Friday, June 21, 2019

My Proposal for a Just Peace in the Middle East

A glooming peace this morning with it brings;
The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head:
Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;
Some shall be pardon'd, and some punished:
For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.
Shakespeare "Romeo And Juliet" Act V, Scene III

I had written this proposal for a permanent solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict / problem back in 2009 based on the ‎‎‎Marshal Plan used in post WWII Europe and the creation of a Confederation between the ‎‎‎Palestinian controlled areas (areas A & B) of Judaea and Shomron -aka the “West Bank” and Jordan as it was during the Period of ‎‎‎‎1948 -1967.

Little could I know that 10 years later an American President would be elected who would have "Zionistic" advisors and have the fortitude to deal with the Arabs as described further in my blog as FDR proposed.

Though "painful" as my plan is to the Arab side it is the right and only ‎‎humanitarian solution to end the conflict.

The continual corrupt Palestinian Leadership and the Arab governments refusal to ‎‎accept the State of Israel as a Jewish state and as an entity in the Middle East, is a forgone ‎‎conclusion and MUST be recognized. 
As for the long suffering of the innocent Palestinian refugees (pawns / cannon fodder) they should be absorbed in those countries where they fled to. Just as Israel did for the ‎‎Jews that were made refugees in post WWII Europe and the 900,000 "ethnically cleansed" Jews from most of the Arab countries of the ‎‎Middle East.

UNR194 Article 9:
"Resolves that the refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their ‎‎‎neighbors should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date, and that ‎‎‎compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return and for loss ‎‎of or damage to property which, under principles of international law or in equity, should ‎‎be made good by the Governments or authorities responsible."
Under UNR194 Article 9  it states "compensation should be paid for the property" any Arab refugee-the sole representative NOT ALL the UNWRA descendants- who can prove by documentation ownership should receive adequate compensation through the court system.
Those who do not have any proof will receive a special "resettlement deal".
As for the 900,000 Jewish refugees from Arab Lands they should also receive "compensation should be paid for the property" "‎... made good by the Governments or authorities responsible."

My proposal is based on that put forward in the late 1930’s, by US President ‎‎Franklin D Roosevelt, on the absorption and resettlement of the stateless and homeless ‎‎Palestinian refugees just as Israel did for the Jewish refugees.

All should note that all six Arab countries that ‎‎were then represented at the UN and voted against UNR194; Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, ‎‎Saudi Arabia, Syria and Yemen, and were active participants to the conflict in question. Should lead the way in resolving the issue by each absorbing the Palestinians as fellow citizens as stipulated in UNR194 Article 9.

The plan encompasses a two-step solution. ‎‎

Step One:
Those Palestinian refugees within the Palestinian Authority controlled areas in Judaea and Shomron -the West Bank and Gaza ‎‎‎Strip should be offered a comprehensive resettlement and financial package in return for ‎‎‎a long-term peace based on a total cessation of conflict and a forgoing of their “right of ‎‎‎return”.

Step Two:
As to the Palestinians that have lived in squalid stateless refugee camps throughout the ‎‎‎region, in those states that have confined them there, should be allowed two choices.
  • ‎‎‎Either to stay and be absorbed into their adoptive countries as full citizens 
  • or they should ‎‎‎be allowed free passage to “return” to the lands of the Palestinian Authority. 
If they do so ‎‎‎choose this option they should be included in the comprehensive resettlement and financial ‎‎‎package.

Those adoptive countries which welcome the refugees as full citizens should be enticed ‎‎‎to do so with incentives and financial compensation. Those Arab countries that refuse ‎‎‎should be severe penalized and should face punitive actions.

As to the Jewish residents in Judea and Shomron who are in areas A ; B that will not be annexed to the state of Israel they should be offered the choice to become ‎‎‎‎citizens of the Palestinian State or to receive monetary compensation to relocate within the Jewish State.

