Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Anti-Semitism = Hatred of Jews

In the Arabic world the Arabic leadership has for generations used the Dimihi Jews as excuses for all the woes in their failures as leaders. Since the advent of Zionism and the failure of the Arab Nationalistic movement against the imperial powers Israel, since it’s conception, has become "THE" major cause for hatred of Jews / anti-Semitism within the Arab mind. This is graphically illustrated in the massive pro-"Falestinian" anti-Zionism ‎‎/Israel /Jews worldwide misinformation hatred campaign. The Liberal "Human Rights Groups" of the "Western World"; which once saw little Israel as a gleaming spot of humanity, now solely see the Arab slanderous vicious hatred point of view spread in the Internet of the "Oppression" and "Occupation" and "Apartheid" Israel.

In the past 40+ years since Arafat's address to the UN and the infamous Zionism=Racism Resolution. The political left has embraced an extreme hatred of Zionism /Israel ergo Jew hatred and we are now seeing the fruition of this in acts by BDS and Left wing anti-Zionistic "Jews".

It should be noted that prior to Iran's hosting of the "Holohoax", during the rise of extreme hate filled anti-Israel, anti-Zionist period of the Mahmoud Ahmadinejad leadership. White "Aryan Race" hatred and the KKK where nearly extinct thanks to the work of Morris Dees and the Southern Poverty Law Center. It was Ahmadinejad and the Ayatollah's of Iran who gave rebirth through a huge influx of funding to David Dukes, the extremism American white nationalist, politician, antisemitic conspiracy theorist, Holocaust denier, and former Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. The massive Iranian funding of the anti-Zionistic Jew hating organizations, linked to the philosophies of William Luther Pierce III a prominent American white nationalist came under the Clinton administration.

So, the "Big" question is just why is the mainstream media making "Jew Hatred" a big story now while ignoring the ugly extremely vile and violent "Jew Hatred" against Zionism and Israel on hundreds of University and College Campuses throughout the USA and Canada?

Traditional Christian doctrine of course held the Jews and their descendants to be responsible for the execution of Jesus Christ, and this antipathy is held out as the rationale for the numerous incidents of group libels, pogroms and expulsions.

After viewing remarks in Talkback sections and on FB. I can see that there are many non-Jews who do not have a clue about the Middle East and many of them are naive of life outside of their immediate area. These are the sort that will believe anything, as long as it's anti-Israel and anti-Semitic. Many of these people just want to hate Jews because Jews are scapegoats for their personal failures. They readily believe the utter lies and the fake stories of Arab propaganda since they are usually already turned against the Jewish people. The claim that Israel is always “guilty” is only the latest echo of the old cry that “the Jews” are guilty.

The Neo Nazi and anti-Semite James Petras echoed the teachings of William Luther Pierce III in a 2008 interview in which he stated that [U.S.] presidents are at the disposal of "Jewish power" and maintained that Jews represent "the greatest threat to world peace and humanity." In the same 2008 interview Petras stated that "it’s one of the great tragedies that we have a minority that represents less than 2% of North American’s population but has such power in the communications media" and that the reason "why the North American public doesn’t react against the manipulations of this minority...[is] because the Jews control the communications media." In a 2010 article published in the Arab American News, Petras stated that "For the U.S. mass media the problem is not Israeli state terror, but how to manipulate and disarm the outrage of the international community. To that end the entire Zionist power configuration has a reliable ally in the Zionized Obama White House and U.S. Congress"

Petras, alleging that he blamed the on-going economic crisis on "Zionist" control over the U.S. government and world events, and alleged that Petras argued that pro-Israel Americans had launched a massive campaign to push the U.S. into a war with Iran. The ADL also alleged that Petras' allegations included the anti-Semitic accusation that the American Jewish community controls the mass media and is "bloodthirsty" in its appetite for war.  The previous year, Petras alleged that that "It was the massive infusion of financial contributions that allowed the [Zionist Power Configuration] (ZPC) to vastly expand the number of full-time functionaries, influence peddlers and electoral contributors that magnified their power – especially in promoting US Middle East wars, lopsided free trade agreements (in favor of Israel) and unquestioned backing of Israeli aggression against Lebanon, Syria and Palestine...No economic recovery is possible now or in the foreseeable future...while Zionist power brokers dictate US Mideast policies

