Saturday, October 19, 2019

Ignorance from the lack of knowledge

"We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid. Without freedom of thought, there can be no such thing as wisdom - and no such thing as public liberty without freedom of speech." Benjamin Franklin
And as they all blithely sing the infamous words of total ignorance: "We don't need no E*D*U*C*A*T*I*O*N!!!"

Right….Oh how I just love these new stories of idiocy that have come to life in "Merika"...the tearing down of statues from the memorials to leaders of a Civil War fought by dead soldiers who fought and died for THEIR beliefs based on a cause immersed in a past culture and society that for that period of history was accepted by those who survived.
As it is known to any person with minimal intelligence not only is history written by the victors but as time goes by societies and cultures change. And with this change hidden facts and truths are "rediscovered" and brought to life. The cultural and historical revisionists are like lemmings following a few mentally ill psychopaths who have been bamboozled and brainwashed.

My question is: "Why do the vast majority of enlightened and patriotic Americans allow these "haters" to get away with their dezinformatsiya?

More importantly; "Why are more and more Universities and supposed learned professors allowing this hideous obscenity of the perversion of history to be "taught" and allowed to spawn?"

Since the bursting of the bubble, of what I term the "Kumbaya Fantasia", and the sudden deflation of the "Hillary WILL BE Prez euphoria", in her ignominious defeat of 2016. The radical anti-American values hate fest; led by KGB indoctrinated provocateurs of the Liberal "socialist" left wing from before and during the 1960' anti-Viet Nam war and "Civil Rights"(read Black Panthers) period, have crawled out from under the rug.

These provocateurs have been elevated into the spotlight and have overwhelmingly received credibility status by Hollywood Narcistic personalities who have grasped the horns of the charging bull of hate Trump wave which has swept America.

Hate, hate, hate, hate who's the anti Trumpster that has the most hate for Dumpf...(sung to the tune of the Mickey Mouse Cub intro .....

After reading several articles, tweets and posts regarding "Columbus Day" I saw where the mass "bamboozlement" and brainwashing hate fest of dripping vile disgusting hatred of the "Privileged WHITE"* by anti-American, BLM, pro-Moslem, fanatical anti-Trumpsters and the pro-falestinian Tragedy Tourists, I realized the fruitcakes were on full meltdown and in a rampage.

Now for those who DID study in school and WHERE E*D*U*C*A*T*E*D it is a historic fact that Columbus did not introduce cruelty to the peaceful, benign indigenous people since they were already cruel to one another in the Americas.
Mass classification was an item in the Communist purges with that being stated. How was it "our"-the vast majority of "White" Americans, fault when we as school children sat through classes taught by teachers, who themselves had been taught the "White man's Truth" for generations, were taught the story of the "Victors". 

Yes, there is no doubt that the Spaniards starting with Columbus and the conquistadors who followed enslaved and slaughtered the indigenous people on a mass scale. As Kyle Smith pointed out in his article; "Columbus Day haters are missing the entire point of the holiday:
"Iroquois Indians were famous for their practice of torturing enemies to death over a period of days. The Kwakiutl Indians in the Pacific Northwest practiced cannibalism. A mass grave dating to the 14th century, in what is now South Dakota, turned up 500 murdered, dismembered and scalped bodies of men, women and children. Many tribes scalped their victims alive.
Ritual child sacrifice was common among the Mayans, the Aztecs and many other peoples. The Great Pyramid of Tenochtitlan contains the remains of 42 children around age 6 who were murdered to appease the god who made the rains fall. Because the tears of children were required to prime the pump, some of the kids’ fingernails were torn off to make them cry.
The Incas would drug little girls with alcohol and coca leaves, then freeze them, then mummify them. In a spot that today is right across the Mississippi River from St. Louis was a burial site where scores of teen girls were ritually sacrificed. There is a theory that poor people and slaves captured in war were literally fed to rich Aztecs because protein was so scarce. In the 15th century, life was cruel. Columbus didn’t invent cruelty in the Americas."
With that being said the explanation of the WHOLE story needs, no cries out to be fully explained to the idiots who are attempting to change history. That the discovery of a whole new continent by Columbus kicked off an era of rapid European expansionism, technological advancement and cultural ferment.

While the clash of civilizations was bloody, celebrating Columbus Day is not a salute to conquest it paved the way for the world’s first modern democracy and was a gigantic leap forward for human liberty and the opening up of possibilities for human flourishing that go with the liberties offered in the colonization and formation of America albeit at the expense of the indigenous  population.

Yes, America was NOT discovered by Columbus but WHO wrote that history?
How did that story become THE accepted story for over 500+ years?
Is there "someone" to blame or was it a natural occurrence that those who survived and where the victors wrote their version as THE VERSION, while as has happened throughout recorded history the real story, testimonies and historical recorded evidence has been buried, stifled or hidden away.