Assistance in the re-education of the Arab population from that of war, religious ‎‎‎intolerance and terror must be enforced. Should one of the countries in the region fail ‎‎‎to comply to the re-education and to co-existence in peace than that body should face ‎‎‎worldwide condemnation, boycott and cessation of all assistance.

Additionally, any state which threatens the existence of another state or should propose ‎‎‎genocide should be met with the fullest enforcement of the entire UN body under ‎‎Article ‎‎2 of the UN Charter with a total economic embargo and if ‎‎necessitated by a full-scale military operation of all parties concerned for world peace.

Furthermore, a proposal should be made to the Egyptians to forgive her national debt in ‎‎‎return for a ceding of parts of northern Sinai to the Palestinian Authority or for the ‎‎‎resettlement of stateless Palestinians wishing for land to live on there.

The same could be said for the resettlement of Palestinians from Areas A; B in the sparsely inhabited ‎‎‎eastern regions of Jordan. In order to make this decision feasible than those Arab ‎‎‎countries willing to participate should adopt Israel’s Development Town settlement plan ‎‎‎used in its resettlement of the displaced Jews in the 1950’s. This plan based on collective ‎‎‎farming villages inhabited by those Palestinians who have farming skills, will be given ‎‎‎assistance to build homes as well as basic essentials to begin their farms.

Needless to say, that those who accept the resettlement plan will be given title or “Taboo” to the land and full citizenship. Those ‎‎Palestinian refugees with small business skills and occupations who wish to resettle in the ‎"Development Towns” of these areas will be given apartments and financial aid to begin ‎‎small businesses as well as long term loans.

What was the Source for my plan?

My plan is not new nor was it never contemplated before. The thirty-second President of ‎‎‎the United States President Franklin Delano Roosevelt who held this office for an ‎‎‎unprecedented thirteen years until his death in 1945 also put forth a similar plan ‎‎‎BEFORE the decision for Partition of the Mandate was made in November of 1947.

President Roosevelt's interest in transferring Arabs from Palestine began in ‎‎October 1938 after a meeting with Justice Louis Brandeis. ‎‎Brandeis reported on this meeting to Felix Frankfurter who in turn passed on the report to ‎‎Stephen Wise and to presidential advisor and script-writer Ben Cohen. Brandeis pointed out in his report of this meeting how Roosevelt appreciated the significance of Palestine, ‎‎“the need of keeping it whole and of making it Jewish". He was tremendously interested - and wholly surprised - on learning of the great increase in Arab population since the First World War; and on learning of the plenitude of land for Arabs in Arab countries, about which he made specific inquiries.”

The Historian Zaha Bustami commented that it was, “…difficult to tell who brought up ‎‎‎this subject during the meeting, but the information on Arab demography was provided ‎‎by Frankfurter,” who had met with FDR a few days earlier a meeting to discuss the ‎‎Palestine situation.

On 25th of October 1938, Roosevelt had a meeting with the British Ambassador to the ‎‎‎U.S., Sir Ronald Lindsay. Lindsay wrote that the President was “impressed by the fact ‎‎‎that the Arab population had increased by 400,000 since the establishment of the League ‎‎Of Nations Mandate.”

FDR also contemplated the creation of a program of well-digging across the Jordan. ‎‎Roosevelt firmly believed that, “we ought to be able to find that money for the purpose”. ‎‎FDR believed that once a large quantity of water would be made available for irrigation ‎‎and the cultivable land thus created in Trans-Jordanian territory it;
‎‎“should be set apart for Arabs from Palestine. They should be offered land free, and that ought to be enough to attract them; and failing the attraction, they should be compelled to emigrate to it. Palestine could thus be relieved of 200,000 Arabs”.
FDR also added that it would; “be necessary to prescribe that no Arab should be allowed ‎‎to immigrate into Palestine, and no Jew into the Arab lands.” ‎‎

