Tuesday, October 8, 2024

October 8th 2024 - "Swords of Iron"

 Facebook asks me; "What's on my mind?"

As I sit here alone, an old man in my home. Who has trouble sleeping, my head full of woe and sadness from my life's traumatic encounters. Unable to find solace in restful sleep I sit and contemplate and speak to HIM who is and was and is all around.
As though in prayer, I plead as a Jew and a Levy. I plead to our creator as we are in the "Days of Awe" asking daily for forgiveness for our transgression preparing for our "Day of Atonement".

The hills are alive with the echoes of war
brought by an ancient vulgar seemingly,
never ending hatred.

The incessant sounds for over a year now
fill my old tired head with dread.
The sound of distant explosions
booming, one after another.

It is those louder explosions nearby
That makes me from my PTSD cringe....

As someone experienced in
the multiple harbingers of sudden death.
I have gone past the fear of injury or death.
For I have experienced it, up close and
And ever so sadly way too many times

The sounds the movement in the air
The adrenalin born of experience
Reverberate in my old combat tested ears.
The experience warns me
to waken as the body tenses
to be aware of
the ever present threat,
of imminent death by
the approaching harbingers of death.

In my heart I pray
that ALL those I love will be safe!
And as my ears perceive
the Iron Dome Tamirs
Those costly interceptors,
"life savers" race to intercept
The Iranian made rockets
of death
filled with explosives,
shrapnel, bringers of death

My heavy heart wants to sigh,
with relief when I hear
the loud explosions above me
as though the hand of HaShem
has sought out and smitten
the harbingers of radical Islamic
Iranian Hezbollah hatred!

Though expensive to make,
They spare us all-
Jew, Arab and Druze
from the "Evil Eye"
of gruesome death
As they spare parents
the grief from loss of life!

The dreaded cost of war...
As I sit here night after night,
I see their faces,
I hear their last words
I see the tears in their dying eyes
I held many of them close
as in an embrace
an embrace of human compassion
how so many innocent lives
have been needlessly
sacrificed on the altar of war
in sudden death!

And now once more this year
lives lost in a war
brought on yet again,
by our avowed enemies
filled with Islamic hate!

And through my windows
the stale foul air waffles
of fires started from their hatred
personified in explosive laden rockets.

Acres of once green trees
on the hills of the Galilee
Now burned in the nearby woodlands
Trees that had been with love for land,
planted by those Jews exiled
to foreign Arab Lands
Jews who returned after two millennium
To our indigenous homeland

When they arrived to the "Maabarot"
the immortalized transit camps
Their first job was to make our barren land,
green again with JNF trees.

So day after day
after their arrival
they toiled the hard soil
On the barren rocky hills
of the Galilee that surround us
To make our land smile again
As though in a whisper
it grew green
For the People of the Land
Had returned to our home.

Our story of 5785 years
regretfully suffers from the evil
that lurks deep within
The never ending jealousy
Surrounds us as regretfully
As it always has been

A jealousy deep, deep in the hearts
by those who feel spurned by HaShem’s love
A vile, vulgar ancient hatred
Incited and inflamed
By pretenders...
Those who preached
who claimed to speak
"In his name"

Rejected by us
Their Imans have imbued them
with their crass hatred
Not just among their deluded followers,
but cynically a whole world,
Deluded by falsehoods, deceit and
outright lies!
Through false words
and false narratives
those unknowledgeable of the truth
do not perceive,
that they are deceived.

My mind seeks rest from
this endless stress of the trauma
of never-ending hatred.

As a father I yearn for peace
for my offspring,
my beloved children
and grandchildren.

As a proud Jew I yearn for
peace for all the "People of Israel"
to live free in our
indigenous homeland.

But above all as HaShem
has taught us to aspire for life
in peace and goodness
for ALL his creations.

May it be his wish
That we will be blessed
With the sounds of life
And we will all sing dance
in praises in HaShem's name once more.

And may HaShem show,
our neighbors
that peace not death
is his desire, Amen.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Anti-Trump Schizophrenia

In recent days my news feed has been full of what I see as hopelessly desperate pro- "Democratic Party" virulently -bordering on profound Schizophrenic madness - "anti-Trumpsters" so totally out of their minds in hate filled comments.

What annoys me the most are those comments by fellow "Jews" many of whom are JINOs -some from the anti-Zionist camp are beyond the availability of lexical description. All of whom are highly apparent sufferers of profound TDS whose hatred of Donald J Trump is such that they have turned on "US" Israelis as though "WE" Israelis Jews are responsible for their affliction and madness!

