Saturday, November 17, 2018

Wanted a leader with Kishke!

What is on my mind is that finally we will have elections that can possibly change our misery here in Israel!

THE major problem is that we have a bunch of real eunuchs in the Israeli political arena and a population that complains and kvetches day in and day out but can't show up at the polls to vote to change this mess!

We need to eliminate ALL the small political parties that are on the sidelines who who DO NOT serve the interest of the whole.
Voters need to realize that a vote for these small parties is what destroys us.

WE, ALL of the sane people of Israel, need to tell all of those who wave the flag of our enemy and march against our soldiers YOUR PLACE IS NOT AMONG US. And to enforce this rule!

WE need to tell all of those who speak and serve the enemies of our country: WHY STAY!! LEAVE!!! WE DO NOT WANT YOU!!!

What is needed is a true unabashed leader of REAL men who is UNAFRAID and who represents the real JEWISH Zionist state.

WE need a true leader with integrity who knows how to speak and to lead by example from the front! A real commander of real men and women.

We need a leader to state unequivocally to the Falestinians and the world ENOUGH OF YOUR  LIES!! YOU LOST!

  • that there is NO Palestine west of the Jordan River ONLY ISRAEL!!!!
  • IF you want Palestine then go over the Jordan, it is there!
  • IF you desire compensation then demand it of your Arab League brethern who did not compensate the ethnically cleansed 900,000 Jews of Arab Lands!
  • YOU DO NOT have the "right of return"- you raised your hand against us and LOST! 

We need a leader to state unequivocally to the people of Gaza an ultimatum. Choose peace and disarm or face the consequences of our full military might and to DO IT!!

We need a leader to reassert the message of David Ben Gurion from the Declaration of Independence to our Arab and Druze citizens who wish to be part of OUR state YOU ARE WELCOME TO LIVE AMONG US AND TO SHARE OUR FREEDOMS!

We need a leader who will reassert what Menachem Begin stated: "I am not a Jew with trembling knees. I am a proud Jew!"

And above all a leader like Ze’ev Jabotinsky ro tell the WHOLE WORLD:
“We hold that Zionism is moral and just. And since it is moral and just, justice must be done, no matter whether Joseph or Simon or Ivan or Achmed agree with it or not.”

DIE!!!! Hegiah Zman -די הגיע זמן -

NO MORE playing around!
And this is OUR ONE HOMELAND!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The New Amalekites

What is on my mind is a comment I just read in a post to a friend regarding our situation vis a vis Hamas in Gaza and who we these "Falestinians" that we are fighting with really are.

Just who are these "Amalekites" we face today?

The Amalekites were a source of constant woe to Israel ever since we escaped Egypt and entered Sinai on our quest to reach our "Promised Land". The Babylonians had a bad opinion of them, calling them “Khabbati,” or “plunderers.” The Amalekites and Canaanites, among other nations, practiced child burning, torture as public entertainment, and sexual immorality as sport.

In noting this opinion of Amalekites by the Babylonians I wonder just how many remember how hard the Falestinians attempted to rewrite history to the world to usurp us Jews as the inheritors and indigenous people by declaring themselves to be descendants of the Canaanites?

According to the rabbinical sources Amalek was an atheist who had a vested interest in being the very first leader of a people to attack the Monotheistic Jewish people, whose very existence proved the existence of God to the world. "Amalek is a scoffer who believes in nothing."

The actions of the anti-Semites today are reflected in Amalek and his need to attack Jews, because to him we represented to the world the twin ideas of God's existence and absolute morality.

* This part is for ALL our fellow Jews in the diaspora especially those of the JVP "Bend the Arc" fame to note.

The battle against Amalek has always been a battle over whether Man will obey God or the dictates of his own rationale. Man expresses his freewill by deciding to act either according to his own definitions of right and wrong, which devolve to his own "might and power," or according to God's definition of morality.
As long as the Jews were diligent in Torah study, Amalek had no dominion over them. But as soon as Jewish study became lax, - "Amalek battled Israel in (a place called) Rephidim"(located in Sinai) (Exodus 17:8)- Rephidim" is a contraction of Hebrew words meaning "they loosened their grip on Torah", and because of this lack of knowledge in our Judaism we Jews are in danger.