The Assistant Secretary of State Adolf Berle, later recalled that,"The President was full ‎‎‎of Palestine” and that FDR called on Ronald Lindsay to call a conference of Arab ‎‎‎princes. FDR was adamant in having them lay down;
“say ‎‎$200,000,000 buying a farm for every Arab who wishes to leave Palestine, the money chiefly to be used in digging wells, which is perfectly possible in the Hedjaz.” Here, it is quite clear that Roosevelt intended the Arabs to pay for the transfer of the Arabs of Palestine."
British Ambassador Lindsay therefore asked Lancelot Oliphant of the British Foreign ‎‎‎Office to have someone prepare a “short answer to this scheme” to have in readiness, ‎‎‎although he stressed that he would not take the initiative in sending a reply to the ‎‎‎President. Lindsay’s request was first dealt with by Lacy Baggalay of the Foreign Office. ‎‎He first quoted experts, who held that the possibilities of finding water in quantity by ‎‎boring in Transjordan were, “quite restricted”. He then continued;
“But even assuming ‎‎that water could be found in large quantities, it is now out of the question that any Arabs ‎‎should be ‎‎'compelled' to emigrate to the lands thus brought into cultivation.Whatever ‎‎else may remain uncertain about the problem of Palestine, the impossibility of ‎‎compulsion on this scale is now beyond dispute."
Oliphant sent a reply to Lindsay saying that the British government would not even ‎‎contemplate such an idea, and it would be “thoroughly unjust” to compel the Arabs to ‎‎transfer from Palestine “to make room for immigrants ‎‎[Jews] of a totally different race ‎‎who have had no connection with it [Palestine] for at least 2,000 years.” He also brought, ‎‎in his words, the “fallacy” which Roosevelt was using to try and solve the Palestine ‎‎problem. ‎‎
There are those who blame, “the genesis of Roosevelt's idea of a forcible or voluntary ‎‎eviction of Palestinian Arabs ‎to Trans-Jordan or other neighboring lands" on ‎Roosevelt’s ‎contacts with Zionist circles in the summer of 1938 perhaps in discussions ‎with Brandeis ‎and ‎Frankfurter.”‎ 
But in truth the "Who" actually had given Roosevelt the idea that irrigation of the Transjordan desert would create a ‎‎suitable location for the Arab transferees? The indications are that it came from the State ‎‎Department where at that period Edward Norman was in contact with government ‎‎officials to advance his own transfer plans. Although Norman was at the time in contact ‎‎with the State Department, his plans were in fact to irrigate Iraq by means of the dams it ‎‎had recently constructed.

Roosevelt summoned British Ambassador Lindsay for a further meeting, presumably during the first half of ‎‎‎November. At this meeting, the President said that he thought that “the British should call ‎‎‎in some of the Arab leaders from Palestine and some of the leaders from the adjoining ‎‎‎Arab countries.

"The British should explain to them that they, the Arabs, had within their ‎‎control large territories ample to sustain their people.” He also pointed out that Jewish ‎‎immigration to Palestine and Transjordan would not harm the Arabs since there was ‎‎plenty of room for everyone.
Roosevelt then went on to propose transfer of Arabs, “Some ‎‎of the Arabs on poor land in Palestine could be given much better land in adjoining Arab ‎‎countries."

British Ambassador ‎‎Lindsay answered Roosevelt by saying that there was opposition in both the Arab and ‎‎Moslem world but the President, “belittled this opposition and thought it due largely to British indecision and conflicting policy.”  
Roosevelt had also thought of ideas of how to finance this transfer. He thought that; “if a plan was devised for a settlement of 100,000 families costing $3,000 a family or ‎‎$300 million the funds might be raised” by the American Government, the British and French Governments, and private subscriptions - largely Jewish; each of these bodies would contribute $100 million."‎‎