Many begin with utterly rude comments as though we too are not Americans who grew up in America. Comments like this recent one regarding: (his) "my" beautiful country."

So here for the record, as someone who over the past nearly fifty years has watched from afar UNTAINTED by an American News media corrupted by a KGB Inspired DEZINFORMATSIYA campaign how MY BEAUTIFUL and BELOVED Home country has been consumed from within.

Here is my reply, to all those self-hating Jews, many of whom are as I mentioned anti-Zionists and full of hate for “US” in Israel because we represent to them an obstacle to their embracement by the Liberal, colored haired, ID by Pronouns, ostriches of Kumbayaism- in short KAPOs.

I have news for you, American is NOT just YOUR country!

As a very patriotic American "Heart of Dixie" Southern Born “Driving Miss Daisy (100%) reform secular JEW. America IS also MY country.

As a VERY proud FLAG WAVING -National Anthem singer-who DOES know the words and WHERE and by Whom they were written! I tell you to stop your myopic view -inspired by the Dezinformatsiya campaign of "Orangeman Bad" and see what the fxxk is REALLY happening!!!

Unlike YOU I SEE the truth and I CHECK the documented facts! AND I do NOT go by news relayed by “Big name” “News celebrities” who failed history in Junior high school!

Idiots who rely on their “teleprompts” and “script writers” who themselves failed to do the very basic “Due Diligence” of the once vaunted trade of journalism! Oh, so many times biased I see the names of the sources and realize immediately their words are filled with hate.

Stories I see repeated again and again based on “Stringers”, local journalists and photo journalists who have been proven to be card carrying members of designated FTOs -“terrorists”!

Allow me to state that Donald J Trump has done and has said some really STUPID remarks.

For me watching the truth-as a VERY INTELLIGENT person WHO VOTED! Trump is NOT the whole issue of WHY one should abstain from voting for the Kumbaya "Democratic Party".

As I have repeatedly mentioned in my posts the "Democratic Party" is overrun with totally IGNORANT ignoramuses who DO NOT have the SLIGHTEST INKLING of the WHOLE world!

They are overwhelmed from within by backers of hatred in America!!

The "Democratic Party" is a "Political Movement"-successfully infiltrated from within as outlined in the KGB Active Measures Plan- (READ ABOUT IT AND LEARN)

The "Democratic Party" as a "Political Movement"– like the American educational system- has been infiltrated since the middle 1960’s anti-Viet Nam movement as part of the KGB Active Measures Plan!

This “Plan” has allowed the communist to infiltrate and inspire the Black Lives Matter and Antifa radicals to riot and destroy American cities and businesses owned many times by hard working lower middle-class Americans -"citizens of color".

The "Democratic Party", during the Obama administration, did ZERO ZIP to curtail the “snowball effect” of terrible inter racial rioting that began with the killing of eighteen-year-old Michael Brown by police in Ferguson Missouri in 2014.

Rioting that caused nationwide rampant intercity violence and destruction of cities already rotting from mismanagement! Rioting that the radicals of the anti-Israel / Zionist pro-Palestinian movement readily infiltrated spreading their diseased false narrative, with their calls for “resistance” and worldwide “Intifada” and the introduction of the “Hashtag” #Blacklivesmatter over the heavy-handed paramilitary police tactics!

When you just look at the sensationalist photos from Ferguson, the comparisons made by Falestinian Activists and their advocates to the rioting in the past against Israel were inevitable.

Through the manipulation of the "visual comparison" and the purposed wording of the narrative in the art of dezinformatsiya to subliminally draw the reader to the "comparative conclusion". Naive “least knowledgeable” readers were not aware that the widespread militarization on display in Ferguson had absolutely nothing to do with Israel as the Falestians and their advocates wanted like you to think.

For just as the Falestinian photojournalists who are used by all the major news companies vie to sale their works to editors. The photojournalists and news media in the USA show police suited in combat gear equipped with tear gas in military-style poses appearing to use disproportionate force against crowds of hapless civilian protesters.

Rania Khalek, who is a devoted promoter of any and all anti-Israel campaigns, and a perfect example of the bigotry and anti-Jewish / blatant anti-Israel that is so pervasive in the BDS movement. Took the lead in “espousing the linkage” between Ferguson and “Falestine” in an article; “Israel-trained police “occupy” Missouri after killing of black youth.”

The nonintervention by the "Democratic Party" against mass illegal immigration, has allowed drug cartels to send their people into American cities and lets us NOT forget the infiltration of Islamic terrorists!

