As someone who served in the IDF and in reserves over the years in the area of Judea and Shomron. I wish to mention that in the 1976 period when I had just begun my service. I was assigned to escort Israeli Water works (Mekorot) employees in their job to lay water lines through parts of the area to Jewish and Arab villages.
By the way in THOSE days we were greeted warmly by the Arab villagers and we were offered "Turkish" coffee, baklava and pitaot with cheese, olive oil and Zartar - not rocks, gunfire and Molotov cocktails!!
I can remember that we stayed for two weeks in the old Tegart fort where the renewed Jewish townlet of Halamish is today.
I remember the work that was done to connect everyone Jew and Arab alike. I can remember how neglected the area was by the Jordanian's during their "occupation" and attempt at "annexation" that no village was connected to a water or sewage infrastructure. How the roads, were only those built by the Ottoman Turkish Empire or "improved upon" by the Mandatory British forces.
Most importantly I remember how deserted and barren the miles and miles of hills of Judaea were with absolutely NO trees other then the occasional olive orchards close by the villages in the Jordanian "West Bank".
I can remember that we stayed for two weeks in the old Tegart fort where the renewed Jewish townlet of Halamish is today.
I remember the work that was done to connect everyone Jew and Arab alike. I can remember how neglected the area was by the Jordanian's during their "occupation" and attempt at "annexation" that no village was connected to a water or sewage infrastructure. How the roads, were only those built by the Ottoman Turkish Empire or "improved upon" by the Mandatory British forces.
Most importantly I remember how deserted and barren the miles and miles of hills of Judaea were with absolutely NO trees other then the occasional olive orchards close by the villages in the Jordanian "West Bank".
As a combat Medic I remember most importantly how the most basic medical services were lacking. As a medic I was required to collect information and record data of the amount and quality of the water.
I especially remember how disgusting the cisterns and water holes were kept and the total lack of hygiene amongst the rural Arab populace. The cistern that is today the "excuse" for incitement and as a "place of confrontation" by the Tamimi family belongs historically to the village of Deir Nidham. The area was disgustingly filthy with goat dung and feces of other animals as well as humans who would wash their feet and hands in the water.
The hygiene in the villages was 'somewhat better" especially those homes of the more "affluent -read Christian" villagers who had well kept cisterns and cesspools "bor spigot".
Human waste -sludge- was separated and added to the manure of the animals in the rocky fields as manure fertilizer between the Olive trees.
What exists in the "disputed territories" due to our "Israeli" presence is like a "night and day" difference from what there was during the Jordanian occupation.
What exists in the "disputed territories" due to our "Israeli" presence is like a "night and day" difference from what there was during the Jordanian occupation.
As to the complains by the residents of Nebi Salih they tend to forget that most of the villagers were not land owners but tenants on land that belonged to absentee landlords who resided in Damascus. Few if any even had Ottoman Turkish "Taboo"-land registration ownership. I remember that the ones who actually did have ownership were the Christian villagers - who were more educated and in most cases the wealthier residents.
The REAL TRUTH regarding Nebi Salih is that when the first Jewish residents moved into the old British Tegart fort on Havlata Hill in 1977, the Arabs from the village of Deir Nidham, inspired by leftist Jewish "anti-Settlers" and anti-Semites from abroad, went to the Supreme Court of Israel and claimed ownership of the hill and the surrounding area.
The REAL TRUTH regarding Nebi Salih is that when the first Jewish residents moved into the old British Tegart fort on Havlata Hill in 1977, the Arabs from the village of Deir Nidham, inspired by leftist Jewish "anti-Settlers" and anti-Semites from abroad, went to the Supreme Court of Israel and claimed ownership of the hill and the surrounding area.
As Israel "IS" a democracy, the case went before the Israeli Supreme Court. However, upon review of all REAL documentation and facts -including aerial photographs from the German air force in World War I. It was deemed that the Jewish village was being built on state-owned land.
The state owned area included the cistern Ein al-Qaws (The Bow Spring) which had been a place of fighting and contention for years between the villagers of Nabi Salih and Deir Nidham.
This whole story, over entitlement to the land, is the very essence to the "Palestinian Conflict".
Notice the tone and the willingness to appease the Arab populace used by the Mandate Government as evidenced in this; "Report of the Palestine Royal Commission, July 1937" to spite the Jews.
