Tuesday, April 30, 2024

The Palestinian Plan to Eradicate the Zionist State


What is on my mind? The Palestinian Plan to Eradicate the Zionist State

A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.” Mark Twain

As I "tossed and turned" in my attempt to sleep once more. Those two old men held a ever so loud and boisterous lively debate regarding the news reports of the widespread anti-Israel demonstrations throughout the world and especially the scene of the "encampments" on university campuses all over the USA.

For those of us who support Israel, and do voluntary Hasbara, we are witnessing the overwhelming success by the massive global media campaign to vilify and "negate" (read eradicate) the lone -read Zionist- Jewish State.

What stands out in the massive media campaign of "news" and "journalistic reports", of the participants in marches and demonstrations, is the absolute ignorance of so many naïve and duped participants.

What stands out glaringly in interviews of participants, of ALL ages, but specifically in young “Prestigious University student” men and women. Is the extent of utter bamboozlement* and brainwashing of the naive zombies by the ex-Soviet inspired Palestinian dezinformatsiya campaign of vitriolic anti-Zionist / anti-Israel / anti-Semitic hatred.

*"One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled long enough,we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We're no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It's simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we've been taken." Dr Carl Sagan - "The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark" 

These "blank slate" minded individuals are indoctrinated into participating alongside persons who readily identify with members of US Government designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations -FTOs- Hamas, PLO PIJ and Hezbollah in direct violation of the written US laws and regulations.

During the second Intifadawave of suicide bombings and despicable terrorist activities secretly initiated by our "Peace Partner" Yasser Arafat in the year 2000, after the disasterous failure of the offering of the Oslo Accords. I had written an article, an "opinion piece", that in the days before "Social Media" I had emailed out to Jewish groups and newspapers.

In my "opinion piece" I began with four very relevant quotes:

“They lay crafty plans against Your People… they say: ‘come, let us wipe them out as a nation; let the name of Israel be remembered no more’.” -Tehilim 83:3-4 (Psalm 83:3-4)

“Mankind have a great aversion to intellectual labor; but even supposing knowledge to be easily attainable, more people would be content to be ignorant than would take even a little trouble to acquire it.”  Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784), quoted in Boswell's Life of Johnson

“Wipe out the argument that Israel is a small state whose existence is threatened by the Arab states, or the reduction of the Palestinian problem to a question of refugees; instead, present the Palestinian struggle as a struggle for liberation like the others. Wipe out the impression …that in the struggle between the Palestinians and the Zionists, the Zionist is the underdog. Now it is the Arab who is oppressed and victimized in his existence because he is not only facing the Zionists but also world imperialism.” Mohamed Yazid, who had been minister of information in two Algerian wartime governments (1958-1962) 

“Stop talking about annihilating Israel and instead turn your terror war into a struggle for human rights. Then you will have the American people eating out of your hand.”- Võ Nguyên Giáp, a General in the Vietnam People's Army.

The strategy of the "Falestinians" plan is to mark Israel as a "Pariah among nations", an unwanted, "Apartheid, racist, colonist entity" has achieved a remarkable success.

They have inverted much of the world's perception of the Middle East and perverted documented historical fact by transforming the previous world image of tiny Israel from its natural role of "David" against the massive Arab population and lands, to one of "Goliath" against the "stateless," "oppressed," and "occupied" "Palestinians".

The overall purpose of this cynical "Pariah among nations" plan based on the soviet "Active Measures" program, was to have the nations of the world call for the forceful dissolution of the State of Israel by a cancellation or negation of the UNR181 Partition by the nations of the world.-read "those member nations of the UN who voted for Partition"   whom the Palestinians blame and see as responsible for their tragedy!

Their diabolical plan intended to dissolve the “Jewish State” by those “Global Forces” -read UN member states that created the “Zionist Entity”. A sinister Palestinian plan of vengeance for their self-inflicted 1948 Nachba failure to “Drive them (the Jews of the Yishuv-Israel) into the Sea”-as mentioned in their infamous litany;

“From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!”