Through the ages the Jewish people have gone directly against God's order to completely wipe out every man, woman, and child of the "Amalekites".

And we have done so in a clear uneasiness with this commandment and because of this "Uneasiness" caused by our morality we couldn't and wouldn't do it and because we disobeyed God, we are plagued to always have to deal with an "eternally irreconcilable enemy" represented as "Amalek".

Rabbi Ya’akov Hayyim Sofer (Baghdad and Jerusalem, 1867-1939) also felt an "Uneasiness" with one of the commandments regarding Amalek.

In Kaf Hahayyim to Orah Hayyim 685 (par. 29) he asks:

"Why we don’t recite a blessing before we read Parashat Zakhor on the Shabbat before Purim?"

He replies:

“Because we do not bless regarding destruction, even the destruction of non-Jews, as we see that God said [to the angels after the Egyptians drowned in the Sea of Reeds]: ‘my handiwork is drowning in the sea and you are singing?!’ (Megillah 10b)”.

We cannot bring ourselves to completely annihilate a whole people in a genocide because we view the innocent among them as God's creations.

This higher morality of ours is lost among those who hate us and paint us with the word "Genocide" knowing full well that they are spreading a lie.

Our consciences and our deep morality haven't allowed us to act in such a heinous manner as our most hated enemies.

Our acts as a people are acts of compassion and humility before God. This is openly seen by our IDF worldwide rescue and medical assistance disaster teams. It can be seen in our caring for our wounded enemies and even the children and wives of their despotic leaders in our hospitals.

We spend millions building defenses and bomb shelters even in the Arab communities even though we face worldwide condemnation as an "Apartheid nation".

We have and will continue to spend millions on inventing defensive technology so that our civilian population can attempt to live normally, day to day lives as much as possible in the overwhelming tragic shadow of hatred and constant violence. Even if it means that we force our own families to live under a constant rain of mortar and rocket-fire. We will not shed our humanity to bring INTENTIONAL death on innocents. This can be readily seen in our dropping of leaflets to the innocent people of Gaza used as human shields and the act of the "knock on the roof" on the building to be destroyed as a means of warning to the innocent.
Israeli forces use as many "non-lethal" means as they can to quell violent demonstrations on the border with Gaza as well as in Judaea and Shomron.

Hopefully they will eventually learn humanity from us and we will have real peace, but until then, this the price we pay as a moralistic people.

HOW to end the Gaza situation

What is REALLY on my mind is HOW to end the Gaza situation.

As I just pointed out to a Facebook friend there is a significant difference between US and THEM -the forces of light against the forces of true evil and that is why God loves us protects us: It shows that above ALL else WE Jews are moralistic.
How can we tell that HaShem loves us?
Over 400 Hundred rockets have been fired from the Gaza Strip at Israel since Monday, with the Iron Dome missile defense system intercepting about 100 of them.
Yet - the ONLY casualty was a 48-year-old Palestinian illegal resident from Hebron Mohammed Abdel Hamid Abu Isbah who was killed Monday night when a Palestinian Hamas rocket fired from the Gaza Strip landed on a four-story residential building in Ashkelon.

And then there is the incident where Hamas tried to murder our soldiers by targeting a bus that moments before 50+ soldiers departed from ....

Now I know that there are many who will scoff at this and some will show scorn and anger but the problem is a very complicated issue. And it is NOT a time for those big brave "Armchair generals" who have "Never walked the walk" nor experienced like I have up close and personal the true cost of war to speak.

I also wish to clarify that our -Israel's- issue is NOT with the poor "Fellahin "- peasants of Gaza, for they are mostly illiterate uneducated farmers and day workers who try to eek out meager lives. For these poor "pawns"since before the 1948 Nachba they are nothing more than cannon fodder for the use of their leaders.
Our problem -in Gaza-is with the Moslem Brotherhood / Hamas leadership and the Palestinian Authority -read Mahmoud Abbas.

