish ritual prayer shawls, wore Kipot and were seen blowing shofars to "emphasize that they were "Jews". Members of the notorious anti-Israel "Jewish Voice of Peace" (read Kapo's Inc.) under the auspices of the six Democratic members of the U.S. House of Representatives known as the "Squad":  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, Jamaal Bowman of New York and Cori Bush of Missouri.

These brainwashed and hate filled fools made this "publicity stunt" were calling for an Israeli "ceasefire" and the "genocidal murder" of the people of Gaza.

The JVP -an oxymoron - are infamously famous for their "Not in my Name", "As a Jew", anti-Israel and anti-Zionist. These Jews in name only (JINOs) are especially overly extremely hateful of Jews who have returned to our ancestral lands in Judaea.

Nary a time have they ever acknowledged the fact of the reasoning for the creation of the Jewish State and the historical background of Israel's creation.

They are oblivious to the historically document truth of the ethnic cleansing of 900,000 of their fellow Jews, who had lived for generations in Arab lands who "cast out" deprived of all they possessed who were absorbed as full citizens in the one Jewish State.

They consistently ignore the barbarity of terrorism and lies.


I can only deduce it is caused by profound Parasitic Ostrich Syndrome which is associated Kumbayaism and (RBDD) - Rectal Brain Displacement Disorder.

In all these news broadcasts I watched and the coverage of the massive demonstrations, nary one word is mentioned of how all this began nor of the continual launching of indiscriminate explosive laden rockets, mortar rounds, anti-tank missiles and attempts to infiltrate from Gaza and Lebanon to murder and butcher Israeli civilian citizens as was done to 1400 Israelis on Saturday October 7th -Jew and Arab alike.

And then yesterday I saw the report of the brutal murder of Samantha Woll, the president of the board of the Isaac Agree Downtown Synagogue, which is in downtown Detroit and was a staunch supporter of Rashida Tlaib!

As I did my "due diligence" I saw where Tlaib posted on her Facebook page that she was a friend of #SamanthaWoll but she conveniently left out the fact that Samantha was Jewish and the President of a local synagogue in her district.

Given Rashida’s recent inflammatory comments and lies about Israel, Rashida Tlaib has Woll's blood on her hands.

As one news guest on MSNBC stated; "Peace will come when the "Jewish" State of Israel is eradicated and replaced by a "Democratic Palestinian State".

As a Jew, a father and grandfather what I see is a world once more indifferent to the plight of Jews. Once again, a world oblivious to the truth brainwashed with hatred and despicable mendacious lies.

The momentary sense of guilt of the world in the aftermath of World War II, as I mentioned in a recent post. Of how only by the courage and bravery of Dwight D Eisenhower to call for the truth of the barbarity of abject hatred of Jews to be recorded for posterity is Holocaust denial dampened.

How in a momentary lapse of humanity and righteousness the members of the UN voted that fateful Novemebr of 1947 on "Partition" allowing the recreation and rebirth of our indigenous homeland.

How at the cost of nearly every Jew in Europe and Russia only then when confronted with the photographic and well documented eyewitness -by non-Jews (like we are experiencing now) did the world awaken to the cost of world apathy to the plight of Jews.

What awoke the world in 1945 was the truth of horrific anti-Semitism that was allowed to occur in a "modern country" that turned on its Jewish citizens and then to ethnically cleanse most of Europe and Russia in a highly organized and well planned and laid out scheme to exterminate the ENTIRE "Jewish race".

The so called "journalists" and TV news people of the world blatantly continue to turn a blind eye to the well documented historical facts. Nary a word is ever mentioned of the complicity of the "Arabs of the Mandated Area of Palestine" with the Nazi regime and the pressure brought upon the British "The Mandatory" that led to the closure of the gates to our promised "Jewish Homeland" in the British "White Paper" thereby condemning Jews to death as the world joined in by collectively closed the gates

As I wrote in one of my blog entries of Britannia had made a "Declaration" to win the hearts and minds of the Zionists believing in the "ability" of the Zionists to gain influence and sympathy of "World Jewry" as that expressed in the nefarious "Protocols of the Elders of Zion".

How England used its influence and power to gain the "Stewardship" over the previous Ottoman Turkish areas for their own nefarious reasons.

How upon being granted the "Mandatory" they turned around and paid off their WWI Arab ally by giving over 2/3rd of the territory assigned them by the League of Nations EAST of the Jordan river with the added stipulation that it be "Jew Free".

How the British used the idea of "Perfidious Albion" or treachery of the "Balfour Declaration" to gain the Mandate over "Palestine" to use it as a forward military bastion to guard the Suez Canal. 

How the British readily acquiesced to the Arabs every demand and only gave up when they were bankrupt at the end of WWII and had lost their far eastern holdings in India and were no longer in need of the Suez Canal and the once formable British Navy was downsized.

Yes, we Jews especially we Israeli Jews have learned the "hard way" that when it comes to WHO to depend on. We appreciate deeply the help from the USA. However, when it comes to our survival we will need to do so alone. 

“If you want a thing done well, do it yourself.”- Napoleon Bonaparte




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