The British government appointed the Peel Commission to investigate the reasons for the civil unrest in Palestine. Lord Peel's findings on land purchase were as follows:A summary of land legislation enacted during the Civil Administration shows the efforts made to fulfill the Mandatory obligation in this matter. The Commission point to serious difficulties in connection with the legislation proposed by the Palestine Government for the protection of small owners. The Palestine Order in Council and, if necessary, the Mandate should be amended to permit of legislation empowering the High Commissioner to prohibit the transfer of land in any stated area to Jews, so that the obligation to safeguard the right and position of the Arabs may be carried out. Until survey and settlement are complete, the Commission would welcome the prohibition of the sale of isolated and comparatively small plots of land to Jews.Up till now the Arab cultivator has benefited on the whole both from the work of the British Administration and the presence of Jews in the country, but the greatest care must now be exercised to see that in the event of further sales of land by Arabs to Jews the rights of any Arab tenants or cultivators are preserved. Thus, alienation of land should only be allowed where it is possible to replace extensive by intensive cultivation. In the hill districts there can be no expectation of finding accommodation for any large increase in the rural population. At present, and for many years to come, the Mandatory Power should not attempt to facilitate the close settlement of the Jews in the hill districts generally.The shortage of land is due less to purchase by Jews than to the increase in the Arab population. The Arab claims that the Jews have obtained too large a proportion of good land cannot be maintained. Much of the land now carrying orange groves was sand dunes or swamps and uncultivated when it was bought.Legislation vesting surface water in the High Commissioner is essential. An increase in staff and equipment for exploratory investigations with a view to increasing irrigation is recommended.
The Arabs the Tragedy Tourists of the Nacba Losers society cannot stand to see Jews as their "neighbors''-especially those who reside in Judaea and Shomron. They will stop at nothing to deny "US" Jews OUR indigenous rights to OUR lands.
THEY do not wish to live in "Peace" ergo their countless murderous attacks, "Days of rage" temper tantrums and demonstrations ah la Bassem Tamimi and ISM Peace Now Pallywood productions.
Ahed Tamimi, is the "Pallywood™" star known as Shirley Temper, because of white skin and her blond hair. She is a propaganda tool who was groomed by her abusive parents Bassem, who has been jailed eight times, and Nariman who has been detained five times.
Ahed Tamimi, is the "Pallywood™" star known as Shirley Temper, because of white skin and her blond hair. She is a propaganda tool who was groomed by her abusive parents Bassem, who has been jailed eight times, and Nariman who has been detained five times.
They became well-known mass media Palestinian activists in their village of Nabi Saleh. The "Shirley Temper" family have "milked" the Media frenzy against Israel for more then a decade in the staging and instigating of provocative confrontations with young Israeli soldiers who arrive to maintain order.
Due to these staged and filmed "incidents" Bassem al-Tamimi and his daughter "Shirley Temper" Ahed Tamimi are very much "in demand" for anti-Israel anti-"Occupation" speaking engagements through out the world by Liberal, anti-Zionist, anti-Israel Hate groups abroad.
Here is an old 2005 video of just how the Tamimi family cynically sent their children to provoke soldiers to elicit by all means acts of violence in front of cameras (note just how many reporters are on hand).
This video was shot on a main road near the village of Nabi Salih and the Jewish residential townlet of Halamish, in Judaea and Shomron which was part of the League of Nations Mandated Area designated in the Treaty Of Serves in 1922 to be part of the "Jewish Homeland" that was previously "Occupied" by the Jordanians and liberated in a war of defense in June 1967.
From her youth Ahed Tamimi was fed on a diet of incitement and hatred against Israel and appeared in a string of identical ISM (International Solidarity Movement) "staged" and produced videos where she challenges and attempts to provoke responses by Israeli security forces.
She rose to prominence after she was filmed confronting IDF soldiers who arrested her brother, which resulted in her being presented with a bravery award. She was handed the ‘Handala Award for Courage’ by the president of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in Istanbul.
The "Shirley Temper" family have "milked" the Media frenzy against Israel for more then a decade in the staging and instigating of provocative confrontations with young Israeli soldiers who arrive to maintain order. They use the B'tselem NGO provided video cameras and "Palestinian Press stringers" -freelancers to record scenes of "Israeli repression".
Up until 2010 soldiers where the ones called to scenes of disturbances where they were assigned to prevent violence and confrontation. And as seen in the videos they would simply stand peacefully near their vehicles and watch.