As we have seen since 1947 you can kill thousands and it does not move their leadership one iota. The only thing it does is it brings the worlds animosity upon us. It is the cause of the hatred that fools attempt to force solutions on those who don't wish to listen.
And what of the world's reaction? It's Israel's fault. Israel's legitimate right to right to self-defense is denied, calling it 'disproportionate' in blatant disregard for real violation of International Law's classification of "War Crimes". Meanwhile the worlds mass media ignore the reports of hundreds of deadly mortar rounds and rockets purposely fired at our civilian population.These weapons are used to kill civilians a direct violation of international humanitarian law and the Rome Statute:
 "A crime occurs if there is an intentional attack directed against civilians (principle of distinction)" — Luis Moreno-Ocampo, Chief Prosecutor, International Criminal Court.
From my experience in dealing with them in Gaza when I served there -which by the way is composed of a totally different population then from the area of Judaea and Shomron. What is different is that the ordinary poor man in Gaza is poorer and they were poor even during the Mandate and Ottoman Period as well. They lived in many cases in mud hovels with raw sewage much like the conditions they are still forced to live under in squalid "refugee camps" in Hamas controlled areas. If you were to ask them, they would be willing to live in peace. And "IF" the right person leads them this can be achieved.

I have always said that we need to go back in and re-establish the clan hierarchy that ruled the area peaceably from 1967 -1987 when the Intifada broke out.
All of those "outsiders" who know nothing of the Arab "Fellahin "- peasant mentality are the ones who composed the failed Oslo Peace agreement because they knew nothing about WHOM they were dealing with. Those of us with years of experience with Arabs know that to control the "masses" who on the most part are uneducated and religiously backward in Gaza and even in most areas of Judaea and Shomron. With them you need to carry a real big stick behind you to beat them on the head.
This I learned from my adoptive "father" on the kibbutz when I made Aliyah to Israel 44 years ago. He had been a member of the Palmach- mista'arvim. The name of the unit derives from the Arabic مستعربين mustaʿribīn, literally "those who live among the Arabs." 

There are of course "middle and upper class" Arabs -who lead the herd and with whom you can communicate with. But the majority like Mahmoud Abbas and especially Ismail Haniyeh live in what we call the Arab "Fantasia". The deep belief that they hold that they are superior to the Jews who are the "Children of Death" and can be treated as Dhimmi.(servants)
What is needed is to remove the Hamas and to remove the weapons and to establish stability and employment.

Regretfully this can only be achieved by a ground invasion with boots on the ground and I do not wish to see ANY more young Israelis lost. The ones who will be in harm's way will be my children and the children of my neighbors and this troubles me deeply.

I know from first hand knowledge of those members of the IDF who would be required to go in because my sons and my sons-in-laws are those who will be called up to deal with this mess.

As to Gaza being a "Dense" or small area yes it is but as I mentioned from my years of duty there there are open spaces to the south near the area of Khan Yunis and Rafah. I had proposed that the UN or some neutral body be called in to organize a refugee city for all Gaza residents who would be "frisked" and processed to remove weapons and disarm the populace.

Once the populace has been removed to the area and leaflets dropped on the areas to be obliterated in the Hands of Islamic Jihad ISIS and Hamas. I propose the use of a preliminary softening of the area by GBU 57s followed by some GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast . Only then should we send our sons in to danger to "mop up".

I am certain as in the past that when Israel troops encounter the Hamas in face to face combat that in the course of the fierce fighting heroism is frequently shown by our soldiers in battle and they will win. However in adverse situations when our sons are killed the Arabs frequently violate their bodies as they resort to the dastardly use of "body snatching" as in the case of two of our recent missing soldiers Lt. Hadar Goldin and Sgt. Oren Shaul whose bodies are being held by the Hamas since 2014.

Personally, I would actually ask Al Sisi or even pay him or the Saudis to go in and do it since they have shown their willingness to reach a solution to the problem. The Arab League created the mess let them clean it up. Maybe we can get the Jordanians and the Pakistanis to do it like they did in 1970 to the PLO in Jordan after all Jordan IS Palestine is it not?

Nevertheless, it will take a leader with brains and balls to end this madness and Bibi is not the leader he "balloons" himself out to be. As for the other 120 Bozos in the Knesset? As Patton said in his famous speech "Well they can shovel shit in Louisiana."

Gaza: The Neverending Mess

What is on my mind......asks as usual Facebook....

What is on my mind is my good friend Justin Amler's latest post which echoes my own feelings regarding the tragedy that keeps going on going that is Gaza.

Please allow me to query: 
“Just how frequently do you hear or see condemnation of Israel?”