The past Democratic Administrations curtailment - read "Defunding" of funds to police departments has allowed a wildfire of illicit drug trade, that is causing the deaths of thousands!

Let us not forget the violent rampant anti-Semitism, that has allowed to flourish in America unabated by law officials -local and Federal. They are allowed, and on some occasions encouraged, highly disgraceful unpatriotic acts not to mention the burning of the "Flag" of freedom!

We have recently witnessed the undermining of youth in America by communism together with rampant Islamic extremism. This “infiltration” has been blatantly displayed on the streets of American, not to mention on US college Campuses, by the complicity of university officials and “law enforcement” officials that have allowed US Government recognized Foreign Terrorist (FTOs) to brazenly show their symbols and flags!

So just as in my Blog entry from 2014 “From Falestine with love to Ferguson” I asked-

So, my question here is;

"What is Homeland Security and President Obama doing to outlaw the ISM and their Pro-Falestinian agitators?"

Clearly there is incitement to commit acts of treason and threaten lives?

Clearly nothing in the Democratic Party and their candidates has changed. But yeah let’s all have a schizophrenic anti-Trump melt down and blame the ordinary secular Jews of Isreal for the mess.


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Psychological warfare and cognative dissonance!

As I have written on my Facebook page, I am totally exasperated by the enormity of utter ignorance of the liberal elite and of those in academia who fail to do "Due Diligence" and to learn the truth of the enemies you are facing.
In my distant past we once called these "blank slate" fools FNG's and to survive you steered far away from them.

Years ago I learned that one must learn the society the culture and the historical background of those who stand as your enemy.

As such when I come upon items like this short video out take of the US Senate hearings where U.S. Senator for Missouri, Josh Hawley, exposes the utter absurdity of Arab American Maya Berry who is the Co-Chair of the so-called “Hate Crimes Task Force.”

For all my acquaintances on Facebook and specifically those Jews in the USA who just "Hate Donald Trump" and are intending to vote for Kamala Harris and the Democrats.
I ask you in ALL CANDOR to watch this video of the US Senate hearings (TO THE END)!!

As you pro Kamala Harris at "any cost" Democrats watch the video note this "Tweet" in "X" by Gary Goldstein @GaryGol88424403

"Did any one of the 34 Jewish Democrats in Congress say anything remotely as powerful as Senator Hawley? I haven't heard a peep in 11 months."

I ask of ALL those who watch and LISTEN to the end to enlighten me, I await you comments, what you are doing within the framework of the "Democratic Party" to oust these blatant not "anti-Semites" haters of the Jewish people who are members of Academia who are abject distorters of facts!!

Maya Berry the Co-Chair of the so-called “Hate Crimes Task Force.” states that the demonstrations on US College campuses where about "National Organic Human rights movement.
How the educators on American campuses are "educating the youth of America" with the UTTERLY FALSE and mendacious "Palestinian Narrative" of woe!!
These "Educators" are instilling the wide spread support (read instigation of anti-Israel Hatred) the "targeting of Human Rights of the Palestinians".

During the Senate hearing Maya Berry is asked to explain a banner that states "Long Live the Intifada", which in the root naive meaning of the word means to; "shake off", as if dust from a cloth.
It's a term Arabic speakers used during the uprising against Sadam Hussein to describe; "any kind of social uprising aimed at shaking off an oppressive system."

What she fails to note like many of the "intellectual elite" is the sinister meaning that evolved in the post Oslo Accord peace failure when the "Shebab"- the members of the younger generation of Palestinians, who rose up against the overly corrupt Palestinian Leadership under Yasser Arafat and his cronies in the "Palestinian Authority".

Arafat and his cronies of his Palestinian Authority security quickly diverted the focus of the hatred of the "Sheba" to Israel. Arafat accomplished his goal by means of arrests and torture of anti-Fatah (PLO) activists.

In his speeches to them, in Arabic, and with the overly brutal use of his cronies of Fatah security. Arafat "convinced" the "Shebab" to focus their hate and anger towards the Jews.
In his speech’s he states time and time again of the Islamic concept of hudna, the extended ceasefire to deceive the gullible "Peace Now" "Two State" enthusiasts left wing Jews.
Arafat spoke of his "plan" to achieve "final victory" over the "Hated Zionists" who had to be annihilated.
Because of the success of his "Hudna", which he achieved with the help of the Oslo Accords that granted him and his Fatah the right to return to the "West Bank" and Gaza.
He found he needed to create massive support within his "Palestinian controlled Areas" so he sat out to convert the "Shebab" youth.
He changed the focus of the hatred of "no hope for the future", stagnation, unemployment and widespread corruption by instituting the #Pay4Slay program of payments for encouraging and incentivizing terrorism and the use of suicide bombers.

