Saturday, June 6, 2020

The Deep State and the Six Day War

What IS on my mind is just how fickle the memory of the world is towards Israel today.

"Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave, When First We Practice to Deceive!" (Sir Walter Scott, 1808)

As historians we have the opportunity of hindsight. There is much written and their are many, many lies of conspiracies spread of the USS Liberty incident of the Six Day War. Much has been written about the "unprovoked" Israeli attack and there are many questions that are still unanswered today regarding this sad episode.

One major question that has never been thoroughly discussed is just why LBJ stated that his National Security Adviser (Walt Rostow as National Security Adviser, 1966-69) never told him exactly just why the USS Liberty a "spy ship" was deployed to the area with not only naval intelligence personnel but CIA and NSA personnel as well.

The answer can be found in the often untold truth of the "unofficial" US State Department and US Security Agencies CIA and NSA) policy which was to prevent a close relationship with Israel so as to prevent the Arab countries deepening their ties with the "Soviet Block".

The "Unofficial" -read "deep state" - policy of US and United Kingdom Governments was created before World War One when militaries became dependent on the fossil fuels to propel their ships and vehicles - tanks and support vehicles.
It became crucial to ensure the continual access of this needed commodity at ALL costs to the United Kingdom and later the United States and it's Western Allies. It was due to this policy that the United Kingdom fought against the Ottoman Empire and created the "New Middle East".

The Machiavellian colonization and occupation of Iran (Persia) as well as the post World War One Mandated Areas of the OETA (Occupied Enemy Territory Administration)  were of primary concern to the United Kingdom so as to have direct access to Arab oil reserves which were of a vital strategic need.
This secretive position is further reinforced by the actions of British Prime Minister H. H. Asquith and Lord Kitchener, the British Secretary of State for War in World War I who established a Committee under Sir Maurice de Bunsen on 8 April 1915 to determine their policy toward the Ottoman Empire during World War I and to determine it's fate in the aftermath.
Though the the British bamboozled the Jews and Zionists by making the Balfour Declaration of ‎‎1917.
"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."
They did ALL that they could to NOT allow it to happen so as to appease the Arabs. This is why 3/4 or 72% of the "Mandated Area of Palestine" was abruptly handed over to Hashemite Emir Abdullah I bin al-Hussein, elder son of Britain's wartime Arab ally Hussein bin Ali and the brother of the deposed King Faisal, in 1922. In 1915 Henry McMahon had exchanged letters with Hussein bin Ali, Sharif of Mecca in which he had promised to recognize the independence of the Arabs.
The British Machiavellian plot went ahead and played lip service to the Jews while abiding by all the measures to prevent the entry of Jews to "Palestine" at he behest of the Arabs even during the dire times of the Holocaust by "White Papers".

The British continued their acts against the "Zionists" by not allowing the Jews to enter after the Holocaust and by depriving the Jewish Underground Army the Haganah the opportunity to arm itself despite the onslaught by armed Arab irregulars and marauders prior to the establishment of the state.

When we Jews, we Israelis despite all the disadvantages placed in our way to create our new state of Israel did succeed in repelling and defeating the combined forces of the seven members of the Arab League and the Irregular armies of the two major "Palestinian" fractions/ The "Western" world closed the doors to us in our requests for arms. It was the Soviet Block of nations who initially allowed us the ability to arm ourselves. What "Western" arms we did succeed in obtaining was done clandestinely. This was carried out with the secretive help of the Jewish Mafia, Jewish scrap yard owners, the Longshoremen and Truckers who worked in tandem to bring all the machinery components and tool parts being scrapped by US WWII industry to Eretz Yisrael to form TASS the Israeli Military Industries.
There are also the famous stories of the Jewish war veterans who worked with Al Schwimmer  to smuggle aircraft out of the US to help create the Israeli Air Force and later the Israel Aircraft Industries.

This anti-Israel "Deep state pro Arab Policy" was exacerbated in the early 1950's by the desire of the West to contain the radical Arab Nationalism that Gamal Abdul Nasser was instigating in the Arab world and was viewed as a highly destabilizing force. It was during this time in history when Nasser's Arab Nationalism movement was being infiltrated by the secret forces of the KGB the head of Soviet foreign intelligence, Gen. Alexander Sakharovsky through it's client countries like Romania under dictator Nicolae Ceausescu.