And most definitely the TRUE story of what happened to the "Native Americans" cries out to be taught in schools! To test YOUR knowledge, answer the following:
Do you KNOW who "Discovered" North America?
And what did they call it?
Why is America called America?
WHY did Columbus set sail for India in the first place?
Who sent him?
Who paid for the voyage?
Is Columbus Day a Spanish or Italian "celebration day"?
Who was Cristóbal Colón? Where was he from?
Was Cristóbal Colón Jewish?
And what of the "Infamous" year that he, "set out to sail in the ocean to"?
What historical incident occurred that year in the Roman Catholic Empire of Spain?
And how is all this linked to Portugal and the Pope?

How many know that Don Isaac Abarbanel, Luis de Santangel and Gabriel Sanchez. who were “conversos - marranos” or "secret Jews" that had been forcibly converted to Christianity, because of the Castilian Alhambra Decree were the moneylenders to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain who financed the commissioning of an exploratory voyage by Christopher (Colon) Columbus to search for a new sea route to India?
  • How many know, or were educated in the knowledge to realize that during that period of history there were NO banks?
  • How many today know that the Catholic Church which dominated the Christian World up until the revolt of Martin Luther and Henry the Eighth of England forbid "usury" - I refer you to the greatest controversial play "The Merchant of Venice".
  • How many know that Jews were terribly treated and forced to live in intolerable conditions, confined to "Ghettos"? That Jews in "Christian Europe" lived knowing that at any moment they could be in the least expelled from the lands they lived in or worse their existence could be terminated in mass murder as occasioned in the massacre of York in England and throughout the Rhineland of Europe?
  • How many know that the "edict of expulsion" of the Jews of Spain was signed on March 31, 1492, and the Jews were given exactly four months to put their affairs in order and leave the country?
  • How many know the significance of the 9th of Av -Tisha B'Av and WHY it is significant and what it symbolizes to Jews?
  • How many realize that the date of departure from Spain that Columbus was to set sail from on July 31, 1492, which was the 9th of Av, was changed to the 3rd of August.
How was it that Jews were able to survive under the severe handicaps imposed on them by the European Christian monarchs? What professions and trades were Jews "Allowed" to participate in? 
Very few of today's detractors of the Jewish people realize what hardships WE Jews faced in lands and society's that were not ours. That in Christian Lands we were treated terribly  and in Arab lands were and still are considered to be Dhimmi's. The dream of a homeland and a return to "Zion" never left our people while we were under duress and hatred. This was the truth in Europe until the age of Napoleon and the "Enlightenment" when Western European Jews breathed the air of freedom and sought to schieve appeasement with their neighbors through assimilation and "reform". 

That what explanation can there be to the continuousy of Jews to survive other than by our advanced intelligence, education and "tribal" relations. Jews were acute businessmen and traders of goods from Europe to China. And because of the knowledge of Hebrew, Jews could communicate and vouch for payments of goods across great distances. Because of the accumulation of wealth, they became the "banks" Jews like Don Isaac Abarbanel, Luis de Santangel and Gabriel Sanchez who were those whose personal wealth was used to finance King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain and their desire for more wealth in "India".

Another item that is missed in this "factoid" of history is WHY did Christopher Columbus sail due West and not East along the known route of Africa?

The reason was that that route was already "owned" and colonized by the Portuguese.
Has it ever crossed your mind or have you ever realized that THE only country in the "New World" that speaks Portuguese is Brazil? And Why?

Few realize that Columbus's discovery of the "New World" set off a feud in the Catholic Monarchies of Portugal and Spain that resulted in the Papal Bulls "Inter Caetera," issued by Pope Alexander VI in 1493 (ratified by Pope Julius II in 1506). The document supported Spain's strategy to ensure its exclusive right to the lands discovered by Columbus the previous year. The Papal Bull was also known as the "The Doctrine of Discovery" which established a spiritual, political, and legal justification for colonization and seizure of land in the name of their sovereign not inhabited by Christians.

The Treaty of Tordesillas, signed at Tordesillas in Spain on June 7, 1494, and authenticated at Setúbal, Portugal, divided the newly discovered lands outside Europe between the Portuguese Empire and the Spanish Empire, along a meridian 370 leagues west of the Cape Verde islands, off the west coast of Africa. which divided the New World into Spanish and Portuguese spheres of influence. The treaty amended papal bulls issued by Pope Alexander VI in 1493. These declarations had granted Spain an exclusive claim to the entirety of North and South America - with ONE exception Brazil!

Ah yes, the generation that follow Roger "the I'm a psychopathic fool" Waters who's claim to fame in Pink Floyd was immortalized in his line "We don't need no Education" speaks volumes about the gross "guru" of falestinian dezinformatsiya and historical revisionists....

 As for those in America, unless a cultural war is fought to regain the sanity of historical truth, our institutions of higher learning specifically designed to teach young people about their place in the world and in the true history of America and the shining example of liberal democracy and human rights it became. America as we know it will go down the path of lost Empires dismembered and drained of what once made it great.

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