Therefore the "understood" meaning of the term Intifada (Arabic: انتفاضة) became a "watchword" not only for a rebellion or uprising, or a resistance movement but as Arafat stated the total annihilation of the Jewish State.

The sad Story of Achmed the Dead Hezbollah Terrorist

In "light" of the Mossad and IDF Intelligence's operation "Beeping our love" I wish to remind everyone of the infamous story of:

 "The sad Story of Achmed the Dead Terrorist"

Achmed had been brought up to believe the wonderful stories his Iman preached about martyrdom against the infidels. 

The stories of sexual pleasure from the 72 promised "dewey eyed" beautiful naked virgins aroused him to no end that he even neglected his favorite goat. 

So our proud Arab Moslem volunteered to murder the Jews in Israel by joining Hezbollah. 

One day while enjoying himself, after a "hard" day in the tunnels with the new Iranian missiles that had just arrived his new beeper "beebed" ....

When he awoke after the explosion and walked towards the light with a smile. The dreams that his Iman had told him of the sexy 72 naked virgins awaiting his every wish in heaven danced in his head and gave him a rock hard hardon. 

As he walked the path marked; "This way to heaven", he could see in the distance the area of Heaven surrounded by a high gilded fence. 

As he approached his sexual arousal and excitement intensified with each step as he drew nearer. 

As he came closer he noticed that the gilded gates of Heaven were being guarded by Infidels in dress blue uniforms! US Marines! 

Going towards the Gilded Gates he saw a reception desk and two signs: "Jews", manned by Moses and "Christians", manned by Saint Peter. 

As Achmed the dead terrorist approached he saw Moses and Saint Peter talking amicably. 

Our terrorist became extremely agitated and screamed in a tone of demand; "Where is the receptionist for Moslems!?"

"Moses paused in his discussion with Saint Peter and replied sarcastically, "Ah Islamic reception? 

"Yes!" Replied our over eager suicide bomber, in ecstasy of meeting his virgins. 

Saint Peter raised his hand and motioned to two burly members of the Marine Honor Guard at Heavens Gate who walked over and promptly grabbed the startled terrorist. 

Before Achmed could respond, the Marine had promptly pulled out his Kabar knife and over the screams and protests of the terrorist castrated him in one fell stroke! 

They than escorted the terrorist to the edge of the area of heaven where they proceeded to kick him into a high plunging arch ever downward to the burning vats of pig fat and manure in Hell, where a sign - in Arabic of course - welcomed him. 

As he resurfaced and wiped the vulgar stinking slime from his face he struggled to keep his head above the reeking vat of burning pig fat and manure, he cried out in protest;

“Where is our Holy Prophet Mohammed?” “And my 72 Virgins I was promised!"

A voice with a deep Southern accent over the intercom calmly replied; 

"As for your Holy Prophet Mohammed you're standing on his head.”

“As for those virgins they are here with us in the USO bar in Heaven entertaining us Marines.”

“But, but he stammered in protest!”

Our Iman promised me 72 Virgins and an eternity of pleasure!”

In the background Achmed could hear the sound of snickers and laughter.

"Why sugar, that is why we castrated you since you won’t need your pathetic iddy bitty thingy where you are!”

“Didn’t anyone teach you there aren’t any virgins in hell!”

Suddenly Achmed heard some chomping and a terrible blood curdling scream! 

What was that he cried!

Oh that's nothing but the hogs in Hell squealing in joy over their meal of the parts of a Palestinian "Shahid" Martyr that just arrived! SUUUUEEEEE!!

“Now ya’ll go on and have a nice eternity, ya hear." 

Israeli Intelligence and the Hezbollah pagers

Following a speech made by Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah, where he denounced the use of cellphones - calling them Israel’s “agent” ordered officers to refrain from communicating any details concerning Hezbollah’s movements and plans through cell phones. 

Due to the belief that "low tech" pagers could not be "compromised", Nasrallah ordered Hezbollah officers to carry pagers at all times so as to remain in constant contact and thereby promoted a more comprehensive use of pagers. 

The first small batch order placed with the Hungarian company "BAC Consulting KFT" who "merely served as a broker" forwarded the order to Global NORTA, a company based in Sofia, Bulgaria, who "was responsible for manufacturing as well as exporting the pagers to Lebanon in 2022, so as to NOT constitute a serious violation of European Union laws. 