This desire of the "Deep state" to protect this policy from the "episodic nature" of American policy-making from the changes brought on by each progressive administration was "guaranteed NOT to be altered" by those unelected members of the US State Department members of the "Deep State".

Under the Truman administration the US State Department with White Hall worked vigorously to prevent the president's plans to resettle Jewish Holocaust survivors in the immediate Post WWII period. With the creation of Israel the US State Department together with White Hall  continued to oppose aid to Israel under the Eisenhower administration as well. This was the basis for the formation of AIPAC in 1954 to circumvent State Department opposition through legislation in Congress to aid Israel.
President John F Kennedy was one of the first presidents to stand against the "Deep State" and opposed the State Department's highly anti-Semitic and highly anti-Israel stance

So, when looking back many are puzzled as to the exact role played by the Soviet Union in the turmoil that led to the Six Day War. Few remember that Stalin and the USSR were highly supportive over the creation of Israel and remained steadfast in support until 1954. It was during this "Heyday"that the Israeli Communist's and their political parties Maki for example flourished.
In the defeat of the Suez Canal 1956 "Sinai War" the Soviet Union became totally anti-Israel yet there remained many die hard Stalinistic supporters in Israel.

So just why did the USSR invest so much money in advanced SAM missile systems and Armour (Tanks) T-71 and T-72, BTR -advance armored personnel carriers which had not even been given to Iron Curtain countries in the aftermath of the Sinai War defeat?

One of the best and latest recounts of the Soviet Unions deep involvement in the Middle East was the book of the Six-Day War "Foxbats Over Dimona" by Isabella Ginor and Gideon Remez. Their book based on historical records, as well as "... every snippet of relevant information from an extraordinary range of sources, most effectively Soviet military personnel who can recall what they were up to in 1967." ...demonstrates..." how anxiety about Israel's imminent nuclear capability and an unwarranted confidence in Arab military strength led Moscow to develop a plot to provoke the Israelis into striking first before being overwhelmed by a devastating riposte, in which Soviet forces would participate."
Their book opened the "Pandora Box" of the treat of nuclear nonproliferation in the Middle East and relays many discrepancies as well as unknown stories of the conflict of Cold War intrigue that shaped the Middle East.

As the review in Google Books states;
"The authors (who are), award-winning Israeli journalists and historians; had investigated documents and testimonies from the former Soviet Union, cross-checked them against Israeli and Western sources, and arrived at fresh and startling conclusions."
"Contrary to previous interpretations, Ginor and Remez’s book shows that the Six-Day War was the result of a joint Soviet-Arab gambit to provoke Israel into a preemptive attack. The authors reveal how the Soviets received a secret Israeli message indicating that Israel, despite its official ambiguity, was about to acquire nuclear weapons. Determined to destroy Israel’s nuclear program before it could produce an atomic bomb, the Soviets then began preparing for war--well before Moscow accused Israel of offensive intent, the overt trigger of the crisis."
Ginor and Remez’s startling account details how the Soviet-Arab onslaught was to be unleashed once Israel had been drawn into action and was branded as the aggressor. The Soviets had submarine-based nuclear missiles poised for use against Israel in case it already possessed and tried to use an atomic device, and the USSR prepared and actually began a marine landing on Israel’s shores backed by strategic bombers and fighter squadrons. They sent their most advanced, still-secret aircraft, the MiG-25 Foxbat, on provocative sorties over Israel’s Dimona nuclear complex to prepare the planned attack on it, and to scare Israel into making the first strike. It was only the unpredicted devastation of Israel’s response that narrowly thwarted the Soviet design."

In conclusion here is what we Israelis have learned:

"During the Holocaust we learned in the Ghetto that as Jews we can no longer hide and exist with bended knees. From the Torah we were taught; "Behold the Guardian of Israel will neither slumber nor sleep!" So I say as I said then, that we can not allow ourselves any longer be led to slaughter! Today, we must be on guard all the time and to take arms and fight as free men." Abba Kovner in a speech to the Iftach Brigade of the Palmach 1948.

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