How often did you hear those cries of "Free Palestine"? Apartheid Israel? "Occupation" by those contorted and tortured hate filled faces of pink haired, tattooed, ring in noses, khafieyyeh wearing millennials?

Ah and lest we forget that star of the women’s march feminist movement and beloved by JINOs Ms I love Farrakhan Linda Sarsour.

And of course, our new US Representative who oozes ignorance Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez but is loved because she and her fellow Democrats are part of the "cool" Kumbaya group....more ignorance par excellence.

Over the past years that I have been on Facebook I have asked repeatedly; WHAT has happened to all the billions of dollars the Palestinians have received, in addition to the massive support in goods and materials from the world?

I ask you just where is the accountability?

I ask where are all the building materials that they have received through Israeli border crossings for the improvement of the lives of the people?

Why did the UN monitors allow it to be squandered?
We know it was not just by thief and mismanagement, but rather by a deliberate national goal of collecting materials to construct weapons to destroy the only Jewish state on earth!!
These weapons are used to kill civilians a direct violation of international humanitarian law and the Rome Statute:
 "A crime occurs if there is an intentional attack directed against civilians (principle of distinction)" — Luis Moreno-Ocampo, Chief Prosecutor, International Criminal Court.
By these blatant violations the Palestinians have shown time and time again they are not deserving of independence because their utter hatred of the Jews and the Jewish state blinds them. They do NOT care for their own downtrodden and forgotten people.

Over the years I have never heard or seen a critic of Israel who has openly uttered or voiced criticism of the Palestinian Leadership. Have you?
No one ever dares to question THEIR complicity in the suffering of the Palestinian people they so loudly protest for, oh god forbid NO.

I have seen and read reports of Palestinians who have dared to utter complaints and have ended up being horrendously tortured and imprisoned in the Palestinian Authority and Hamas Jails. That is the "lucky" ones who survived.
"The latest report published by the Palestinian Independent Commission for Human Rights (ICHR) stated that it has received complaints of torture and mistreatment from 46 Palestinians detained by the Palestinian Authority and Hamas during the month of February 2018 alone. More than half of the complaints, 27 in number, come from Palestinians who were arrested by the Palestinian Authority, while 19 come from Palestinians living under Hamas in the Gaza Strip." Palestinians Tortured; Media Silent by Bassam Tawil Gatestone Institute.
I ask you, when was the last time you read a news article or saw a news report were questions were asked of the Palestinian "Leadership” Mahmoud (President for Life) Abbas or Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas regarding:
  • How many clinics, hospitals and schools, colleges and universities have you built?
  • How many centers for excellence in science, medicine and technical advancement have you built?
  • What have you done to improve the supply of fresh water?
  • Where are the desalinization plants?
  •  How many power plants have you completed?

None of these improvements for the future and good of the people has occurred, because for the Palestinian leaders, there is but one goal. And that “goal” is not determined about what they can build, but how can they eliminate the Jewish State and expel the Jews.

So as I sit here and write this I wonder just when will the world awaken to the fact that the intransigence is in the hands of the Palestinians but the world is too afraid of not appearing “cool” to act for the poor child shivering in a “hovel” from cold with polluted water to drink in Gaza.

It is however “cool” to be on MSNBC, CNN, BBC, Al-Jazeera et al and bad mouth the Jews, Israel and Zionism.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

A Heritage Lost To Blind Hatred

In June of 2015 I had written this and posted it on the Times of Israel where I had once published my Blogs before a certain individual on the editorial board found fault with my views as a pro Zionist not in line with the Kumbaya policies she believed in.

In light of the recent racially linked murder, at the “Mother Emanuel” Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, a lot has been said in the news and on the pages of the social media concerning the linkage of the Confederate “Battle Flag” –the stars and bars, to anti-Negro (Afro-American) hatred. As my Facebook acquaintance Shia Altman mentions in his recent Blog; “Take Down The Flag”

“Even if one thinks the flag does not represent racial hatred in some way, and I think it does or in the very least is being used to do so, it represents those who wanted to separate from the United States, be it for “States’ Rights” or to defend slavery.”

So as a Southerner, born and bred, I started contemplating; “What is the history behind the whole story?”