Gold Apollo, a Taiwanese firm, said it had authorized BAC Consulting to use its name on the pagers that were used in the first attack, but that the Hungarian company was responsible for manufacturing and design.

After there arrival they were tested and placed in service and more orders for BAC manufactured pagers were reportedly placed by operatives of the Lebanese terrorist organization.

According to the New York Times, who cited two American "intelligence officials". "Since his speech, there was a significant increase in shipments of pagers to Lebanon, with thousands reportedly arriving and being distributed to Hezbollah officers and their allies." 

"According to multiple reports, the pagers were set to beep, prompting their owners to see what message Hezbollah’s command sent, only to explode a few seconds later, sowing chaos across Lebanon."Israel will be mapping out injuries, hospital admissions, social media posts, electronic communications, news footage, and medical records, linking them all to people who had these pagers today." 

The reported injuries and deaths of the Hezbollah terrorists are unimportant, what IS important is that Israeli intelligence just created a massive and growing "treasure trove" of information about both known and previously unknown Hezbollah terrorists, as well as their supporters, partners, friends, family members, colleagues, workplaces, vehicles, and homes. 

Israeli intelligence recently created an incredibly dense, comprehensive in depth and "up-to-date" social graph of an entire terrorist network, across Lebanon as well as neighboring countries. It is incredible what our Israeli intelligence has accomplished.

Imagine a dark room with a massive Christmas tree in it. The tree has thousands of electric lights hung all over it, but they’re unlit because the wall plug is not plugged into the wall socket.

However once plugged in and used, each of these pagers began to function as a GPS tracking device for days or weeks prior to this attack. 

Israeli intelligence has been monitoring all of them for sometime now accumulating information not "just" where they live but where they congregate and who they congregate with as well as their locations. Through the "BAC" pagers Israeli Intelligence could tract where they went so as to identify who the people are that they worked together with.

By this method Israeli intelligence could identify the operators of the weapons systems and thereby ALL the locations of underground tunnels where the Hezbollah rockets and launchers are. 

Before the IDF starts our massive operation against Hezbollah, undoubtedly they will be programming the GPS coordinates of those locations directly into our firing systems

These pagers have provided a treasure trove of open source intelligence available on the faces and identities of all the people who were hit as well as many, who were never in possession of a pager.

IAF drones and our satellite system are monitoring the entrances to every hospital and recording video and photos of all who are entering and exiting. Our special intelligence units are also monitoring all social media as well as CCTV systems.

As a reminder of our capabilities, remember the story of  Yahya Abd-al-Latif Ayyash was the chief bombmaker of Hamas earned the nickname "the Engineer"

Following the lead of the story of dealing with the "Engineer" in 1996. The Mossad was able to learn of Nasarallah's order to acquire new pagers and "insert" small quantities of one of the most powerful explosive chemicals known as (PETN) Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate before they even arrived in the Hands of Hezbollah members in February. 

The stealthy design of the battery comprised a thin, square sheet with six grams of white pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN) plastic explosive  inserted between two rectangular battery cells with the remaining space between the battery cells occupied by a strip of highly flammable material that acted as the detonator.

Along with the PETN, remote satelite activated GPS "responders" were embed in the printed circuit board, allowing Israeli Intelligence to remotely tract and monitor the devices as well as overheat and detonate the Lithium Battery within the device.

The agents who designed the pagers put a battery that concealed a tiny yet powerful charge of plastic explosive and a novel detonator that an X-ray couldn't detect. From the outside, the pager’s power source looked like a standard lithium-ion battery pack used in thousands of consumer electronics goods.

And yet, the battery, labelled LI-BT783, had a problem: Like the pager, it did not exist on the market.

So Israel’s agents created a backstory from scratch.

Additional information (facts) about the company that sold the beepers to Hezbollah 
from Open Source Intel @Osint613 

- According to the Hungarian company registry, it turns out that the Hungarian company **BAC Consulting KFT**, which manufactured the beepers for Hezbollah, was only established in 2022 and reached a turnover of one million euros in just two years.

- The domain was purchased in 2020, two years before the company was founded.

- The domain previously belonged to another company that offered a jewelry line for sale, called “Nelkhael,” after the 21st angel from a list of 72 angels in Kabbalah. .

- The company's website is filled with generic photos. It claims to specialize in various consulting fields, including environment, development, and international relations. It is unclear with whom the company has worked or what its experience is.

- The company's official address is a private residence in Budapest.

- The owner of the company, and apparently its only employee (according to the website), is Cristiana Bársony-Arcidiacono, a 49-year-old Hungarian-Italian businesswoman, who has an impressive and maintained LinkedIn profile. 