Towards the end of December the British Charge d'Affaires in Washington met with ‎‎‎Sumner Welles and handed him a memorandum on transfer received from the British ‎‎‎Government, adding that Roosevelt would probably be interested in it.‎‎ After pointing out that the latest available evidence did not bear out the belief that any ‎‎considerable quantity of water could be obtained in Transjordan at shallow levels by ‎‎boring wells, the memorandum continued;
“Suggestions have also been made that if the free offer of cultivable land in Transjordan did not suffice to attract the Arabs from Palestine, they might be compelled to emigrate from it, with the object of vacating land in Palestine for settlement by Jews.”
This discussion and debate regarding the Arabs of the Mandated Areas occurs during the ‎‎rise of Nazi Germany occurring during the years 1933 -1938. During this period the free ‎‎immigration of the Jews of Europe was of the utmost issue for Jewish circles. The critical ‎‎period of 1938-1941 was the period of the beginnings of war in Europe. It was also the ‎‎period of British appeasement to the Arabs of the severe restrictions of Jewish ‎‎immigration in the White Paper of 1939.

The British Government was fearful of the repercussions in Britain, India and the ‎‎Moslem world if they should back Roosevelt's plan of Arab "resettlement". They saw the threat to the sources of raw materials and oil for the Empire in agreeing to Roosevelt’s proposals. Their Empire would be in jeopardy due to their promises made to the Jews. His Majesty's Government realized that they would be accused of “unjustly trying to force a long-established community to leave its country in order to make room for immigrants of a race which has, in great part, not lived in Palestine for many centuries.” The British Government also felt that the problem of ‎‎“redistribution of the Arab and Jewish communities in Palestine and across the Jordan”, was not one of finance but rather of politics. On two occasions, Roosevelt raised his plan with British representatives but he was ‎‎‎“firmly told that no amount of financial inducement would move the Palestinian Arabs.” Roosevelt however, was unconvinced by this British reply.‎‎

Chaim Weizmann had his first meeting with Roosevelt in February 1940. At this ‎‎meeting, Roosevelt put forward the idea of bribing the Arabs, asking Weizmann “What ‎‎about the Arabs? Can't that be settled with a little baksheesh?” Weizmann replied that ‎‎“it wasn't as simple as all that. Of course, the Jewish people would compensate the Arabs in a reasonable way for anything they got, but there were other factors appertaining to a settlement.”

In December 1942 two and a half years later, Roosevelt told Treasury Secretary, Henry ‎‎‎Morgenthau;
“I actually would put a barbed wire around Palestine, and I would begin to ‎‎‎move the Arabs out of Palestine.... I would provide land for the Arabs in some other part ‎‎‎of the Middle East.... Each time we move out an Arab we would bring in another Jewish ‎‎‎family.... But I don't want to bring in more than they can economically support.... It ‎‎‎would be an independent nation just like any other nation.... Naturally, if there are 90 per ‎‎‎cent Jews, the Jews would dominate the government.... There are lots of places to which ‎‎‎you could move the Arabs. All you have to do is drill a well because there is a large ‎‎‎underground water supply, and we can move the Arabs to places where they can really ‎‎‎live.”
In October 1943, the question of “barbed-wire” around Palestine came up again in a ‎‎‎conversation between Roosevelt and Judge Samuel Rosenman, Justice of the New York ‎‎‎Supreme Court and speechwriter and counselor to Roosevelt. Roosevelt had spoken of ‎‎‎the “possibility of settling the Palestine question by letting the Jews in to the limit that the ‎‎‎country will support them - with a barbed-wire fence around the Holy Land.” Rosenman ‎‎‎thought that this would work, “if the fence was a two-way one to keep the Jews in and the ‎‎‎Arabs out.”

What should be mentioned here is that by this time Roosevelt already knew full well of the Nazi program of mass genocide. He had been informed by Churchill in the Casablanca Conference January 14 to 24, 1943, of the entire text of the Protocols of the Wannassee conference gleaned from the transmission of the file through the Abwehr G312 “Enigma” program at Bletchley Park. Roosevelt had also read the Polish Foreign Minister Count Edward Raczynski's note which had been addressed to the Governments of the United Nations on 10 December 1942 entitled, "The mass extermination of Jews in German occupied Poland", which provided the Allies with the earliest and most accurate accounts of the Holocaust.

