Regarding the motion of President Donald J Trump that "moving out the "residents of Gaza" is "Ethnic Cleansing".....Immediately those of the "Orangeman Bad" profound suffers leaped together with the apologists for the "Palestinians" to immediate scream down and belittle the plan as Trump's plant to convert Gaza into "Mar-a-Lago"
I as a historian who writes according to DOCUMENTED HISTORICAL FACTs the REAL TRUTH DOES MATTER wish to state the TRUTH.
So in light of the "widespread destruction" in Gaza, together with the utterly hate filled villainy of the barbaric terrorist organization Hamas. Together with the dire need to "reeducate from the lie of the false "Nachba" narrative and "DeHamasify".
Here is a reminder of HISTORICAL precedence worth noting:
In the immediate end of World War II millions were "Displaced Persons" lving in camps. Whole areas of Europe were laid waste ...
"The post World War II Marshall Plan (officially the European Recovery Program, ERP) was an American initiative enacted in 1948 to provide foreign aid to Western Europe. The goals of the United States were to rebuild war-torn regions, remove trade barriers, modernize industry, improve European prosperity and prevent the spread of communism."
Documented FACTs:
1) The Gaza Strip is 41 km (25 mi) long, from 6 to 12 km (3.7 to 7.5 mi) wide, and has a total area of 365 km2 (141 sq mi).[27][8] It has a 51 km (32 mi) border with Israel, and an 11 km (7 mi) border with Egypt, near the city of Rafah. Most of the original "Arab" inhabitants were from Egypt.
2) MOST of the refugees, residing in Gaza post 1948 were Bedouin from clans related to the "Al-Tirabin" clan which is considered the largest Bedouin tribe in the Negev and Sinai Peninsula and all Egypt, with over 500,000 people.
The Sinai Tarabin Bedouin migrated or settled down in Palestine, Egypt and Syria during Ottomon rule some around 300 years ago.
3) The coastal area was INVADED, CONQUERED and OCCUPIED by the Arab League Member State of Egypt from 1947-1967, in open violation of the Mandate given by the League of Nations to the British Empire.
2) Egypt created the All-Palestine government which was little more than a façade for Egyptian control, on 22 September 1948, during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, to govern the Egyptian-controlled territory in Gaza, which Egypt had on the same day declared as the All-Palestine Protectorate.The President of the protectorate was:
Haj Amin al-Husseini (The notorious Grand Mufti and "best bud" of Alois Schicklgruber (Adolph Hitler) and Reichsführer of the Schutzstaffel (Head of the SS) Heinrich Himmler),
former chairman of the Arab Higher Committee, and the Prime Minister was Ahmed Hilmi Pasha
With negligible independent funding or influence, the All-Palestine government subsequently moved to Cairo and dissolved in 1959 by decree of Egyptian President Gamal Abdul Nasser.
3) "Arabs of the Mandated Areas" living in Gaza were issued All-Palestine passports. Egypt did not offer them citizenship and from the end of 1949, received aid directly from UNRWA.
4) After the cessation of hostilities and the ratification of the Rhodes Armistice Agreement of 24 February 1949 a "Green Line" (Ceasefire Line) of separation between Egyptian and Israeli forces was created.
This "Green Line" became the modern boundary between Gaza and Israel, which BOTH signatories declared not to be an international border.
5) The area was part of the Mandated Area to be incorporated into the "Homeland of the Jews" and it was recognized as "Cestui sue trust" of the political rights to them in 1922 by 52 countries at the San Remo conference in the Treaty of Sèvres and later ratified in the Treaty of Lausanne signed in the Palais de Rumine, Lausanne, Switzerland July 24th 1923.
6) As such the "Mandated Area" that was offered to and never claimed by the "Arabs of the Mandated Areas" in the partition plan to be the "State for the Arabs of the Mandated Areas" or as they refer to themselves since 1964 as "Falestinians" became what is termed by International Law as "Terra Nullis" (land belonging to NO ONE)
7) With the negotiated peace treaty between Egypt and Israel in 1979. The Mandated area for the Jewish Homeland (Article 8 Mandate for Palestine) was returned and therefore the "Gaza Strip" officially became Israeli territory as per International Law termed; Uti possidetis juris or uti possidetis iuris (Latin for "as you possess under law") which is a principle of international law that states that; "newly formed sovereign states should have the same borders that their preceding dependent area had before their independence".
A "Historical Note"
Since the visitation of the Palestine Exploration Fund Survey of Palestine led at different times by four senior Royal Engineers:
a) Captain Wilson (later Col. Sir Charles Wilson, who in 1885 led the final stage of the Nile Expedition);
b) Captain Warren (later General Sir Charles Warren, who in 1888 was the Commissioner of the London Police Force during the Jack the Ripper murder investigation);
c) Lieutenant Conder (later Colonel Conder, who became a prolific author on Ancient Middle Eastern history, and almost a century after his death was accused of being Jack the Ripper);
d) Lieutenant Kitchener (later Field Marshal Lord Kitchener, and the British Secretary of State for War at the beginning of World War I)
Nothing has changed...the "Arabs" have never improved the area known as the "Holy Land" cree Eretz Yisrael!
Historical perspective:
"' It is no idle dream to suppose that Palestine might, in a few years, become a land flowing with milk and honey ; even with the present inhabitants, under an upright Government, the land would in a short time change its appearance, and, as it is, the country has changed in parts to a small extent, due to the alteration in the Government, brought about by the influence of public opinion of the West asserting itself even in Syria. Look how those villages have begun to thrive which have been mortgaged to the Greek converts; and watch the cloud resting over the Christian village of Beit Jala in the autumn sun, with its groves of olives, while all around is the brazen sky."
' At present, however, Palestine — Philistia in particular — has not a tithe of the population that it would support ; its fruit trees are left to take care of themselves, its waters allowed to run underground instead of on the surface.
The fact is, the bulk of the water reaches the ocean underground ; on coming into the plain it forms marshes and pools, and quietly sinks away, while the bed of the stream itself in the plain is merely a narrow ditch some 6 feet wide and 4 feet deep. You may leave the water at the commencement of the wady mouth, ride over the plain without seeing anything of it, and meet it again welling out of the ground close to the seashore, forming wide lagoons there. Now, if proper precautions were taken, were the people industrious, and the country cultivated and clothed again with trees, the waters, flowing in the ravines, might be conducted over the plains in the early summer months, and induce the rich soil to yield a second crop.
' The encroachment of sand is one of the most serious evils now to be dreaded on the coast of Palestine. Already Gaza and Ashdod are threatened, and nothing is done to arrest the enemy, though there is little doubt but that the danger might be averted by obliging the landed proprietors to take common action against their silent foe."