However, it is filled with posts irrelevant to her work and not typical for LinkedIn.

"Christina herself, and her background, are shrouded in inconsistencies and suspicions. The places she claimed to have worked don’t exist, and their websites are nowhere to be found. She personally denied any connection to the production of pagers in a statement to NBC, also refuting the claim by the Taiwanese "Gold Apollo" brand that she had received permission only to use their trademark, while all manufacturing and design were handled by her company." Zeev Avrahami, Budapest

There are only 3-4 pictures of her on the internet, which is very unusual.

- The other employees listed in the company have strange names, fake profiles, or are actual people who do not work for the company.

- Cristiana's LinkedIn profile was created in 2019.

- Her picture is also being used by another company, suggesting it may have been a fake picture.

- The other company also appears fake, and its phone number is disconnected.

The company's website was blocked this morning, now requiring a username and password to access.

Attempts to call the company or Cristiana have gone unanswered.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The Solution for the Gaza Dilemma

Among the "Least educated" in the Arab world talk is cheap and fraught with lies.

We have all seen that for years the endless warfare and the expenditures of the world in the "Plight of the Palestinians" UNWRA etc, which has been a HUGE financial burden on US and EU Tax payer.

Billions of "donated" funds unaccounted for, "given" to the "Palestinians" for what purpose? The enrichment of the overly corrupt leaders who went from poor peasants to billionaires. "Leaders" who enriched themselves and their families and cronies while the poor "Palestinian refugee" is used as "cannon fodder" to die in their consistent efforts of war and terrorism to "eradicate the Jewish State". Their deaths, in the hundreds and thousands, caused by their own hands in their self- inflicted "Genocide".

So, in light of the Hamas never ending demands for the (non) release of the hostages and the demand of King Bibi for the control over the "Philadelphi Corridor" I have a possible alternative solution.

I propose what I call a "Detoxification Initiative" to rid the residents of Gaza and Palestinian society, culture, press, economy, judiciary, and politics of the "False Palestinian Narrative" an Islamic Extremist ideology and there by rid the area of Hamas / Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorism.

In my proposal I propose a initiative under a "Stewardship" by an organized administration from members of the "Abrahamic Accords" to redirect and account for all the massive foreign aid being sent for the reconstruction of Gaza.

I propose that the US Government offer any Gaza resident, who "turns over" a LIVE hostage to Israeli authorities A monetary reward and FREE passage for himself and his family to the USA.
For the return of the remains, of a regretfully dead hostage, that a monetary reward of $100,000 dollars be given and if desired free passage out.

That a large monetary reward and American aid assistance guarantee be offered to the various powerful Bedouin families "Clans" in Gaza to assist in obtaining the safe release of the hostages and to help in the recovery of the remains of those murdered.
As well as a non-negotiable demand ( to guarantee monetary assistance) to cease ALL arms -and components to produce weapons - smuggling from Sinai.

Furthermore, a bounty of $10,000- Dead or Alive- for every Hamas fighter be offered.
A $5,000 bounty for the disclosure of tunnels
A $1,000 bounty for the turning over of ALL weapons

I further proposed that a "safe zone" be established and run by a joint Arab and US task force whereby ALL residents of Gaza be processed through a processing facility to filter out and identify and separate terrorist members from the innocent civilians.

I propose a "Detoxification Initiative" through a comprehensive re-education and reteaching of values to instill a desire for life and coexistence.
As well as the instilling of a rejection of the "Nacbah" return fantasy and to aspire to moving forward and to stop the "Lie" of the false narrative.
A strict monitoring process be enacted against those teaching Islamic fundamentalism and hatred, That moderate Arab countries lead the way among the populace to accept moderate Islamic teachings.

I further propose the end to "refugee status", "refugee camps" and the cessation of UNWRA.
I further propose that "Western" donor states place a demand for payment be extracted from Arab States, for the reconstruction of Gaza.

I further propose that in the "reconstruction plan" that a project be instituted that ALL the remains of the destroyed buildings be used to "reclaim the sea" (read landfill) to expand Gaza westward.

This "reconstruction plan" will include the employment of the residents, which will entice them to prefer job, and a livelihood over death and "Martyrdom".

Within the "reconstruction plan" the establishment and construction of:
1) Electricity power plants and a proper infrastructure
2) desalinization plants
3) a proper water and sewage infrastructure and to process "gray water for agriculture"
4) new residential areas and commercial "hubs"
5) new hospitals and the establishment of a "National Health system" with clinics.
6) new schools and "higher institutions of learning.