Personally, I say it is way past time to lower and remove the Stars and Bars to the museums. However as Shia reminded me in his Blog, to many of us in the South it is part of the proud “fighting’ heritage of the South. To very many in the South it is almost sacrilegious to remove the Confederate Battle Flag. You might say it is the final blow for them as it is truly the “Night they Drove Ole Dixie Down”.

Virgil Caine is my name and I drove on the Danville train
’Til Stoneman’s cavalry came and tore up the tracks again.
In the winter of ’65, we were hungry, just barely alive.
By May the 10th, Richmond had fell.
It’s a time I remember, oh so well.

The night they drove old Dixie down
And all the bells were ringing,
The night they drove old Dixie down

Before continuing I wish to present, as I always do, some historical background and point out to “Youz Yankees” that the South (The Confederate States of America) had three flags. The flag which is causing the controversy is the one known as the Confederate “Battle Flag” (or the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia, commanded by General Robert E. Lee). It was designed by William Porcher Miles of South Carolina.

Southern Heros

Here is a Color lithograph from 1896 showing four versions of the flag of the Confederate States of America. Standing at the center are Stonewall Jackson, P. G. T. Beauregard, and Robert E. Lee, surrounded by bust portraits of Jefferson Davis and Confederate Army officers. Clockwise from upper-left corner: Gen. Braxton Bragg, Gen. P. T. Beauregard, Jefferson Davis, Alexander H. Stephens, Lt. Gen. T.J. Jackson, Gen S. Price, Lt. Gen Polk, Lt. Gen Hardee, Gen J.E.B. Stuart, Gen J.E. Johnston, Lt. Gen Kirby Smith, John H. Morgan, Albert Sidney Johnston, Gen. Wade Hampton, Gen John B. Gordon, Lt. Gen Longstreet, Gen A.P. Hill, Gen Hood.

South Carolina Secessionist flag of Miles’ design was inspired by one of the many “secessionist flags” flown at the South Carolina secession convention in Charleston of December 1860. The specific flag that inspired him was a flag with a blue St George’s Cross (an upright or Latin cross) on a red field, with 15 white stars on the cross, representing the slaveholding states, and, on the red field, palmetto and crescent symbols.

What is very interesting to note is that there is a Jewish connection to the flag:

Miles received a variety of feedback on this design, including a critique from Charles Moise, a self-described “Southerner of Jewish persuasion”. Moise liked the design but asked that; “the symbol of a particular religion not be made the symbol of the nation”. Taking this into account, Miles changed his flag, removing the palmetto and crescent, and substituting a heraldic saltire (“X”) for the upright one. The number of stars was changed several times as well. He described these changes and his reasons for making them in early 1861. The diagonal cross was preferable, he wrote, because, “it avoided the religious objection about the cross (from the Jews and many Protestant sects), because it did not stand out so conspicuously as if the cross had been placed upright thus”. He also argued that the diagonal cross was “more Heraldric [sic] than Ecclesiastical, it being the ‘saltire’ of Heraldry, and significant of strength and progress”.

According to historian John Coski; 
“The “Saint Andrew’s Cross” (also used as the flag of Scotland), had no special place in Southern iconography at the time, and if Miles had not been eager to conciliate the Southern Jews his flag would have used the traditional Latin, “Saint George’s Cross” (as used in the old ancient flag of England, a red cross on a white field). A colonel named James B. Walton submitted a battle flag design essentially identical to Miles’ except with an upright Saint George’s cross, but Beauregard chose the diagonal cross design.”
 What Southerners were taught about their heritage.

The Confederate “Battle Flag” was mainly carried into battle to inspire and lead the “Son’s of the South”. The ‎‎Stars and Bars is still emotionally symbolic for Southerners who wanted to honor those brave, barefoot, ‎‎starving young men in tattered butternut brown (Not Grey) uniforms who fell defending their lands. Many of those young men were proud woodsmen from the hills of Northern ‎‎Alabama who had advanced gallantly and bravely in tight rows across the deadly fields at Gettysburg in Pickets charge or up the hill to the Little Round top only to be mowed down in the ‎‎withering hail of lead.