At the beginning of November 1944, Roosevelt was elected President for an ‎‎‎unprecedented fourth term. A few days later, Roosevelt discussed the Palestine situation ‎‎‎with the Under-Secretary of State, Edward Stettinius. After telling Roosevelt of their ‎‎‎difficulties regarding Palestine, Stettinius wrote in his diary, that Roosevelt felt confident ‎‎‎that he would be able to “iron out” the whole Arab-Jewish issue. “He thinks Palestine ‎‎‎should be for the Jews and no Arabs should be in it”, continued Stettinius, “and he has ‎‎‎definite ideas on the subject. It should be exclusive Jewish territory.”‎‎

Roosevelt developed his ideas for the transfer of the Arabs from Palestine during the last ‎‎‎six or seven years of his life through his insight on the rise of Hitler and Nazi Germany. ‎‎Some believe that Roosevelt's views had become more extreme as time progressed as he heard from State Department officials and Military Intelligence reports of the events happening in Eastern Europe against the Jews.

Originally recommending the transfer of two hundred thousand Arabs, he eventually ‎‎stated unequivocally that “Palestine should be for the Jews and no Arabs should be in it.”

Almost all the statements that are quoted on this subject were not written by Roosevelt ‎‎himself, but by the various people he worked and met with. There are no recordings ‎‎either.
This however, is characteristic of Franklin D. Roosevelt since he was a man who ‎‎always had one eye cocked on historians who would someday assess his role in history. ‎‎He tried to cover his historical tracks, using unrecorded telephone conversations and ‎‎unrecorded private interviews .

The Jewish people wherever they are have aspired for peace for over two thousand years! Our ‎‎people have known discrimination, bigotry, death and destruction with no place to run to.
The chief American Zionist leaders at that terrible time Louis Brandeis, Felix Frankfurter and Henry Morgenthau knew that the fate of millions of Jews were at stake. But the world’s apathy and closed doors and most importantly Arab hatred epitomized by the Grand Mufti of “Palestine” Haj Amin Al-Husseini lead to the death of SIX million ‎‎innocent Jewish lives.

No thinking intelligent individual whether he be Jew or Gentile desires the horrors of ‎‎death and destruction caused by war and terrorism. Tolerance and the willingness to sit ‎‎down with one’s former arch enemy for the sake of peace initiated by the late Itzhak ‎‎Rabin z”l who gave his life in an attempt to bring peace to the Middle East calumniated ‎‎in the 1993 ‘Oslo Accords’. The quest for peace during the past decade was the keystone ‎‎of the administrations of former Prime Ministers Ehud Barak and even Arik Sharon.

However, at every instance the Palestinians have opted for more and more violence.

The tremendous desire for a true peace and an end to the cycle of violence between our ‎‎‎two peoples has led Israel to make endless and painful concessions to the Arabs with NOTHING in return. We, Israeli’s ‎‎‎have evacuated the Sinai and it’s settlements for Peace with Egypt. We also “disengaged” ‎‎‎from the Gaza Strip, a step which severely traumatized parts of our people, for no ‎‎‎concessions in return other than that the Palestinian people acknowledge our right to ‎‎‎exist. It is sadly regrettable that the Palestinian people have continued to react to the ‎‎‎Israeli concessions with over 12,000 rockets and mortar rounds.

Recently, the Palestinian Authority's ambassador to the US publicly said. "No Jews should ‎‎‎be allowed to live in" any part of a future Palestinian state. If he had said "no Israelis," that would be one thing; however, he excludes all Jews ‎‎‎‎(presumably even the handful of ultra-orthodox Neturai Karta who are anti-Zionist), and further reinforces ‎‎the full truth behind the conflict.