That ANY Palestinian who "openly" participates in the reeducation program be offered employment and be provided with housing,

That ANY Palestinian "farmer" who "openly" participates in the reeducation program be offered title to 20 Dunam and assistance to enable their farming.

As to the "selling" of the a "Detoxification Initiative" and "Reconstruction Plan" to the residents of Gaza.
It is all dependent on just how tired the innocent "cannon fodder" aka "Human shields" are of the continuous misery that their fantasy of the false narrative has brought them. 

As to the "selling" of the a "Detoxification Initiative" and "Reconstruction Plan" to the leaders of the world. It is all dependent on just how much strength of decency and character there is in them to see through the lies of the false narrative they have swallowed.

Once the leaders of the world wake up to their "bamboozlement" it is ALL dependent on them to take a hard stance against the "Arabs of the Mandated Areas"?

It solely upon them to change from pressuring Israel to place the onus solely on the "Arabs of the Mandated Areas" to accept reality and why it is worthwhile to them to concede!

The world needs to be awakened to the absolute truth!! That the issue is NOT Israel and the Jewish State, but the incessant refusal of the "Arabs of the Mandated Areas" to accept Jews as neighbors in a very REAL Peace?

The world and the "Arabs of the Mandated Areas" need to awaken to the stark reality and the very real truth that despite all the wars and terrorism, they have used in their vain attempts to erradicate the "Jewish State". It has brought upon them nothing but destruction, misery and death.

Inconclusion I propose that the area of Gaza will remain in a "Stewardship" and will be judged for sovereignty once reeducation is successfully completed.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The truth of cold hard facts

Facebook prompted me; "What is on my mind?" 

And WHAT "IS" on my mind is being truthful and stating the cold hard facts!

Allow me to begin by stating here, that for years many of us older American immigrants pushed for the need of the Knesset to ratify a written set of laws (a constitution) and to dissolve / abolish the "vote for party" adopted Mandate English parliamentarian system. We who campaigned for the change, wanted to institute the American style representative form of government. Whereby the individual voter would vote to elect representatives, who would be more in touch and receptive to their constituents, of specific areas in Israel.

Furthermore, allow me to mention here, that though I was a delegate and member of the Labor Party for many years, I was NOT a "Peace at any price" left winger.

Neither was I personally opposed -as I have written in my blog entries - to the legitimacy and presence of returning Jewish residents to Judea and Shomron JUST as Golda Meir and David Ben Gurion believed and spoke about in interviews.

As a true Zionistic Jew, I am a person who is concerned about the social welfare of our people, and especially as a father, I believe that THE most important and pressing issue in our country is in allowing the construction of "quality housing" at lower prices for young couples.

I also see this as a dismal failure that Israel never adopted a “GI Bill” of rights system for ALL those who have given of themselves to defend the nation!

I have often spoken out many times on the dire need to revive (Amidar) the construction of subsidized rental (larger and quality) apartments especially for young families to make their lives easier and to encourage larger families!!

As we the previous generation are aging, there is a need for the construction of one- and two-bedroom apartments for us and a means for us to sell our larger "homes" or to have a program to eliminate the hassle and exchange them for the smaller housing and to receive a crediting for the difference. 

For years I have been opposed to many of the policies of "King Bibi" and the general policies of the “overly free” market system as perpetuated by the Likud.

Bibi is the perfect example of just what is wrong with our electoral system and of those who remain in power way pass their time.

Though I openly disagree with the Prime Minister on many issues, I will be the first to readily agree with what he stated in his recent speech of the; “strategic imperative” to sever "Hamas’s pipeline for oxygen and rearmament”. 

To all those who are rioting and demonstrating I can readily emphasize with you over your fears for the wellbeing of your loved ones. These latest anti-government protests in Israel, triggered by the murder of the six hostages, are being extensively covered and celebrated by Hamas-affiliated media outlets. The protesters are being referred to by Hamas and its supporters as "Jewish settlers," although they live inside Israel, not in "West Bank" settlements.

But first stop and internalize the cold hard fact and let it be remembered just WHO those barbaric murderous rapists were that abducted your loved ones that bloody Shabbat October 7th! 

As Bassam Tawil recently wrote:

"Hamas, which does not recognize Israel's right to exist, views all Jews living on land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea as "settlers." For Hamas and many Palestinians, there is no difference between a Jew living in Tel Aviv and a Jew living in a settlement in the West Bank: every Jew is a "settler."

