One of THE most cherished slanders and perversions of the truth is the use of the term "Palestine" and how the "Arabs of the Mandated Areas" who have usurped the term "Palestinians" to describe themselves.
"When in 1921 I came to Palestine – until the end of World War I it was a barren, sparsely inhabited Turkish province – we, the Jewish pioneers, were the avowed Palestinians. So we were named in the world. Arab nationalists, on the other hand, stridently rejected the designation. Arab spokesmen continued to insist that the land we had cherished for centuries was, like Lebanon, merely a fragment of Syria." From an op-ed by Golda Meir printed in The New York Times January 14, 1976
As to the real truth -
This morning I wanted to wish the "laddies and lassies" of the Community Standards Gestapo headquarters in Dublin Ireland a very pleasant work day as you tirelessly strive to delete and ban Jews and pro-Israel Zionist posters from your platform!!
Ah yes Ireland… that quaint country of such glorious DEEP hatred of the "Christ Killers" (the Catholic Church's theological position that holds that Jews as a people group will forever hold a collective responsibility for killing Jesus) and those ever so deeply passionate anti-Zionists!!!
LOL, I love it that a JINO -aka Mark, the "what Me, Jewish?" evidently anti-Zionist -same T-shirt, EVERYDAY Zuckerberg, is evidently missing quite a few marbles in the being a real Jew compartment of the brain. I understand he purports to assume he is a "Jew".
To me it is so regretful that during the past two decades how atypical that a secular "liberal conscientious Jew" would allow such virulent anti-Semitism "hatred of Jews" -meaning him and his family to flourish on a "social" platform that HE created, reveals the immense void of the removal of "religion" that is evident in modern secular liberal Judaism.
And one just has to love the idea how the term "social media" is used to designate what is in essence, a platform for the widespread ANTI-social propaganda and hatred media.
As a historian I cannot help be see the similarities of history repeating itself with these "Liberal " Jews today, who like the Jews in Germany during the rise of Hitler and the "Third Reich" were labeled "Mischlings."
We have seen with organizations like the "Jewish Voice for Palestine" and "Code Pink, how these modern day "Mischlings"- who are now referred to as "JINOs" -"Jews In Name Only", are flagrantly anti-Zionist Jews who would do everything to show they are "faithful" to the "motherland" of anti-Israel "Liberalism".
"Most Mischlings did not identify with the Jewish community. Many had grown up as baptized Christians and even were themselves very anti-Semitic. They preferred to think of themselves as normal, as part of the whole of German fabric, as part of the "Volk". Their language, their culture, the societal relationships and schooling all had been German. Even for those who grew up knowing that they had had a parent who was Jewish, they preferred not be left behind and identified as Jewish. They yearned, worked and did everything within their capabilities to prove themselves as good, loyal members of the Germanic peoples. They needed to show the German world that their German blood was the dominant force that flowed in their veins."Hitler's Jewish Soldiers By Jerry Klinger "The Ideal German Soldier"
For those who aspire to be "anti-Zionistic" JINOs you should heed the wise words of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks z"l regarding the words of Moses and the meaning of why we Jews must remember and teach our children the story of Passover:
"Forget where you came from and why, and you will eventually lose your identity, your continuity and your raison d’etre. You will come to think of yourself as the mere member of a nation among nations, one ethnicity among many. Forget the story of freedom and you will eventually lose freedom itself."
Now getting back to my rant regarding the "Foreign Student" controllers of the "algorithm of entrapment" .... "What's on my mind?"
Ah but do you truly wish to know the truth, me thinks not?
To inquire "What's on my mind?" to elicit a response is just SO Freudian!!
To paraphrase Shakespeare; “Something is rotten in the Community Standards headquarters in Dublin Ireland”! and it ain't Irish!
Could it be that there is a preference -advertised for the service center- that you are looking to "employ students from foreign" countries and that there is an overabundance of "Arabic" names and of course Pakistanis employed?
And as ALL Hasbarnics (those who speak the truth and facts for Israel) know. Ireland IS THE HOME of the worst anti-Israel pro-Tragedy Tourist of Nachbaland™ "click bait" talkback trolls!
Over the years I have seen them in their lavish support for the ISM -International Solidarity Movement in Gaza and BDS "Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions" movement and their stated and explicit hatred for Israel, which is so massive they out do themselves as the most venomous ant-Semites I have ever read comments by or seen tweets by!
Oh yes, regretfully we of the massively superior Zionist Hasbara intellect KNOW WHO you "Liars for Palestine™" really are!!
For we see them on EVERY Facebook /Meta "News" media page excreting their venomous hatred and totally mendacious lies of revisionist history and gross falestinian dezinformatsiya!!
We know just how you "gang up" on those of the Zionist Hasbara to complain to have us banned so that we cannot counter your lies and fabrications.