The keystone of the new Hamas led Palestinian Government is the denial of the “Oslo ‎‎‎Accords” and the Iranian policy of the total extermination of the State of Israel and of the Jews within. Their ‎‎‎leaders make endless speeches of hatred and there is a total lack of the teaching of ‎‎‎tolerant and peace among their youth.

Moderate and “Educated” Arabs as well as those Arab countries who wish to live in a “Just and ‎‎‎Lasting “Peace for the Middle East, need to prove to the Jews of Israel their willingness to enter ‎‎‎a new “Golden Age”. All hatred and death must stop now.‎‎


Following the First World War, Emir Feisal, son of Sherif Hussein (Husayn) of Mecca, and the leader of the Arab movement, met in Aqaba with Dr. Chaim Weizmann, the head of the Zionist Commission to Palestine. Later, at the Paris Peace Conference, the two negotiated and signed an agreement, which spoke of full cooperation in the development of the independent Arab state in present-day Syria and Iraq (as promised by the British to Feisal) and the Jewish home in Palestine (from the Balfour Declaration), and encouraging ‎‎"the immigration of Jews into Palestine on a large scale". The agreement was not carried out, mostly due to the change in Allied policy regarding the Arab State which Feisal had planned to establish.

The two defining articles of the agreement were:

Article I :

The Arab State and "Palestine" (Note: Feisal is referring here to the Jewish State) in all their relations and undertakings shall be controlled by the most cordial goodwill and understanding and to this end Arab and Jewish duly accredited agents shall be established and maintained in the respective territories.

 Article IV:

All necessary measures shall be taken to encourage and stimulate immigration of Jews into Palestine on a large scale, and as quickly as possible to settle Jewish immigrants upon the land through closer settlement and intensive cultivation of the soil. In taking such measures the Arab peasant and tenant farmers shall be protected in their rights and shall be assisted in forwarding their economic development.

Also, during the peace conference following World War I, the Emir Feisal exchanged letters with Justice Felix Frankfurter, professing his support for Zionist aims. In the light of later history and the current characterization of the Zionist movement, it is significant that Feisal wrote:
“I hope the Arabs may soon be in a position to make the Jews some return for their kindness. We are working together for a reformed and revived Near East, and our two movements complete one another. The Jewish movement is national and not imperialist. Our movement is national and not imperialist, and there is room in Syria for us both. Indeed I think that neither can be a real success without the other.”
People less informed and less responsible than our leaders and yours, ignoring the need for co-operation of the Arabs and Zionists have been trying to exploit the local difficulties that must necessarily arise in Palestine in the early stages of our movements. Some of them have, I am afraid, misrepresented your aims to the Arab peasantry, and our aims to the Jewish peasantry, with the result that interested parties have been able to make capital out of what they call our differences.”
The promises once made by Emir Feisal are forgotten by today’s “Moderate” Palestinians. Sari Nusseibeh once wrote: “The Israeli government's current mantra is that the Palestinians must recognize a "Jewish State".”‎ - to which former president of the Supreme Court of Israel, Aharon Barak once wrote;
"[The] Jewish State is the state of the Jewish people … it is a state in which every Jew has the right to return …”

Israel is THE Jewish homeland for the Jewish people.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Memories from Tuesday morning June 7th,1967

As an American Jew I grew up knowing my Jewishness in the grand tradition of Southern Laid-Back Reform Judaism like that reflected in the famous movie "Driving Miss Daisy".
Zionism wasn't a "thing" taught to us; we were not given any notion to "make the move". Oh, but yes, we were told to back our fellow Jews in Israel with money and political support especially in time of crisis, but "Gott Im Himmel!" make dare I say it "Aliyah"!!!