Hamas, in addition, does not distinguish between a right-wing and left-wing Jew. Some of the thousands of Israelis murdered, wounded and kidnapped during the October 7, 2023 Hamas-led attack on Israel were known for their advocacy for coexistence with Arabs, providing employment for Palestinian residents of the Gaza Strip, and fostering genuine connections." 

Let us take note as to WHO the Hamas terrorists slaughtered and took hostage on the bloody Shabbat Morning of the Jewish religious holiday of Simchat Torah.

One of the hostages, 83-year-old Oded Lifshitz together with his wife Yocheved, were peace activists who worked for Israeli organization "On the Way to Recovery", which helps aid Palestinian citizens in need of medical care in getting transportation to Israeli hospitals across the border. Before his abduction, he regularly transported Palestinian patients from the Gaza Strip to receive medical treatment in hospitals across Israel.

Vivian Silver, 74, was an Israeli-Canadian peace activist from Kibbutz Be'eri near the border with the Gaza Strip. Silver was a former board member of B'Tselem,,was one of the founders of the "Women Wage Peace" movement that was established in 2014 to pressure the Israeli government to reach a peace agreement with the Palestinians. She was murdered by Hamas terrorists during the barbaric October 7th pogrom.

These repugnantly blood thirsty "Untermenschen" were the product of systematic indoctrination of a extremist fanatical fundamentalist version of Islam as embodied in the Moslem Brotherhood and the extremists of the Iranian regime

As you stand there inconveniencing your neighbors by blocking thoroughfares you blithely fail to remember, that following the 2005 Disengagement, Israel controlled all of Gaza’s borders except the one with Egypt, and it was through that border that Iranian made weapons and material to make explosive laden rockets and ammunition reached Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip.

As Bassam Tawil points out in a recent article; "Let those protesting take note that Hamas official Ghazi Hamas has applauded the Israeli public pressuring their government to allow Hamas to "live to fight another day": to rearm, regroup and continue attacking Israelis"

"It has long been the dream of Hamas and many Palestinians to see the US turn its back on Israel. Hamas leaders are banking on the Biden administration to compel the Israeli government to give in to the terror group's demands...."

As we have all witnessed Bibi has come under immense criticism domestically for "allegedly" blocking a deal with his insistence since July on the continued Israeli control of the Philadelphi Corridor and central Gaza’s Netzarim Corridor, which divides the north of the Strip from its south.

"Hamas is insisting that Israel withdraw from the Philadelphi Corridor along the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt. Israel's presence there obstructs Hamas's efforts to smuggle weapons into the Gaza Strip through cross-border tunnels, as it has been doing for the past two decades." -Bassam Tawil

Regretfully our recent history has shown the abject failure of our "Peace Partner" Egypt to stem the flow of weapons from Sinai to Gaza and their kowtowing to the powerful Bedouin clans and the corrupt Egyptian official who via to profit from the smuggling tunnels. El Sisi is aware of all this and is doing NOTHING to absolve the issue!

Due to the continual utterable failures of the Egyptian government, and the US Government guarantees from the "Camp David Accords", it is imperative that we keep Israeli troops stationed along the 14-kilometer (8.7 miles) "Philadelphia Corridor" along Gaza’s border with Egypt.

From our regretful past experiences, with international intervention of the UN and "Western Powers" as well as with Left-Wing domestic legitimacy we MUST stand fast on our demand to stay. 

It cries out to be remembered that should the IDF withdraw, even for the 42-day first phase of a deal, in an effort to secure the release of numerous living hostages, we would never be able to return.

In light of the recent deaths of the six hostage it has been shown the abject barbaric cruelty of Hamas. To initiate a withdrawal will “not bring back the hostages” but would have the “opposite” effect leaving the "Philadelphi Corridor" will enable Hamas to spirit the hostages to Iran or Yemen, overground, during that 42-day first phase.

I also wholeheartedly agree with Bibi's statement; " in order to prevail in the existential war against Iran and its axis, “we must stand united as one person against a cruel enemy that wants to destroy all of us, all of us without any exceptions.”

Critic must remember that Israel agreed to what President Biden presented on May 31 as well as to the ‘final bridging proposal’ on August 16. The bottom line is Hamas has rejected ALL the proposals

In conclusion, "Even though we are very close to dismantling Hamas,” Israel still has to find an alternative to the terror group’s civilian control over the lives of the residents of the "Gaza Strip.

"Hamas's primary goal is to remain in power and return to the pre-October 7 era, when it built a large terror infrastructure in the Gaza Strip. Hamas knows it will not be able to accomplish its aims without a full Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and an official end of the war."- Bassam Tawil