The true intent of the litany is clearly stated in the charters of Hamas and the PLO, as the forcible removal of ALL “White European Colonizers / Settlers” from ALL of the former Mandated Area of "Palestine" - West of the Jordan River, Gaza the "West Bank and Israel inclusive, by UN / Global forces who will enforce the “transfer” and deportation. 

Furthermore, the "Palestinians"are demanding that England renounce the validity of the"Balfour Declaration"!

This "Palestinian" active measures plan,against the "Zionist Entity", includes the use of Nazi inspired highly anti-Zionistic -Zionist occupation government or (ZOG) conspiracy theories based on The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, or The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion. A Czarist period text that purported a highly antisemitic conspiracy theory claiming that the Jews secretly control the governments of the world in a plot for global world domination.

This theme of “Zionist /Jewish” global domination is repeated over and over again especially by White Aryan racists and Neo Nazis in their comments regarding US Aid to Israel and in false Talmudic quotes.

The Palestinian active measures plan comprises vile and vulgar anti-Israel and anti-Jewish dezinformatsiya accusations based on semi actual facts which are manipulated,edited, distorted and warped to manipulate the minds of the "least intelligent" through deception and intellectually misleading details.

This distortion of truth was embodied in several “accusations of genocide” recently in Gaza which were widely published and covered by “Senior Correspondents” on Mass Media TV news channels and in almost ALL major newspapers -without ANY “due diligence”!

One such incident took place on 17 October 2023, when a devastating explosion took place in the car park of the al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza City. The (Hamas controlled) Gaza Health Ministry reported that a large number of displaced Palestinians seeking shelter there were killed or injured.

The truth was that the PIJ- Palestinian Islamic Jihad fraction had launched a “R160” rocket that “misfired” from the cemetery behind the Al-Mamadani Hospital that landed in the parking area at the Al Ahli hospital in Gaza causing the fiery explosion from its payload of explosives and fuel.

The R160 is the Palestinian Islamic Jihad- a US recognized FTO - name for the Khaibar-1 also known as the Khyber-1, M-302 which is a Syrian-made 302mm unguided artillery rocket. It is a derivative of the Chinese WS-1 rocket. This rocket is slightly larger than a BM-21 Grad.

Surveillance camera footage-with a time mark- from the Israeli village of Netiv Ha’shira showed a large barrage of rockets being launched from northern Gaza, followed by a massive blast in the Gaza Strip in the vicinity of Al Ahli hospital, apparently caused by the aforesaid failed rocket.

Before the incident at Al Ahli hospital, there was a history of Palestinian terrorist groups firing rockets from within the Gaza Strip that fell short of their target, resulting in property damage and casualties.

According to Human Rights Watch, armed Palestinian groups had unlawfully launched thousands of "homemade rockets" with only basic guidance capabilities towards Israel since 7 October 2023. The IDF said that in the 11 days preceding the explosion at the Al-Ahli Hospital, 450 rockets fired by Palestinian militant organizations had apparently "misfired" landing on civilians inside Gaza. 

It was only weeks afterwards on the 15 February 2024 did the world media “recant” the Hamas propaganda by meekly stating; "what happened at al-Ahli remains inconclusive"

This "Negation of Israel Plan", otherwise known as "the 1974 plan" was known by all Arabs as the "plan of stages" for the destruction of Israel. This "plan" was the culmination of an outline delivered by Yasser Arafat in a speech before the General Assembly in November 1974 where Zionism was equated with racism.

"Our resolve to build a new world is fortified-a world free of colonialism, imperialism, neo-colonialism and racism in each of its instances, including Zionism."

'The world is in need of tremendous efforts if its aspirations to peace, freedom, justice, equality and development are to be realized, if its struggle is to be victorious over colonialism, imperialism, neo-colonialism, and racism in all its forms, including Zionism."

"An old-world order is crumbling before our eyes, as imperialism, colonialism, neo-colonialism and racism, the chief form of which is Zionism, ineluctably perish." 