WilliamLuther Pierce III prominent American white nationalist He was one of the most influential ideologues of the white nationalist movement for some 30 years before his death

DavidErnest Duke (born July 1, 1950) is an American White nationalist, writer, right-wing politician, and a former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan,

There are those who are quick to point out that there are many differences between the rise of Nazism in Europe in the late 1930's and now. They quote the example that during the rise of the Nazi Party to power in Germany the peoples of the world and specifically Europe were not only silent but complicit. Whereas in today’s world when there is an outbreak of anti-Semitism most governments are "quick" to condemn it. Yet they do not mention just how the government act to eradicate the cancer itself. For Jews today some readily are comforted to note that a safe haven exists in Israel. They know that those who reside in Israel are fully comprehending in the term: "Never again" and are able to finally openly defend ourselves.

In Israel we see the developments occurring in Europe with pro-Gaza demonstrations in Dortmund, Frankfurt and on the Kurfürstendamm, that legendary avenue in Berlin. We see the news coverage of mass protests in London, in Boston, Chicago, Miami and Atlanta. The chants of "Free Palestine" intermixed with chants of hate; "Hamas, Hamas; Jews to the gas!" "The ovens of Auschwitz call you!" The acts of brutality by pro-"Falestinian" Hamas marchers when their verbal abuses turn ugly and violent. They assault anyone quietly standing holding an Israeli flag.

The news coverage of a group of Parisian Jews who were trapped in a synagogue by pro-Palestinian rioters on the eve of Bastille Day and had to be rescued by the police. Signs posted in Rome urging a boycott of Jewish-owned businesses, anti-Israel protesters in a central London Sainsbury's grocery store where the manager ordered the removal of kosher products off the shelves.

In March 2012, four Jews were killed at a Jewish day school in Toulouse, France and a Jewish community center there was firebombed. Israeli officials warned Jewish men who wanted to visit synagogues in Denmark not to don their skullcaps until they were inside the building. It is increasingly common for Jewish tourists in Western Europe to avoid carrying anything that might distinguish them as such. A shooting at the Jewish Museum in Brussels in May, a month before the latest Gaza conflict began, killed four people.

It would be simple to link all this outrage to events in Gaza. I am unpersuaded by those who try to dismiss what is happening as an outcome of anger directed at Israeli military actions in Gaza and the "Occupied West Bank" to hatred of Jews as "just rhetoric."

Nor am I comforted by the explanation that these actions are being taken by "disgruntled Muslim youth." (By one estimate, 95 percent of anti-Semitic actions in France are committed by youths of Arab or African descent.) Many of these Muslims were born in Europe, and many of those who weren't are the parents of a new generation of Europeans.