Many of them that died that hot July day were not slave owners they were just plain farmers who believed that their rights as free Americans were being challenged by those in the North. They were motivated by honor among ‎‎brothers to fight. They had fought outnumbered and out gunned by a highly industrialized modern ‎‎army for four long bloody years in the deadliest conflict ever faced by Americans for their ‎‎rights as free men to do as they wish. ‎‎

Entitled “Bonnie Blue Flag Most famously” or the “Bonnie Blue Flag” was used as an unofficial flag during the early months of 1861. It was flying above the Confederate batteries that first opened fire on Fort Sumter in Charleston harbor, in South Carolina beginning the Civil War.

The Bonnie Blue Flag” also known as “We Are a Band of Brothers”, is an 1861 marching song associated with the Confederate States of America. The words were written by the Ulster-Scots entertainer Harry McCarthy, with the melody taken from the song “The Irish Jaunting Car”. The song’s title refers to the unofficial first flag of the Confederacy, the Bonnie Blue Flag but the words reflect the true spirit of why the South separated from the Union.

We are a band of brothers
And native to the soil,
Fighting for the property
We gained by honest toil;
And when our rights were threatened,
The cry rose near and far–
”Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag
That bears a single star!” .
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Southern rights hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag
That bears a single star.
As long as the Union
Was faithful to her trust,
Like friends and like brothers
Both kind were we and just;
But now, when Northern treachery
Attempts our rights to mar,
We hoist on high the Bonnie Blue Flag
That bears a single star.

For many of us in the South we were taught that the Stars and Bars was symbolic ‎‎of a proud pioneering heritage of freedom and homesteading. The movement of the American frontiersmen inspired by those like Davy Crockett and Daniel Boone to ‎‎claim the Appalachians and the vast forest areas to the west. Those “free men” many who had themselves once been “indentured servants” went west to build a free “god fearing” country from the “honest toil” of the land.

For those of us born 100 years after the Civil War in the South this was the version of the heritage of the proud American that was taught to us.

We were taught that the “Carpetbaggers” as Northerners were called always liked to take the higher moral ground and claim that the war was to free the slaves, which to us in the South was not why the war began. Most northerners apparently think that the institution of slavery was only in existence in the south, when in fact it was all over the United States when the war began. Throughout the years young American school children have been told that the Civil War was fought ‎‎‎over slavery in the South. But this is NOT entirely true. In fact, there were many Afro-Americans held as slaves in the North as well.

“During most of the British colonial period, slavery existed in all the colonies. People enslaved in the North typically worked as house servants, artisans, laborers and craftsmen, with the greater number in cities. In 1703, more than 42 percent of New York City households held slaves, the second-highest proportion of any city in the colonies after Charleston, South Carolina. But slaves were also used as agricultural workers in farm communities, including in areas of New York and Long Island, Connecticut and New Jersey.”

Maryland is a fine example of a state that fought on behalf of the Union, yet over half of the state was in fact pro-slavery. To claim that the south was exclusive to this scourge would be totally false and biased. History is written by the winners, and much of what people are taught in school about the war is biased and taken as gospel by the masses. Truthfully, Abraham Lincoln was neither for or against slavery, he was for preserving the Union. He admitted this himself many times, and in fact said that if he could keep the Union whole by not freeing the slaves, he would do that, or by freeing some of the slaves and leaving others, that he would also do that as well. So much for the “Great Emancipator” that folks build him up to be.

Most people don’t realize that the majority of the soldiers who fought for the south didn’t fight to keep slavery alive, and that many didn’t own a single slave actually. They fought because they felt they needed to protect their homes from a foreign invader, which is what was happening.

It is true that the great majority of slaves were indeed held in the “Black Belt” states of Virginian, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi and Louisiana. They had large Negro slave populations from the times of British Colonialism because they had developed an agricultural economy dependent on commodity crops. Its planters rapidly acquired a significantly higher number and proportion of slaves in the population overall, as its commodity crops were labor-intensive.

It is estimated that more than half of all white immigrants to the English colonies of North America during the 17th and 18th centuries came as indentured servants. Many Germans, Scots-Irish, and Irish came to the colonies in the 18th century, settling in the backcountry of Pennsylvania and further south

At first the English Crown had emptied out it’s prisons of impoverished Scotsmen, Englishmen and Irishmen. The number of indentured servants among immigrants was particularly high in the South. These “White Men” –and women, who were originally brought in through the “Indentured Servant” program could not endure the grueling work in the hot humid fields or in the muddy rice fields of the wide coastal areas. Many were rebellious and if they escaped, they were hard to find because they could easily fade into the sympathetic population.