"Zionism is an ideology that is imperialist, colonialist, racist; it is profoundly reactionary and discriminatory; it is united with anti-Semitism." 

What we are witnessing today on our TV screens and in the "Social Media" is the culmination of a KGB inspired operation named as "SIG" ("Zionist Governments") devised to turn the whole Islamic world against Israel and the United States. This sinister plan originated in 1968 but was revised in 1972, according to Vasili Nikitich Mitrokhin a major and senior archivist for First Chief Directorate of the KGB. 

In light of the massive defeat of Arab armies, in the 1956 Sinai and Six Day Wars with their billions in “Soviet made weaponry”, together with the withdrawal and loss of sympathy for communism by Israelis. The leaders of the Soviet Union – read KGB, wanted to "repair the prestige" of "our Arab friends" at the hands of the Israelis. It was General Alexander Sakharovsky, who was head of the First Chief Directorate (foreign intelligence) of the KGB from 1955 until 1970, who directed the KGB to destroy Israel through operation "SIG".

Lt. General Ion Mihai Pacepa, a former three-star general in the Securitate, the secret police of Communist Romania, who defected to the United States in July 1978, relayed how KGB chairman Andropov described to him in detail operation "SIG" ("Zionist Governments") as:

"a billion adversaries could inflict far greater damage on America than could a few millions. We needed to instill a Nazi-style hatred for the Jews throughout the Islamic world, and to turn this weapon of the emotions into a terrorist bloodbath against Israel and its main supporter, the United States.” operation "SIG"

KGB chairman Yuri Andropov did this by helping them organize terrorist operations that would humiliate Israel through the use of the main KGB asset -- Yasser Arafat, who was the co-founder of Fatah. Yuri Andropov described Yasser Arafat to Pacepa as a;

"…devoted Marxist-Leninist since his days in the membership of the General Union of Palestinian Students (GUPS) from 1952 to 1956”. 

This operation "SIG" ("Zionist Governments") campaign of dezinformatsiya became an overwhelming obsession with the Soviets after the utter embarrassing defeat, once again, of Arab armies who had once more been armed with billions of rubles of the "Latest Soviet Arms" in the Yom Kippur war of 1973.

Realizing that through warfare they could not succeed in defeating Israel the KGB set the stage for the infamous Yasser Arafat 1975 -Zionism equals Racism speech where he outlines the method to "Negate Israel". This "Negation of Israel Plan" embodies the Ten Fundamental Principles of the "Art of Dezinformatsiya" created by Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria, chief of the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs (NKVD)

1) The "Big Lie" - Always chose the greater lie at first over the lesser one, so that the masses (the listening or reading audience) can more readily accept it as fact and to make it harder for the real truth to be told.

2) Focus - Use one or two readily "acceptable" or "actual" events as the basis of "truth."

3) Repetition - Always repeat the same line in your retelling of the event to lend further credibility to hide the "lie".

4) Accusation - "Blame" be consistent in your libel of the "scapegoat". Do not leave room for doubt and use the three "D's"; Debase, Defame and Dehumanize."

5) Issues - Critical or Crucial - events or concerns have no "gray areas" leaving no room for doubt regarding what immediate action should be taken.

6) Terminology (Loaded language) - Rhetoric used to influence an audience by using words and phrases with strong connotations associated with them in order to elicit an emotional response and/or exploit stereotypes. Provocative words like: "Genocide" "Apartheid" "Occupation".

7) Emotional triggers - the use of specific phrases or slogans that will induce an intense emotional reaction based on; memories, experiences, or events.

8) Denigrate - vilify, defame, denounce, malign, stigmatize and skewer your "scapegoat" as undesirables.

9) Disregard Facts - Ignore intellectuals and reasonable arguments; target the least-able minded with powerful emotional pitches.

10) Unethical - be disingenuous, unscrupulous, amoral with no limitation -"The end justifies the means." 

Now the truth has been relayed to you and it is up to you to relay the real story to others! 


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