The Tamini's took advantage of these setting and under the massive presence of members of the "Press" they would "instigate confrontations" to "elicit" responses. Provocateurs would urge many times underage youth to throw "stones", use slingshots and to provoke the soldiers -who are combat infantry and not trained and unprepared for police type civil disturbance violence.
Occasionally seeing that their rock throwing and abuse was NOT providing photographic "opportunities" the Palestinian provocateurs would escalate the violence by throwing Molotov cocktails at the Israeli soldiers to induce violent reactions to be filmed.
Due to these staged and filmed "incidents" Bassem al-Tamimi and his daughter "Shirley Temper" Ahed Tamimi are very much "in demand" for anti-Israel anti-"Occupation" speaking engagements through out the world by Liberal, anti-Zionist, anti-Israel Hate groups abroad.
Her aliases include Ahlam Aref Ahmad Al-Tamimi, Ahlam Arafat Mazin Al Tamimi,, Halati and Khalti, and the FBI has reported her name as Ahlam Ahmad Al-Tamimi.
Irony: Oops he thought she was a Jewess.
Hannah Bladon, a Pro-Palestinian activist had surreptitiously enrolled in the Zionistic and pro-Israel program Rothberg International School of Hebrew University in order to receive free housing and ease of access to Falestinian groups on the encouragement of BTzelem and the Israeli chapter of Jews For Justice in Falestine.
She was stabbed to death (Karma) on the light rail in Jerusalem by #pay4slay murderer Jamil Tamimi, a 57-year-old, from the [Jerusalem] neighborhood of Ras al-Amud who is a clan relative of the infamous "Pallywood" star Shirley Temper.
In a recent incident, for which Ahed was arrested and jailed, it was filmed by the massive media presence near the Tamini home, that received world wide coverage. Ahed Tamini was seen by the "glorifiers" of the Palestinian side as "bravely" slapping and abusing an Israeli Army officer and his communications man.
According to his testimony to the court, the officer and his communications man rushed to the Tamimi clan home to cut off and prevent the retreat and fortification of the rioting Arabs from the road.
The video was shot just as the leader of the riots -who was as usual with his B'Tselem provided movie camera sequestered themselves inside the home of Bassem Tamimi, realized that his plan for the provocation of an attack on his home was foiled by the move of the officer.
The officer assessed the situation and realized what was occurring but due to the fact that higher command had not provided sufficient forces he did not have reserve forces to come to his aid. Therefore it was his command decision to absorb the abuse rather then giving in to the extreme provocation and thereby reduce the chances of an escalation of the rioting.
The video was shot just as the leader of the riots -who was as usual with his B'Tselem provided movie camera sequestered themselves inside the home of Bassem Tamimi, realized that his plan for the provocation of an attack on his home was foiled by the move of the officer.
The officer assessed the situation and realized what was occurring but due to the fact that higher command had not provided sufficient forces he did not have reserve forces to come to his aid. Therefore it was his command decision to absorb the abuse rather then giving in to the extreme provocation and thereby reduce the chances of an escalation of the rioting.
Because of the amount of media attention, caused primarily by the numerous "stringers" freelance Palestinian and Israeli photographers and cameramen at every riot. The rioters who feel emboldened to react do so many times and civilians are injured.
These members of the Palestinian "stringers Faux-press" who cynically manipulate the crowds of rioters for the maximum propaganda effect, are themselves Hamas and PLO activists and should therefore be arrested as provocateurs and fined and severely punished.
These members of the Palestinian "stringers Faux-press" who cynically manipulate the crowds of rioters for the maximum propaganda effect, are themselves Hamas and PLO activists and should therefore be arrested as provocateurs and fined and severely punished.
Provocateurs found with cameras should be arrested and journalists should have their certifications revoked and if found to be derisive to be declared "persona non grata" and expelled.
I would even go so far as to impose severe fines on Media outlets who are caught or provide "aid and comfort" to the enemy.
FYI for All the "International Law" Geneva Convention people please note:
Since the "Arabs of the Mandated Areas" aka the "New Palestinians" refused UNR181 and Oslo and the area is "disputed territory" British Mandatory Laws still are in force.
So since British Mandate period Laws are LEGALLY in effect from the "Great Revolt". Mandate regulations allow for heavy fines to be placed on villagers and villages that react violently. Those declared belligerent as per the Law should be deported and the villages leveled since the area of Judaea and Shomron ARE part of Mandated Territory and the action taken is based on BRITISH Mandatory Law should be widely stated.
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