One of my first most vivid memories of the awareness of my connection to "those Jews in Israel" was on that morning of June 6th 1967 as a "privileged American born diaspora Jew". I can remember my Momma, of blessed memory, waking me up and telling me to come quick and to watch the news. She knew better then to wake up my older brother who couldn't care. As she stood there in our living room in front of our large brand new Zenith Console Color TV she held a kitchen towel and wringed it and as she stood frozen watching the screen with a look of concern, dread and fear I had never seen before she spoke to me in a fearful (Southern Jewish) voice; "On dear lord what is happening."

I took my place on the floor in front and watched the reports of an amazing day of fighting. The story was just then breaking, that Tuesday June 6th 1967, of how the Israeli Air Force had carried out a fantastic feat by launching a preemptive strike against the combined Arab air forces of Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Jordan destroying hundreds of their aircraft on the ground on their air fields. They pockmarked the landing strips with craters.

As millions other saw on the news reports of just how in a lighting war move Israel had entered Sinai and had decimated the waiting Egyptian Armies by smashing and destroying hundreds of brand-new Soviet made tanks with outdated but Israeli upgraded and modified World War II “Super”Sherman tanks and British Centurions.

Up until that eventful morning I had been a relatively naive Jew living in Alabama in the United States. I was an American living in peace and tranquility far from the terror and fear of immediate death faced by my fellow Jews in Israel.

Prior to the outbreak of the conflict we had all witnessed on the evening news of those days, presented by real respected journalists and TV news anchormen. Men with integrity; Walter Cronkite of CBS and Chet Huntley and David Brinkley of NBC. We watched in trepidation, the massive hate filled demonstrations and the sections taken or cited from Arab broadcasts of the "impending" extermination of the tiny Jewish State. The foreboding of mass extermination that would murder the Jewish remnants of the Holocaust and those ethnically cleansed form Arab lands hung heavily in the air.

We saw- witnessed - on the nightly news broadcasts how U Thant and the UN capitulated and with their tail between their legs as they readily abandoned- "withdrew" from their posts in Gaza at the demand of the Egyptian president Gamal Abdul Nasser.
We witnessed the closure of the sea lanes to Israel in the Straits of Tiran.
We saw the intermittent deadly and highly destructive shelling of the Kibbutzim and Moshavim along the border of the Golan Heights.
The parades and marches to bombastic martial music with thousands of "Goose stepping" formations of soldiers along with their new Soviet Made tanks and anti-aircraft missiles.

And last but not least, who cannot forget the famous singing in pride by the Egyptian singer Umm Kulthum screaming out "Balady ya Balady" (the song for Falestine) during the procession of hate.

It truly amazes me just how the "Dyzinformation" and "Revisionist Historians" have erased the facts of the fear of immediate genocide that were loudly proclaimed and broadcast on the world news nightly in those months prior to the magnificent and astonishing Israeli military victory.

I ask how far have we been distanced from this previous picture of innocence and admiration of the brave little David merely because we Jews survived and won?

How little Israel, symbolized as the young shepherd boy David, surrounded as in 1947 by powerful superior numbers in weapons- tanks and aircraft, strategic supplies and men - the "modern day version" of Goliath.
The world's utter astonishment and amazement of just "HOW?" tiny Israel was able to carry out a military victory akin to the biblical recounting of the encounter between the young David with his smooth pebble and slingshot against the mighty heavily armored Goliath.

Fewer still do not remember the astonishing move by Moshe Dayan to run to the Allenby Bridge -which had been destroyed by the Jordanians in their hastily retreat across the Jordan. to call out by microphone to the fleeing Arabs to return home as reported in the "once pro-Israel" New York Times?

Or the infamous return of the responsibility of the Temple Mound to the Wakif and the Mufti of Jerusalem by Moshe Dayan at the urging of Rabbi Goren and other Rabbis of note who said that no Jew was allowed to step there?

How Abba Eban spoke to the world begging to "sit and negotiate" but to nil.

I ask; “Just how fickle are the memories of those who aspire to hatred?"