We see on your Facebook pages how some of them even listed their place of employment with the Dublin Headquarters of the Customer Service Center!
How many of the Irish "Click bait" Talkback artists of venomously anti-Semitism have used this lie- so much I made this Meme to debunk them!!
These Liars for Palestine™" have even attempted to usurp the term used to describe hatred of Jews to further their lie of an ethnicity of a non existent people!!
Just as in the total fabrication and mind boggling bamboozlement of the world with your invention of a "country or nation"(nationality) that supposedly once existed.
A people whom usurped the name given by a Roman Emperor, who in his ignominious defeat by Jews, had meant to erase the memory of OUR INDIGENOUS homeland of Judaea by naming it after a people the "Philistines".
These Philistines who were called the "Pleshtim" or invaders from the Greek islands as described by the Greek historian Herodotus -whom you fabricate lies about as "proof", when you cannot even take the time to verify the actual Greek translation of the term "palaistes".
You quote "The Histories" of Herodotus's Book VII as "proof"?
"Thence they went on to invade Egypt; and when they were in Syria which is called Palestine, Psammetichos king of Egypt met them..."
The problem is the term "Palestine" is NOT translated correctly.
Herodotus the Greek who wrote in Greek around 450 BCE wrote in Book VII of his "The Histories", that the "sea People" were in essence Minoan's from the Mediterranean Sea who invaded the coastal lands from Egypt to Lebanon were descendants of Greek peoples -ergo his use of the Greek term "palaistes" from the term for "wrestlers" to identify them.
These "Sea People" fled the eruption between 1642 and 1540 BCE of the volcano of Santorini -though dormant, is still an active volcano.
In its explosive eruption it created a group of small islands around its crater. The island of Santatori was called Thera in ancient times is an island in the southern Aegean Sea
"[The Phoenicians and the Syrians of Palestina], according to their own account, dwelt anciently upon the Erythraean Sea, but crossing thence, fixed themselves on the seacoast of Syria, where they still inhabit. This part of Syria, and all the region extending from hence to Egypt, is known by the name of "Palaestina"."
You can review a scene from the north wall of Medinet Habu that illustrated the Egyptian campaign against the Sea Peoples in what has come to be known as the Battle of the Delta.
It is true that the accompanying hieroglyphs do not name Egypt's enemies, rather they describe them simply as being from "northern countries".
Fifteenth-century BC paintings in Thebes, Egypt depict Minoan-appearing individuals bearing gifts. Inscriptions describing them as coming from keftiu ("islands in the middle of the sea") may refer to gift-bringing merchants or officials from Crete.
Early scholars noted the similarities between the hairstyles and accessories worn by the combatants and other reliefs in which such groups from the Grecian Isles are named.
It never fails to astonish me how the "Liars for Palestine™" insist on posting this "Big Lie" of historical revisionism regarding the "actuality of a Palestinian People" and as "proof" of the existence of a "Sovereign country by the name Palestine" when there is ABSOLUTELY NO documented or archaeological proof that this claim is true!!
These "Liars for Palestine™" insist on posting "ancient" maps where the term itself was created and spread on maps purposely by early cartographers to designate the "Holy Land".
Very few remind readers that the early church was in competition with Judaism as seen by the repeated attempts to eliminate the Jews- (does the Spanish Inquisition ring a bell?)
And as in ALL conflicts there are those "victors" who purposely set out to erase the memory of a vanquished foe....
And pray tell when you "Liars for Palestine™" quote the "ancient" maps that labeled the area as "Palestina" as in the Roman province of Syria-Palestina ,do you not note that many times they either designate the Old Testament division of Eretz-Yisrael by tribal areas or as Iudea and Israel (Shomron)?
That "ancient maps" by NON Christian cartographers do NOT mention Palestine but the lands of Syria-Palestina?
In conclusion, of my long rant, allow me to state that by far the most vicious and hate filled pathological liars on the internet that I have encountered are those people that admire, the so-called nation that never existed “Falestine”.
What liars fear the most is being revealed as liars and that is why they detest Israel so violently since we dare to tell them and their "audience" the truth.
This whole "Big Lie" of historical revisionism by the "Palestinians" and their venomous defaming of Israel, that is allowed to freely spread openly by highly obvious and clear complicity by the social media while censoring the truth by pro-Jewish and Zionistic individuals. IS THE reason, why we Israeli's face such ignorance and hatred.
It is fitting that the whole issue of anti-Israel social media hatred is in this infamous quote by the chief propagandist for the Nazi Party Joseph Goebbels:
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
Do not say you were not informed because I have told you the whole truth.
It is up to you to inform your friends so that the light of truth will spread.
Psalm 116:118 "Thou hast made light of all them that err from Thy statutes; for their deceit is vain."
Psalm 116:160 "The beginning of Thy word is truth; and all Thy righteous ordinance endureth forever."