The plantation owners found that the major problem with indentured servants was that many left after several years, just when they had become skilled and the most valuable workers. With the improvement of the British economy in the late 17th and early 18th centuries from profits realized in the new colonies abroad meant that fewer workers chose to go to the colonies.

As time went by the need to hire cheap slave labor created the impetus for the slave trade in Afro-Americans in states like Virginian, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia where cotton reigned supreme and so did large plantations with aristocratic land lords many of them descendants of English aristocracy who were British Loyalists who received their lands in grants from the Kings of England. Oh yes Charlestown and the coastal regions of the “Linas” North and South were “big” slave states. These states had large holdings that necessitated the use of large groups of slaves to till the hot humid low coastal rice fields.

True historically the majority of Southerners who had very small family-based farms or homesteads rarely owned slaves. But that is not the issue.

The question that must be asked here is; “What issue was worth splitting the nation in two and fighting a terrible war over, at the cost of 600,000 lives? States rights or Slavery? And what state right was being questioned?

The objective of what the South sought was not to end the Union but to preserve slavery. There would have been no secession, no Confederacy and no war had the South not been intent on maintaining its “peculiar institution.” Slavery was the raison d’etre of the Confederacy. The “liberty” the Confederacy sought to preserve was the liberty to own human beings.

So now knowing the truth the reality is that the Civil War was not fought to end slavery; it was fought to defend slavery.

As to the use of the Confederate “Battle Flag” as a hated symbol of blind racism.
Ever since the rebirth of the Ku Klux Klan in the early 1920’s with the post World War I rise of racial and immigrant hatred. The Stars and Bars – the ‎‎Confederate “Battle Flag,” had increasingly become identified by with it’s usage by the KKK with the utmost blind racial hatred.‎‎

‎‎During the 1950’s the Stars and Bars was usurped to become symbolically identified together with hoods and white sheets to be the centerpiece of abject white supremacist hatred. This vile hatred reached it’s zenith during the Civil Rights period of the ‎‎‎1960’s.

The flag was a centerpiece, along with Nazi Aryan symbols, in the “preaching’s” of William ‎‎LutherPierce III. Pierce was a prominent anti-Semite, anti-Zionist and American (read Aryan) white nationalist (supremacist) an associate of George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party.

Pierce ‎‎was one of the most influential ideologues of the white nationalist movement for some 30 ‎‎years. His follower David Ernest Duke has continued to spread Piece’s rabid hate filled slanderous teachings. Duke’s an American White ‎‎nationalist, writer, right-wing politician, and a former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku ‎‎Klux Klan, has also defamed the southern heritage by his use of the Stars and Bars with his ‎‎philosophies of white supremacist and ardent anti-Semitism /Judaism and utterly vile anti-‎‎Zionism.

Dukes has aligned himself with every venue of hatred of Jews and Zionism from Iran, the Palestinians and Hezbollah. He is one of the chief sources of rabid anti-Semitism on the World Wide Web. 
It should be noted that prior to Iran's hosting of the "Holohoax", during the rise of extreme hate filled anti-Israel , anti-Zionist period of the Mahmoud Ahmadinejad leadership. White "Aryan Race" hatred and the KKK where nearly extinct thanks to the work of Morris Dees and the Southern Poverty Law Center. It was Ahmadinejad and the Ayatollah's of Iran who gave rebirth through a huge influx of funding to David Dukes, the extremism American white nationalist, politician, antisemitic conspiracy theorist, Holocaust denier, and former Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. 
The massive Iranian funding of the anti-Zionistic Jew hating organizations, linked to the philosophies of William Luther Pierce III a prominent American white nationalist came under the "watch" of President Clinton and Obama's administrations.

So the "Big" question is just why is the mainstream media only now making "Jew Hatred" a big story now while ignoring the ugly extremely vile and violent "Jew Hatred" against Zionism and Israel backed by Pro-Palestinian groups on hundreds of University and College Campuses through out the USA and Canada?

And if any action should be taken it should be to outlaw and ban the spreading of YouTube videos of abject and ‎‎utter racial hatred narrated by William ‎‎Luther Pierce or David Duke’s through the use of social media on the Internet to influence young naive Americans and even Europeans.