Saturday, May 26, 2018

Palestinian Children

When I tried to sleep last night I kept awaking during the night to the memories of the horrific hatred I have seen recently on many Mass Media venues against Israel. Specifically in regard to those virulent hate filled headlines condeming Israel over the "Peaceful Demonstrations" on our southern border and the cynical death of innocents. 

What is on my mind is what sort of a society consciously and purposely sacrifices its own youth for political gain and tactical advantage?

We have all seen in the videos circulated by Palestinian stringers how the death of Arab children is extolled as shahids or martyrs and how it has become a cynical weapon in the arsenal of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority.

Hamas and the Palestinian Authority have learned that when their children are killed, they gain world sympathy, especially in Europe and North America. The death of any child is viewed as a tragedy and portrayed as such in the media, regardless of circumstance.

The Falestinians nurture an obcessed blind hatred of Israel and because of this "weak spot" in the morality of the mainy "Christian World".

They have created a cultural milieu of vengeance, violence and death - preparing their children to be sacrifices in a death cult to the ancient Philistine God Moloch.

Around the world, in other sane countries children are precious gifts to their parents and keys to the future. From the poorest barrios in South America to the most wretched slums of Cairo, parents strive to make sure there is food for their children and money for their children’s education. The loving care we invest in our own children is a human trait that unites different cultures: rich and poor, traditional and hi-tech. The toughest job parents have is to raise their children while making everyday sacrifices and decisions for them. We hug them, love them and watch them grow up, praying that they will come to no harm, and doing everything we can to ensure that. Parents raise their children with the hope that they will grow into happy, responsible, caring, and contributing members of society.

Protecting our children is a universal trait that unites the Family of Man. But in Palestinian society, that standard has been turned on its head. It is clear that in Palestinian society something has gone dreadfully wrong.

Children in Palestinian communities in the West Bank and Gaza where Arab residents foster a culture that prepares children for armed conflict, consciously and purposely putting them in harm’s way. Do so for one reason, political gain and tactical advantage in their war against Israel.

As we witnessed recently in the news reports from Gaza women and children led riots while young men in their late teens and early 20s, armed with rocks, sling shots, Molotov cocktails and other weapons operated from the rear.

The Palestinian national poet laureate Mahmud Darwish wrote a poem after the outbreak of the first Intifada, where he sanctioned and sanctified their deaths, and praised “Arab youth on the road to victory, each with a coffin on his shoulder.”

From birth Palestinian society abuses its children. Their children are fed with a deep, vile, odious rabid anti-Zionism, anti-Jewish and anti-Western in their schools, summer camps, Mosques. Even children’s television programs are exploited to encourage children to become martyrs in an act that will bring them respect and parental pride. Hamas and the Palestinian leadership makes little to no effort to keep children away from potentially violent confrontations.

 Here is a prime example of the cynical use of Children by Palestinian. In this video meant to vilify Israel the father of 3-year-old child, Muhammad Suroor sees the failure of his incitement to have his son "Martyred." As the video continues the uncaring "adult" screams orders to his child to throw rocks at the soldiers and to raise the flag so they will shoot him.

This is exactly how Hamas cynically uses them as cannon fodder to gain World Media attention and the empathy of the gullible world audience, because wounded or dead children paint Israelis as heartless and cruel in the eyes of the world and for some Israelis themselves to hate themselves because Israel is morally sensitive.

 What the world media sees and hears, through Hamas controled media stringers, is that Israel "blockades" their border and kills children. Few readers of news viewers realize that Hamas and the Palestinian Authority pay out $2,000 for each child killed and $300 for each wounded child.

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