Since the re-establishment of the "Zionistic Jewish State / Homeland” a distinct strain of Moslem anti-Semitism has arisen. Built on a foundation of a more leftist inspired and nourished form of anti-Semitism. It is not the atypical anti-Semitism rooted in longstanding Christian views that demonized the Jews during the Nazi era of the 1930s. Instead it is based on the narrative of the Palestinians that Arafat outlined in his infamous address to the UN General Assembly in November of 1974.
It was Arafat who established the strategy of the "Great Lie" that the Jews are usurpers with no rights to the land that we say is ours. Prior to his 1974 speech Arafat was advised by the great "freedom fighters" of the "Liberals of the Left": 
Võ Nguyên Giáp, a General in the Vietnam People's Army advised Yasser Arafat and his adjutant, Khalil Ibrahim al-Wazir - Abu Jihad: “Stop talking about annihilating Israel and instead turn your terror war into a struggle for human rights. Then you will have the American people eating out of your hand.”
“Wipe out the argument that Israel is a small state whose existence is threatened by the Arab states, or the reduction of the Palestinian problem to a question of refugees; instead, present the Palestinian struggle as a struggle for liberation like the others. Wipe out the impression ‎‎…that in the struggle between the Palestinians and the Zionists, the Zionist is the underdog. Now it is the Arab who is oppressed and victimized in his existence because he is not only facing the Zionists but also world imperialism.”‎ ‎Muhammad Yazid, who had been minister of information in two Algerian wartime governments (1958-1962)
The Nazi form of anti-Jewish hatred is still evident in the Arab world in political cartoons, editorials, television shows and newspaper articles. It is also used in the Hamas charter which contains references to "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion," - a nefarious forgery created by Czarist Russian police officers in 1903 and later used as Nazi propaganda. The charter accuses Jews of relying on secret societies to foment global economic and political disasters. It calls on adherents to prepare for "the next round with the Jews, the merchants of war." Only recently a Hamas spokesman recently stood by his statement that Jews used the blood of non-Jewish children for their matzos. 

The Iranians saved the Klan from bankruptcy after the suit brought on behalf of by the Southern poverty Law Center was won. It is Iranian money that has helped Duke revamped the Klan's particular brand of bigotry. No longer a mere horde of cross-burning minority-haters, the Knights, like many other American hate groups, became "Nazified" — focused on Jews rather than blacks as the primary enemy — with Duke spinning elaborate theories about everything from Jewish control of the Federal Reserve to a Jewish conspiracy behind the civil rights movement. Likewise, the leadership of state KKKK chapters boasted a pantheon of budding neo-Nazi figures, including notorious anti-Semite Don Black in Alabama, White Aryan Resistance founder Tom Metzger in California, and David Lane, a future leader of the terrorist group The Order, in Colorado.

In Europe, the Ukraine and Russia anti-Semitism is, and has always existed it is inbred with many of the Christians as part of the belief passed down that Jews were solely responsible for the death of Jesus Christ. This is deeply believed with the Eastern Orthodox Church. Over the past two decades the Moslem populations within Western European from their high birthrate and with the increased immigration rate has dramatically increased the sympathy for the "Falestinian" cause.
The distraction of the minds of the Western Europeans to the "Zionist" enemy Israel and anti-Semitism is a ploy to distract the Europeans from the slow takeover of their societies from within by Islam.
In the USA the white supremacist groups movement in the United States has become more active in recent years due to the increased frustration over America's economic woes and a racial backlash against Barack Obama's election as President in 2008. This rise in supremacist violence was highlighted recently in the Kansas City shooting by Frazier Glenn Miller, Jr.

According to a recent BJF Update -Birmingham Jewish Federation Newsletter "Mark Pitcavage, director of investigative research at the Anti-Defamation League recently stated Supremacists have gotten "much more agitated and angrier, and we... see an increase in criminal activity, in violent hate crimes, acts of terrorism and plots coming out of the white supremacist movement".

Behavioral patterns among hate groups in the USA, and Moslem Terrorist groups, are notoriously difficult to track, as members tend to be secretive and deeply suspicious of outsiders. The Internet makes it easier to spread hatred from individual to individual and group to group. Most adherents to extremist cause out of fear of being discovered don't affiliate with any group at all. The landscape has become even more complex as many established white supremacist groups have collapsed into a myriad of splinter groups.
Anti-Semitism has become increasingly central to the ideologies of hate groups over the decades as they see Jews as the manipulators behind blacks, Hispanics and other perceived enemies. This view of anti-Semitism was reflected in the Kansas City suspects own thinking.  

Mark Potok, a senior fellow at the Montgomery, AL-based Southern Poverty Law Center has said that these groups are "very much animated by anti-Semitism, “It’s essentially been Nazified in last 30 years. They no longer see blacks as the ultimate enemy. Jews are now considered the ultimate enemy."

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